Chapter 3
*Evan's PoV the next afternoon*
With our 4 million dollars we just put it in different bank accounts. We're not dumb we now we would get questioned of we transferred 4 million into one bank account. With all of the accounts together we have almost 154 million.
"Tyler," I yell from my office, "Craig," no answer from ether of them.
I get off of my chair and walk into the living room. Craig is sitting on Tyler lap making out. I stand there and stare for a couple of minutes.
"My god do they have unlimited breath," I whisper under my breath, "guys stop sucking each other's faces I need to talk to you guys," Tyler moaned, Craig jumped off his lap and ran toward the couch.
"What do you need to talk about," Tyler asked.
"One thing what the fuck was that," I ask pointed to the two.
"Ummm," Craig breaths looking at Tyler.
"What did it look like," he asked.
"It looked like you and Tax man were making out," I smile.
"Well you guess is write because that is exactly what were doing," he said with a sly grin.
"How long has this thing been going on," I ask the two.
"Umm few hours," Craig whispers.
"Oh so I see you guys sent moving slow," I smirk.
"Is there a rule that says you have to go slow," Tyler asked titling his head.
"No but can you guys kiss again THAT WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER," I squeal.
"Yeah," Tyler says.
"Tyler n," he cut off Craig when he shoved his lips on his.
"AWWWWW," lui and Brock say as they walk into the apartment, Craig pushes Tyler off of him.
"Great," Craig's moaned.
"It is great," Tyler smiled as he pulled Craig's off the couch into a hug.
"What did we miss," David asked as him and Brian walk in to the apartment with groceries.
"DO IT AGAIN DO IT AGAIN," lui screamed in his squeaker voice. Tyler looked down to Craig who was glaring at him.
"You missed this," Tyler said as he kissed Craig again.
"Alright you need to stop that shit, I can't handle it," I laugh, but felt a ping of loneliness.
"Awwwwww someone needs to get some for sure," Brian laughed. I flip him off.
"I'm going to my room," I storm into my room, I slam the door and face plant on my bed. "I don't need a hocker to make me happy do I," I question myself, "no no I don't but maybe it could lighten my attitude."
"Evan get your ass out here," Marcel yells. I get out of my bed and walk into the living room.
"What do you want," I ask.
"Wanna go for a ride," he asked I sigh and nod.
*Jonathan PoV*
"Dale give me fucken time I can't get 10 grand in a day," i yell.
"I need that money now or we are both dead," he screamed in my face.
"Go ahead kill me now so I don't have to deal with your bitch ass anymore," I scream back.
"Maybe I will kill you I don't need you, you useless homeless nicotine addicted bastard," he screamed.
"At least I'm not fucken addicted to methamphetamine," I yell.
"Your dead," he yelled as he charged me.
"Catch me if you can," I ran off in the direction of my bike, I put on my helmet as he was catching up to me.
"DONT BE A PUSSY FIGHT ME," he screeched. I sped off with him running after me. I turned onto the highway.
"Oh my fucken God I'm the luckiest person alive," I breath as I see a group of crotch rockets in front of me. I weave my way threw the car until I got up to them. There were 7 of them. I pull up by the last one since there were all in rows.
"Can I help you," the male asked.
"Wondering if I can ride with you for a bit trying to hide from someone," I yell over the sounds. One of the guys in front turns around and nods.
"Yeah you can ride with us what's your name I'm lui," he yelled as we stop for traffic.
"I'm delirious," I yell, I never tell anyone my real name until I trust them.
"Cool name but I know that's not your real one," he yelled.
"Yeah I know," I yell back.
"Hey lui we are going to the store," a guy in front of us yelled.
"Ok," he yelled back. We ride all the way to the store. The guy who nodded to lui got off his bike first. He walked up to me with his helmet still on, well everyone had there helmets still on.
"What's your name,"the guy who walked up to me said, he was wedding red and white leather jacket, black jeans, and black shoes, "keep your helmet on."
"Um delirious, and ok why," I ask.
"No reason, you got a weapon of any type," he asked.
"N no," I shutter.
"Hm fine use my knife," I hear gasps in the background.
"Oh ok," we walk into the store with few people in it.
