Chapter 2
*Jonathan PoV*
"I should kill you right now right here," dale said.
"I I'm sorry I'll get your money just please don't hurt me," I beg on the ground.
"You better," he kicked me in the side. I whimper in pain.
"I will just please stop I'll go I'll get your money just please stop," I beg again.
"Fine get your ass up," i scramble to my feet. I run out of the ally running towards the shop I live behind.
"How the fuck did you get yourself into this mess, dealing drugs to stay alive, I don't even get half of the money, dale does, how did I even meet dale," I rub my temples as i lye on old pillows. I slowly fall asleep.
"Jon Jon wake up," jake shakes me.
"Ugh, what do you need me to do now," I ask.
"I don't need anything I wanted to give you some things," I open my eyes jake was standing in front of me, he had 3 water, 3 packs of cigarettes, 2 lighters, some bread, some caned chicken, and some protein bars.
"Oh my god jake why did you do this," I ask him as he places everything down.
"Well I know you are struggling and I would let you live with me but Kristen won't let you live with us," he sighed.
"Why does she hate me anyways," i asks as I light a cigarette. (Fuck logic cigarettes don't harm you in any way in this story).
"I don't know probably because of you're killing problem," he sighed I puff out smoke in his face, "hey what did i do."
"You dated that bitch," I puff more smoke in his face.
"I'm sorry but she is good to me and I love her," he waved his hand in his face to remove the smoke.
"Did you here about the huge bank robbery," jake asked, I almost drop the cigarette out of my mouth and that wouldn't have been good.
"No how big was it," I ask.
"4 million dollars," jake said.
"Holy shit," I say shocked. I hand him a cigarette and lighter, "want one."
"You know she hates me smoking," he sighs.
"Yeah but you love it," I smirk at him.
"Why don't we get you some new cloths," he asked I smile.
"REALLY," I ask, any sort of human pleasure I take as a huge blessing, cloths, and cigarettes are what I need. Food, yeah food is rare for me.
"Yeah come on," he pulled me up off the ground, "man you are so thin when was the last time you actually ate a full meal."
"Um a few months I've been living off scraps and shit like that," I put the cigarettes and lighter in my ripped jeans pocket I've had since I was 16.
"Well fuck your coming over tonight and eating dinner, an actual dinner ok, and here put the sunglasses on you don't want the cops seeing you," he hands me a pair of sky blue sunglasses.
"Thanks man," I put them on and light another cigarette, "where we going."
"To a nice place to get you more the one pair of cloths, and some new shoes," he said as we walk out of the ally, I see dale walking on the other side of the street.
"Dude give me your flannel," I ask.
"Why," he asked.
"The guy I deal drugs for is walking over there," he nods then takes off his shirt, "good thing I have another shirt on."
"Thanks man," I quickly put on the shirt and mess up my hair.
We walk to the store with dale not noticing me. We walk in I feel so out of place. There are suits and ties all over the place. But one thing got my attention.
"Dude I want the blue hoodie," I ask jake.
"Really that, you don't want like a nice shirt, or something," he asked I shake my head no.
"I want this some black jeans and some work boots," I say to him (Deal with the work boots).
"Well I mean if that's what you want," Jake said I nod, "Go get it and the jeans we will get the shoes somewhere else."
We paid for the clothes then rain to another store. We run into the store and instantly find the shoes I want.
"These," I point to a pair.
"Ok try them one and make sure they fit then we are going for a ride," I smile at try a pare on.
*Time Skip*
"What bike," Jake asked me as we walk into his garage.
"That one," I point to the blue crotch rocket.
"MY BABY," he whined.
"You asked what one I wanted to ride," I sass.
"Nah man I have another one that I like more, I've actually been trying to sell it, you want it, it has great gas mileage," he asked I smile.
"Really," I ask.
"Yeah it's all paid off there you go you got a good meal, new clothes, and a new bike," he laughs.
"Yeah let's go," I lift my leg over the bike and put my helmet on.
"We ride together we die together," Jake said I laugh. We pull out of the garage I rev up the engine, so dose Jake.
"Wanna race," I ask he nods. We race all the way to a small air strip, "hahah I win mouther fucker."
"You cheated," he pouted.
"How," I laugh my insane laugh.
"You ran over someone," he yelled.
"Sorry, I didn't mean too," I take off my helmet and look down.
"You could have waited," he said.
"Don't you think I would have if delirious didn't take over," I snap.
"I know you can't control him, I'm sorry for snapping at you," he apologize.
"I'm sorry for my fucken insane side that I can't control," I say back to him. We hug it out.
"Yo give me a smoke," I laugh at what he called them, I hand him a cigarette and I take one too.
"You know your like my brother," I say to him.
"Yeah I'm the older brother taking care of the younger," he laughed.
"Exactly," I smile.
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