Chapter 14
*Evan's PoV*
"He's good I approve," Tyler said. We were standing in the kitchen talking.
"I don't think I need your approval but ok," I laugh.
"You know if it wasn't for Craig threatening him he wouldn't be here," he laughed.
"He what," I tense.
"Relax it was an empty threat it was only to get him to stay," he said.
"Whatever you say," I laugh.
"We are all gay huh never thought that would happen," he laughed.
"Yeah," I sigh.
"You never did tell us why you and Sydney broke up," he said.
"I knew I was gay, she was a distraction," I sigh.
"Then why is she so clingy I see you phone, just block her number," he said.
"Don't you think I've tried that, I've changed my number, blocked her number, everything!" I yell.
"Yeah i know why is she is such a creep," he said.
"Yeah I know, I'm gunna go," I walk out of the kitchen, Jon and lui are talking, Marcel David brock and Brian are talking.
"Damn Jon that's a lot of people do you even feel bad about this," lui asked.
"Not really I don't have any connections to them so no I don't feel bad," Jon said shaking his head.
"What are you guys talking about," I ask wrapping a arm around Jonathan.
"We are talking about how many people Jonny boy here killed," lui said.
"Oh really," i smirk.
"Yeah Jon tell him how many you killed," lui said in his squeaker voice.
"Ummm 564," he laughs awkwardly.
"Damn," I smile, "your my little killer."
"I'm not that little," he pouts.
"Aww it's ok," my grip on him tightens.
"You are such an ass," he said looking up at me.
"Deal with it," I smile and lean down to kiss him.
"Everything you do is super fucken cute and I stand it, so stop," lui said.
"Deal with it," Jon said, i laugh.
"Yeah," I try to mimic jon's voice. He slaps me, "it's not nice to slap people."
"It's not nice to make fun of people," he replied back.
"Would I ever make fun of you sweetie," I smile. He groans and walks away, "don't walk away from me Mister."
"I do what I want," he said back to me.
"That's what you think," I smirk and start to follow him.
"OOOOOOOO," all of the guys say together.
I start to run silently bhind Jon, I pick up speed and tackle him to the floor.
"AHHH GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCK BOY," he yelled, I burst out laughing.
"Rule number one, don't walk away from me," I smirk.
"I won't of you get off of me," he groaned from my weight on his back.
"Fine," i sit on the ground, I grip his waist and sit him on my lap.
"Evvvvvaaaan," he groaned and blushed.
"Joooooon," I mock.
"Let me go," he tried to get out of my grip.
"Jon just give it up your never getting out of his grasp might as well deal with it," Craig said.
He sighed and relaxed in my arms, I smile and put my head on his shoulder.
"Good boy," I whisper.
"I'm not a dog," he sighed.
"Shhhhh," I shut him up and lye down on the ground.
"What the fuck Evan your weird," Tyler said.
"Fuck off and let me cuddle with del," I moan, Jon laughs and twisted his body so his chest is lying on my chest.
"We are leaving," David said, I assume he dragged lui and Marcel away.
"Same," Brian said Probably taking brock with him.
"Craig's let's go," Tyler said.
"Finally," I whisper.
"You're a dick," Jon laughed.
"Wanna cuddle on the couch and watch tv or cuddle in the bed room," I ask him.
"Couch so we can annoy them when they come into the room," he smirked.
"Damn your mean," I said. He got off of me and walked to the couch, I follow after him.
I grab a blanket off the back of the couch. Jon stands up, I wrap the blanket around the both of us. I fall onto the couch with Jon in my arms falling with me.
"Really," he laughed.
"Really," I smile and lean to give him a kiss.
"I'm tired," he said as we broke the kiss.
"Me too," I yawn.
"Let's take a nap we can do something after," he said.
"Good idea," I smile and snuggle into him more, he does the same. I place my head on his neck, he places his head on my head. We both slowly fall asleep on each other's grip.
*Time skip*
I slowly flutter my eyes open. Damn. We most have moved around a lot, Jon is now on top of me with his head on my chest. My arms wrapped around his waist as if someone would take him away if I didn't.
"Your finally awake," a wild Tyler said.
"Shhhh," I whisper, "he is asleep."
"Oh whatever," he sighed I shoot him a death glare, I shift my body a bit more. Jon moans and moves up on my body, he brings my shirt up with him.
"Evan pull your shirt down," Craig laughed.
"Maybe I don't want to," I say back.
"Shut up," Jon moaned and slapped my chest.
"Sorry go back to sleep," I rub his back as he cuddles deeper into my chest.
"You guys make me want to cuddle with Tyler but he doesn't like cuddles," Craig slapped Tyler's arm.
"Hey don't blame me I'm not on for physical contact," Tyler defended himself.
"Fine you don't like physical contact you will get no contact," Craig huffed and walk away from Tyler.
"Craig no come on," Tyler pleaded.
"Nope, I'm going to the room," Craig walked to the room, I chuckled.
"Go cuddle your boyfriend before he isn't your boyfriend," I laugh, his eyes widen as he sprints to his room.
"That was funny," Jon said.
"Yeah I know," I laugh.
"Wanna stay like this for the rest of the day," he asked.
"I don't see why not but can we move a bit my back hurts," I ask he nods, I turn my body so my back is on the back of the couch, Jon in my arms.
"Better?" He asked.
"Much," I smile, we look at each other and smile.
"Your eyes are so beautiful," he sighed happily.
"Your eyes are the most blue eyes I ever seen," I smile.
