Chapter 11
*Jonathan's PoV*
I stumble to the door, I quietly open the door and check if anyone was watching. I run to my room, teddy was wagging her tail as I enter the room.
"Hey girl sorry I wasn't here last night," I whisper as I pick her up and place her on the bed with me.
"GET UP WE ARE ALL GOING FOR A RUN," Evan yelled. I fake yawn.
"Ok be out in a sec," I get off of my bed, teddy barked at me.
"SHUT IT UP," Tyler yelled.
"Why don't you shut up," I yell back at him. Tyler storms into my room.
"What's gives you the right to yell at me," he snarled.
"I don't think you are of any more importance then I am," I growl back him.
"No one fucken loves you, I don't even know why you are here," he shoved me to the ground.
"I don't know I'm hear ether I should just leave its better then seeing your ugly ass face everyday," I scream. Everyone was in the room staring at Tyler and I.
"GOOD and take your stupid mutt with you," he yelled in my face.
"At least she isn't a pussy like you are," I snarl, i hear oo's from the other guys.
"IM THE FUCKEN PUSSY," he screeched.
"Well I don't see any other girls here so yeah," I smirked. He punched me right in the face. I get on my feet, i uppercut him. He stumbles backwards a bit.
"Your going to pay for that," he yelled as he charged me. Evan stepped in front of me.
"Evan get out of the way," I say. Tyler pushed him out of the way then kicked me into the stomach. I cough a little and stumble backwards. Teddy is barking her head off.
"Shhhh it's ok girl I'm fine," I say as I see Tyler walk up to me. She tries to bite his leg, he just throws her off of him. She lands and whimpers in pain.
"Tyler stop this," Craig said. He just blocked it out.
He punched my jaw, I keep my balance. He then punches my stomach the the side of my ribs, I topple over and whimper in pain.
"I'm s- sorry just s- stop," I begged. Why isn't anyone stopping him.
"Why should I, I should just end your life right here no one would miss you," he kicked my ribs again.
"Evan help," I cough out, more then likely he didn't hear me.
"Crying out for help I see," he laughed. I whimper in pain, I need to grow a pair and suck it up and fight him. I stammer to my feet, I muster up all my power and punch him in the face.
I stumble over to the wall for support, Evan runs over to my side. I push him away.
"What," he asked bending down to my eye level.
"You saw me getting the shut beating out of me and you just stood there," I say in disgust.
"If I intervened he would just have beaten you up more trust me it happened to moo that's why none of us helped," he said clearing the unknown tears falling from my eyes. I look over to moo who was nodding his head.
"It's true we just saved your ass by doing nothing," he said.
"Could you all leave," I cough. Evan shoos them.
"Are you ok," he asked walking me to my bed.
"Does it look like I'm fucken ok," I say looking into his eyes.
"Jon im so sorry this happened to you," he hugged me, I flinch in pain.
"You could have gotten him away from me so I could have a fighting chance," I snap as he lets go of me.
"Jon I," I cut him off.
"Yeah yeah your sorry I get it," I roll my eyes.
"What do you want me to do," he throws his hands in the air.
"Maybe stick up for me," I growl.
"Jon what do you want me to do," he looked me right in the eye.
"Nothing I don't want you to do anything ok," I say blankly.
"Do you just want me to leave you alone for the rest of your life," he asked.
"Why not," i shrug. Tears pricked his eyes.
"Bye Jon, and if this is real I want you out of my house," he said and got up.
"It's real Evan and I will be packing up soon," I say he sobbed and slammed my door.
*Evan's PoV*
"It's real Evan and I will packing up soon," he said, I let out a sob and slammed his door.
"Why Jon, why," I sob. I run to Tyler's room, tears streaming down my face, I knock hard on his door, he opens it and stares at me.
"Evan what's wrong," he asked, i throw my body on his and sobbed.
"I love him, I love him Tyler," I sob into his chest. Craig walks up to us and rubs my back.
"Who did you love," Tyler asked.
"I love Jon Tyler I love him and I let you beat him up, now he is leaving," I scream sobbing.
"Shh it's ok," Craig said.
"No it's not he's leaving me for good, it's been like 2 days and he's leaving me," I sob.
"Craig go talk to him," Tyler told Craig.
"I knew something was up with you two," he said.
"Well there isn't anything anymore he is done with me, he is going to leave me behind, I've never been so happy," I cry.
"Yes there is, I'm sorry I beta him up, this is all my fault," he said as we parted the hug.
"No no it's my fault," I say to him.
"Tyler," Craig said, "he's gone."
"What do you mean," Tyler asked.
"He's gone he left, everything he brought he took, except teddy," he said.
He's gone
He's gone
Jonathan Denis is gone.
Well then
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