"GET ON THE FUCKEN GROUND," the same man yelled, "NOW."
"Give me the money," another man yelled in a terrorizer voice. I smile a little at the voice that was my dads favorite movie.
"Ok I'm hurrying," the cashier said. The male that demanded money pushed a gun to his head.
"Hey you," lui yelled pointing toward me I nod my head,he walks over to me and whispers, "talk in a different voice," I nod, "oh and kill the hostages."
"Got it," I whisper. I spin the knife the male gave me, I walk up to the first victim I bend down to the woman's neck, "you got any family." She nods, "that makes it better," I smile under my helmet, I place the fancy knife on her neck she whimpers, "any last words." She shakes her head no. "Aw what a shame," I press the knife down on her neck and slowly drag it across. Blood purring out of her neck. I place my hand over her mouth to cover her screams. She chokes on her own blood, I smile as I get off the ground. All of the seven makes staring at me.
The cashier dead, the only victim dead, no cops around. Perfect. I walk past the males.
"You guys coming or are you going to wait until the cold get here," I ask sliding my finger in the bloody knife. They start to walk out to the bike, "I know a place they will never find us."
"You lead with him," lui said as he pointed to the male that gave me the knife.
"Ok," I say I lift my leg over my bike and walk it over next to the males.
"Keep the knife it will represent your first kill," he said.
"Yeah first kill," I laugh my insane laughs.
"You've killed before," he asked.
"Killed yeah I've killed things before," I smile reving up my bike, "let's go mother fuckers it takes a while to get there."
"You lead the way," one of the seven males yelled.
*Time skip to when they arrived*
"We are here," I yell as I come to a stop the guys behind me. I shut off my bike, so does the others. We all take off our helmets.
"So you've killed people before," a man that I didn't here before said.
"News travels fast in this group doesn't it," I laugh they all glare at me, "yeah I've killed slot of people."
"Oh well what's your name," the man who gave me the knife asked.
"I'm delirious," I wave.
"I'm BasicallyIDoWork, or Marcel," a guy said.
"I'm mini Ladd or Craig," the man with the yellow flip flops said.
"I'm wildcat or Tyler," I man in a wildcat shirt said.
"I'm moo snuckle or Brock," said another.
"Terrorizer or Brian," said another.
"I'm noggla or David," he said.
"You now me I'm lui," lui said.
"Hi I'm Vanoss or Evan, and I am the leader of this so called gang," Evan laughed.
"Well this is my old house, I have everything here," I smile walking into the run down house. I walk into my room.
"Whoa who gave you all of this," Tyler asked.
"Umm well you see I was a assassin, the person I worked for gave me all of these," I smile.
"Oh where do you live," noggla asked.
"Behind a store," I sigh.
"Wait are you the drug dealer who works with dale," Evan asked.
"Umm yeah that's me," I say.
"No way your like a kick ass drug dealer," he said.
"Not really I'm homeless, dale gets all of my money, I just got that bike yesterday from a good friend," I sigh as I pull out a cigarette.
"The how The fuck do you pay for those," Brian asked.
"I didn't pay for them a good friend bought me 3 packs," I puff some smoke in his direction.
"Your a real ass you know that," Brian said.
"You gotta learn to be ruthless when your homeless," I puff more smoke to him.
"Hey can I have one," Evan asked.
"Don't you have enough money to get your own," I ask.
"Yeah I have a few packs just not with me," he smiled as I hand him one.
"Anyone else," I wave the box around a bit.
"Nah Evan only smokes," Marcel said. Evan looks up from the lighter and smiles at me. I turn around I put the knife Evan gave me on the wall.
"Hey why did you put the knife up there," Evan said as he blew smoke in my face.
"Well I might use it some other time," I say as I blow smoke back at his face.
"Well aren't you going to stay with us," he asked.
"Evan can we talk outside NOW," Tyler yelled.
"You know your special to Evan we would normally not even talk he most see something special in you," Brock said.
"Hm yeah right," I grab another cigarette out of the carton.
"Do you ever stop smoking," asked Craig.
"Do you ever not suck a dick," I question back.
"I don't know del you might wanna ask Tyler," Evan said as they walk back into the room. Tyler looked like he was about to kill me.
