Chapter 13
*Jonathan's PoV*
It's almost three in the morning and I found myself in front of the apartment complex.
"Shit," I mumble, I drive into the garage.
I turn off the bike, I'm not going inside I'll sleep in one of the cars.
I walk over to the truck Evan and I used two nights ago, I guessed the 6 number passcode.
"I guess that paper was something important after all," I giggle it was the first 3 numbers and the last 3. I lye in the backseat of the truck, I put the driver seat all the down and put my feet on there. (my dad had to do that when he went to a softball tournament to umpire his roommate snored to loud). I smell the air, it smelled like Evan kinda, I smelled oak wood. I start to cry a little, "God I'm so fucken weak," I cry myself to sleep.
"Jon," I was shaken awake.
"Huh," I rub my eyes once they focus I see brain and Brock standing at the open door.
"What are you doing here I thought you left," Brian said.
"I didn't want to I was tired and I found myself here so I slept in the truck," I sit up.
"In Evan's truck there is like 4 other trucks here," he pointed to all the different trucks.
"I knew the password to get it I saw it on Evan's dresser," I sigh.
"You were in Evan's room," they both looked shocked.
"Yeah why," I ask.
"Damn he must really love you," Brock said Brian nodded.
"Please don't tell him I'm hear I forgot something I need to get," I beg.
"Sure you did I don't think he is up yet so get in there quick and get what you need," Brian said as he pulled me out of the truck. I run to the elevator and push the button for their apartment. Once I get up there I see the door cracked a bit. I run up to it and slowly open it. No one is in the living room or kitchen. I run down the hallway to my room, I open it someone is sleeping in the room. I see some raven hair poking out of the covers.
Shit Evan, teddy perks up and starts wagging her tail, she was laying next to Evan. He groaned while he rolled over, I ran into the closet to hide myself.
"Teddy stop," his voice sounded so dead. I start to tear up, it's probably from crying so much. I tiptoe out of the closet, I walk over to the wall where I hung the knife. I grab it off the wall and look at it in my hands, it fit in my hands just like how my hand fit in Evan's hand.
As I put the leather cover on it Evan starts to stir around, I quickly put it in my pocket. I walk up to Evan and place a small kiss on his lips before running out of the room, I ran into Tyler.
"Shhhh," I cover his face with my hand.
"Jon," was all I heard the rest was muffled.
"Promise me you won't yell and I will let go," I whisper he nods.
"Jon why's the fuck are you doing here," he whispered.
"I forgot something so I went to get it I wasn't expecting Evan to be sleeping In the room," I said.
"Your crushing him Jon, he was crying all day long, he cried himself to sleep, Jon he is breaking," he said.
"But it's for the best ok I won't get the shit beaten out of me anymore, and Evan doesn't have to worry about me ok," I say he shakes his head.
"You should have seen him yesterday, his face is pealing from the tears Jon," he said.
"I'm sorry Tyler I have To go before everyone knows I'm here," I say as I try to run away but he grabbed me.
"No you need to stay I know you love him and he loves you just stay and talk it out with him before he goes on a killing spear, and none of us want that," he said.
"Tyler," I beg, Craig walks out, "please let me go."
"Jon," Craig said.
"Fuck Tyler please," I beg.
"Nope stay here," he said.
"Tyler can I um talk to him outside," Craig said Tyler nodded Craig grabbed my arm and dragged me to the balcony.
"Craig," he cut me off.
"No you are staying have you seen him, he's a mess and so are you, your eyes have huge ass bags under them," he griped my arm tighter.
"No I don't want to talk to him," I rip my arm away from him.
"If you dont stay here I might as well kill you because you killed Evan," he snarled.
"Ugh fine," I groan and walk inside. I looked at the clock 6:49. I walk back to the room Evan was in, he was still 'sleeping'. I get in bed next to him, I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me. I slowly fall asleep with him in my arms.
I slowly open my eyes, Evan is still sleeping. I start to push his hair away from his eyes. They a puffy and red, Tyler wasn't lying about his face pealing. I wipe away the tears on his face.
He looked absolutely horrible, I pick up his hand in my. I rub my thumb over his thumb. His eyes open slowly.
"Hi Evan," I smile.
"Jon," he yawned.
"Yeah it's me," I smile. He turns his head so he looking at me, his eyes go from red gloomy brown eyes to red happy eyes. He turns his hole body and hugs me.
"Jon why did you leave," he asked as we hug.
"I I don't know," I state honestly.
"I don't care right now," he shoved his lips on mine. I smile and kiss him back. We pull back for air.
"I'm sorry," I apologize, he shakes his head and brings me into a hug.
"I don't care that your sorry I'm just happy that your here," he buried his head on my neck. I sit up bringing him with me, I place him on my lap I start to rub the back of his neck with my thumb. He starts to tremble in my arms.
"Ev are you ok," I ask softly.
"Yeah I'm fine just happy," he said, hugging me tighter.
"Does everyone know," I ask.
"Yeah I'm sorry," he said.