"I hate my eyes," he sighed.
"Why the are gorgeous," I look into his eyes.
"They look weird," he sighed.
"Who told you that," I ask.
"I told myself this," he looked down.
"No," I grab his chin and bring my lips to his. My lips move with his, I swipe my tongue across his bottom lip, he parted his lips. I stick my tongue in his mouth and explore the new area, my tongue meets his. I tilt my head a bit to deepen the kiss more. The oxygen in my lungs running out, we both pull away at the same time. A string of salvia connected to each of out lips.
"well then," he breathed.
"Ha sorry," I smile.
"Nah I could get used to it," he smiled, I leaned my forehead on his.
"I hope so," I sigh happily.
"Are you guys done i want to watch tv not you two making out," Brian groaned.
"It's my house asshole," I say, Jon glares at me, his cheeks a bit red.
"Evan, no I don't care you have a room for a reason," Brian said.
"Yeah and you have a tv in your room so I don't see the problem here," I say, I sit up bringing Jon with me.
"I don't want to lye in bed all day," he defended.
"Well I bought the couch, so my couch my rules, the rule is that I can kiss him whenever I want to so go suck brock," attitude laced my voice.
"Evan that's not nice," Del laughed at hit my arm.
"You don't see him complaining," I point to Brian who looks like he is in deep thought.
"BROCK COME HERE," he yelled my eyes widen.
"What do need love," brock said as he walked into the room.
"Come here," Brian said brock walked up to, Brian picked him up and walked to their room.
"Ugh I don't want to hear that," I moan and shove my face on the pillow.
"Yeah I don't want to listen to that either," Jon said as he snuggled into me.
"Let's go out somewhere," I get off the couch and walk to my room covering my ears when I pass Brian's room.
When I get to my room, I change my outfit. I put on my red leather jacket, a black shirt, black jeans and red converses.
"Your jacket makes you look hot," Jon said walking into the room.
"Just when I where the jacket," I ask.
"Nah but it looks good on you," he smirked.
"Get ready we are going out to dinner," I smile.
"Where," he asked.
"Somewhere," I reply.
*Time skip*
Jonathan and I were kissing in the kitchen, we were about to leave but when I went to get a drink Jon came up and began to kiss my cheek. I was about to slam him against the wall when the doorbell rang.
"Really," he groaned.
"I'll be back wait for me," I peck his lips and leave the wall I pinned him on.
I walk up to the door and straighten my hair out a bit. Cough cough Jon messed it up cough cough. I open the door reveling. The one and only Sydney.
"Alright what the fuck is the magic, we were talking about you today," I moan.
"Hey cutie what's up," she smiled.
"Jon come here please," I yell for Jon.
"What do you ne.... Ohhh Evan you better," I cut him off.
"No I'm not come here," I reach out my hand for him to grab.
"Who's this little boy," she said.
"The real question is why are you here," I ask.
"I wanted to see you baby," she smiled and hugged me.
"Evan care to explain or should I just pack up and leave again," he snarled at me.
"No no no no no no no," I push her off of me and walk to Jon.
"Are you cheating on me with her I saw you texting a girl today please tell me your not," his eyes teared up.
"No I'm not she's my crazy stalker X," I say.
"Baby come on we can go back to what we had before all of this what do you say," she flirted with me.
"Mine," Del all of a sudden griped my waist with one arm, with the other hand he gripped my neck and brought me into a kiss. I smile and kiss him back forgetting about Sydney.
"Sydney you bitch what the fuck are you doing here," Tyler snarled.
"Tyler baby come give Sydney a kiss," she smiled.
"Sydney leave you aren't welcome," Tyler says while Craig walks into the room without a shirt.
"Even baby come on back I know you miss me," she purred in my ear after del and I pull away from each other.
"Please tell her to leave I just met her and I want to kill her already," del whispered.
"Why don't you go in my room and grab our phones and bring out teddy," I smile to Jon.
"If I find you making out with her I will not hesitate to slit both of your throats," he glared at her.
"It's fine," I say as he was about to walk away.
"Who's he," Sydney asked.
"My boyfriend," I say back.
"Your your boyfriend," she stammered, "I thought we were still together."
"What no why would you think that," I shake my head.
"You are just confused at the moment your just trying to find someone to replace me," she said to me.
"No I'm not confused it's been over since the day I broke up with you ok deal with it," I squint my eyes at her.
"You would never date a guy what happened to my Evan," she said walking closer to me.
"Umm you can back away from him now thanks," del said as he let teddy on the ground.
"Ahhhhh Evan you know I'm allergic to dogs," she screamed at teddy.
"I know," Del walked up to me, I wrap my arm around his waist and bring him to my side
"I thought I made it so no pets live in this apartment," she said.
"Well when I kicked your ass to the curb we changed things up in here and it's never been better," I smirk.
"Do you still kill people," she asked, del huffed.
"What kind question is that of course," I rolled my eyes.
"Hmm ok, you break whatever this is off and come be with me or you guys go to prison for the rest of your lives," she said my eyes widen.
"Del," I whisper as I bend down to his ear, "I'll pretend to leave you and go on the date with her, then come back and... You know."
"Ok be safe please," he whispered back to me.
"You know what, now that I think about I love you and only come here," I fake smile as she jumps into my arms and kisses me, I wanted to gag.
"YAY I love you too Evan," she said after she kissed me.
"Let's go," I smile and grab her hand.
Bye bye Sydney.
So I have another H2OVanoss book out so I mean if you want to go read it the first chapter is out.
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