"You know Tyler I think you should be more careful about your facial expressions I can read them well and let's just say I'm skilled in hand to hand and gun combat," I smirk placing the cigarette in my mouth.
"Oh someone I talking down to Tyler well there is a first to everything," David laughed.
"Yo David are you ok man you look like you are in pain," I ask him.
"Oh nothing big just got shot yesterday in a robbery," he held his arm.
"What robbery," i ask looking over at Evan.
"The bank robbery yesterday," Evan said.
"You guys stole the 4 million," I ask shocked.
"Yep," Tyler said.
"Oh my shit," I laugh.
"Yeah and we could get some more of you would join us," Evan smiled.
"What do you mean," I ask.
"Do you want to live in a apartment with us, I'm sure Craig wouldn't mind moving in with Tyler," Evan said Tyler pulled out a pocket knife and opened it.
"Ass hole," he grumbled as he walked up to Evan.
"What are you gunna do about it," Evan teased.
"Since you don't have a knife I guess it a knife vs fist fight," Tyler smiled. I grab the knife Evan gave me and hid it behind my back I walk behind, he must have caught on because his hands were behind his back, I place the knife in his hand and walk over to lui.
"Hm yeah fist vs knife sounds far," Evan smirked at me.
"Alright boys play far, no fatal hits or stabs, once someone falls down its over," lui said, "ready and fight."
Evan pulled out the knife I gave him and Tyler backed away slowly.
"I'm not fighting him when he had that knife no no no," Tyler ran back to Craig.
"Bitch," Evan laughed as he walked up to me.
"Hi," I say as I look up to him.
"Hi, thanks for giving me the knife back there if it wasn't for you I probably would have some major cuts on me," he smiled, I hand him another cigarette and grab the pack of them.
"Welcome, I'm gunna go for a little ride you guys can sleep," I yelled to the rest of them, they all nodded but I felt eyes watch me, I turn around to see Evan following me.
"Can we both go for a ride," he asked.
"Well I was going to go some place that's pretty far away and could take us a few hours," I say to him.
"Yeah that's fine I mean if you want me to come," he shutters.
"Are you coming or not smoker boy," i glance back to him he nods his head quickly and runs over to my bike, "what the fuck are you doing."
"I do not want to ride so I'm ridding with you," he got on the back of the bike and wrapped his arms around me.
"Ugh fine," I moan as I ride down the hill and onto the road.
"You know your a real jack ass," Evan said.
"Yeah I know," I shrug as we stop at a stop light.
"You don't get offended easily do you," he asked.
"What do you think," I say back to him.
"No," he sighed.
"Exactly remember I'm homeless I know not to get offended," I say as we turn into the city.
As I pull into the ally way I stop the bike, "Evan you still got the knife," I ask him he hands me the knife. I walk up to my sleeping stop and of course, cris is there Turing to steal my stuff, "cris just leave," I tell him.
"How did you get these," he asked holding up everything Jake got me the day before.
"My fiend bought them for me, now I suggest you leave my stuff alone, remember what happened to Ben," I say holding the blade behind my back.
"Oh poor Ben you punched him in the throat then threw him in the water," cris said.
"You really are a bitch," I snatch everything away from him.
"What about your teddy bear," cris held out the last good thing my mother gave me.
"Put him down and nobody gets hurt," I calm down.
"Aw now why would I do that," he teased.
"Your dead," I bring the blade out from my back and throw it at cris it gets stabbed into his chest. He drops my bear, I run to bye it before it gets covered in blood. I pull the knife out of his dead body, I slide down the brick wall holding my teddy bear close to me. Silent tears falling from my eyes.
"Delirious," Evan asked. He saw me sitting on the ground, "hey what's wrong."
"I had to kill him," I cry.
"Why," he asked.
"He held my most valuable possession," I hug the bear tighter.
"A bear," he asked.
"Yes a bear I always loved teddy bears the day my family was murdered my mom gave me this," I say.
"Oh," he sighs.
"I had to kill 5 people because they stole him," I sigh standing up walking over to bike, "you coming."
"Yeah let's go."
Holy shit the chapter is HUGE.
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