"I don't care," I pull my head back to look at him.
"Don't ever leave me again," he said.
"I won't I promise," he kissed me again. I smile as he pulled away.
"I'm hungry want to go get breakfast," he asked I nod. I love how his mood went from sad and gloomy to happy and cheerful. We get out of bed, I just leave the cloths I have on now on. Evan went to his room to take a shower and get cleaned up. Teddy followed me to his room, I sit on his bed waiting for him to get out.
I walk around the room I see pictures around the room, there were a few of him wen he was in his teens he was with a girl in all the pictures. It night he said never mind I'll ask him about it when he is out of the shower.
I sit on the ground teddy jumps over to me and we start to play around. She tugged at my sweat shirt sleeve as she jumped from side to side. I was laughing and playing around when I noticed Evan standing by the door wearing a black shirt with some red jeans and a black Jordan's.
"You want to go eat or are you going to stare all day," he smirked.
"Let's go," I said I got off the ground and followed Evan out to the kitchen, teddy following.
"Good morning you two," Brock said.
"Morning," I said as I sit at the table grabbing Evan's phone, "Ev what's your password."
"Oooooooo he's asking for the password," Tyler and Craig laughed.
"0702," he whispered in my ear.
"Thanks," I smile and kiss him.
"Welcome I have nothing to hide from you," he smiled.
"Good or I would have kicked your ass," I laugh and push him away from me.
"You know what we should go get you a phone," Evan said, I smile and nod really fast.
"Yes yes yes yes," I say and run over to the door, "come on let's go."
"Ok hold on let me get my keys," he laughed. The others stared at me.
"Let's go," he walked up to me and grabbed my hand, we walk out the door I run down the hall to the elevator dragging Evan behind me.
"Witch car," he asked as we step into the garage.
"Ummm that one," I point to a black and red Bugatti.
"Nice pick," he smiled we walk over to the car and get in.
*Time Skip*
We walk to the check out with the sliver iPhone 6 plus in my hand.
"Jon you look like a little kid in a candy shop," he laughed at me.
"I'm sorry I've never had anything like this," I smile looking at the phone box in my hand.
"You want a case too," he asked I nod. He walked over to the cases. He picked one up and showed it to me. It was a few shades of blue, I nod my head and he walks over.
"Thank you so much," I smile and hug him.
"No problem, ill help you set it up when we get home ok," he said.
"That's perfect," I smile on his chest.
"Come on we are next," we start to walk up the the cashier.
"How are you guys doing today," said a lady I recognized.
"Paige," I smile as I look at her.
"Jon," she smiled.
"You know her," Evan asked.
"Yeah she is the one who told me to go back to you," I say.
"Oh so this is the lucky guy," she said.
"Yup Evan this is Paige," I introduce them.
"I thought you had a phone," she said as we hand her the stuff.
"Haha yeah about that, the number I gave you was Evan's," I look down.
"You what," Evan asked.
"Nothing don't worry about it," I say.
"Hm fine, but please don't give my number out to anyone else," he said.
"I won't," I promised him.
"Your total is 856.11," she said. Evan handed her the money.
"Come on del let's go," he grabbed the bag from Paige, he grabs my hand and we walk out to the car.
"This is your car," a random person asked, running his hand across it.
"Yes and I would like to keep it clean, so could you get off of it," Evan rolled his eyes.
"Could I take it for a drive," he asked. I look at Evan who is shaking his head.
"What the fuck type of question is that of course you can't take my baby for a ride," he yelled.
"Ev come on let's go home," I whisper.
"Yeah let's go," he said he walked to the drivers side.
"You pissed him off dude," I say to the guy and get in the car.
"What a dumb ass," he sighed.
"Ev," I say he looks over at me, "calm down," I kiss him.
"Thanks Jon," he said as I pull away.
"Come on I want to set up the phone," i smile as we back out of the space.
"Come on come on," I say as we pull into the garage.
"Alright hold on," he laughed. He stopped the car I jump out of the car and run to the elevator.
"Evan hurry up," I jump around. He walked into the elevator with me and pressed the button. As soon as the door opened i ran to the apartment. Evan opened the door I run to the couch and sit down.
"Alright," he picked me up and sat me on his lap.
*Time Skip*
"There you go are you happy now," Evan said as he handed me the phone.
"Wait where is the camera?" I ask he got the camera up, I made sure it was facing us he looked at me.
"Jon are we going to do that thing," he asked.
"What thing," I ask.
"The kiss your boyfriend thing then put it as your background," he smiled.
"Yeah we are doing that," I smile, he leans down and kissed me as I took the picture.
"Are you happy now," he asked.
"Set it as my lock screen and I will be," I smile.
"Fine," he took the phone out of my hand and put the picture as my lock screen.
"THANK YOU SOO MUCH," I hug him.
"Your welcome I would get you anything," he said.
"No you don't have to," I say.
"Maybe I want to," he said.
"But you don't have to," I smile.
"But I want to," he said.
Just imagine 5 wattpaders with completely different personalities living in a house together.
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