Liebe - 29
"We choose those we like; with those we love, we have no say in the matter." ~ Mignon Mclaughlin.
"Three ladies all to myself..." Anwar said pretending to think with his right hand on his chin.
"Well two you can't fuck with your cousin can you ?" Mandy said shifting in her sit.
"I can because we are not fully cousins yet." He smirked.
"You are an idiot." I hit him playful on the chest.
"I was kidding for fucksake, i feel sorry for the man that will marry you."
"You always have cleverest things to say huh ?"
"Of cause I do."
"You are really a pain in the ass."
"Is that bitterness speaking, i mean who could hate a face like this." He chuckled.
"Who told you those lies." I replied with quirkiness.
"You guys are something else." Leah commented on the little banter.
Suddenly the partition slid down, revealing the driver. " Mr. Steenkamp the parking is a bit full, i will use the back if that's okay with you ?" He asked in a formal tone.
"Ah man." Anwar said frustrated. "I really wanted to make a late entrance now who will see me if we go through the back."
I laughed, i thought it was something serious but it's this.
"Uhm it's fine." I replied the driver who nodded and closed the partition.
"What's the big deal anyways ?" Mandy asked.
"That's the same thing I'm still trying to figure out hey." I said laughing at Anwar's expression.
"You are looking at the best man so I need to go through the front and pose for the camera's" Anwar replied.
"I can go with you." Leah said quickly.
"Yeah it's fine you guys can walk up front."
"Are you sure ?" He asked a smile forming on his face.
"Perfectly sure." I smiled. I don't know know but my heart sort of warmed up knowing that he actually cared about my opinion or than concern.
"Call me if you need anything too Amanda." He smiled pulling Leah out with him.
"We will be in the same venue Anwar stop treating me like a kid." I giggled.
"This is new to me so I'm not sure how big brothers are suppose to act." He blushed.
"You are doing just great." Amanda whispered "Although you would have been needed a month ago when some Douche----" Leah suddenly interrupted and boy was I glad.
"Anwar we should go." She said with that Anwar left me a concerned look but I assured him I was fine. When the door shut closed is glared at Mandy.
"I'm sorry Nella I couldn't help it." She squirmed.
"I really want to forget about Lukas...and besides Anwar shouldn't know."
"But Lukas stole your viginity and..-"
"It's not like he raped me, trust me I wanted to." I muttered under my breath.
"But his still a douchebag. " she huffed feeling defeated.
"I know." I smiled I loved knowing that people actually cared about me and when they tend to act concerned it just warmed my Heart.
"Ma'am we are here, would you like me to accompany you into the venue, it doesn't look safe around here."
"That would be appreciated. " Mandy replied. We went out of the black tinted limo, i wondered if Anwar had I car because I certainly don't like going around in a limousine it grabs unnecessary attention considering me being a tourist , it puts me more at risk of hijacking or Robbery.
"Don't worry just have fun tonight my friend besides you look hot, backless dresses are definitely your thing." Mandy said tangling my arm with hers.
"Thanks Amanda you always know how to brighten up my mood besides your look hotter with those D'cups" she laughed, showing off her pearly whites.
"I'm serious."
"Well you ain't so bad too."
We both laughed. After walking for what felt like ten minutes we finally got into the venue of cause it was a public venue. Everything spelt out expensive and grandeur, there was a bar and and dinner tables set all around, waiters wobbled around with trays of bitter sweet wine and cocktails. It wasn't my first time attending such functions but this felt different because I didn't know anyone besides Anwar and my best friends well it seemed everyone here was a stranger. Considering we weren't invited, Anwar insisted we came with him so why not.
A male waiter offered Mandy and I cocktails which we gladly took walking towards the decorated sitting tables. My heart skipped a beat when i bumped into someone and almost spilled all over my dress, looking up i saw the very same girl who was in Lukas Hotel.
"Hey watch where you are going..." Mandy gushed out at her. She was dressed in a red dress with a split on the side that showed her thigh. I had to admit she looked pretty which made me a bit insecure. I wondered if Lukas was here of cause deep down I wanted him to be here but then again I didn't. When did my life become so complicated ?
"Ich spreche kein Englisch, hure..." she said in a spiteful tone.
Mandy and I both looked at each other before looking at her, i didn't understand a thing she said except English but I sure as hell felt insulted but I wasn't going to cause a scene.
"Look here you hoë---" Mandy pointed her index finger at her.
"No, Mandy don't people are already staring..." I whispered making her awkwardly lower her hand. The girl smirked deliberately to aggravate us then she walked away...continued making conversations with the other woman that seemed to be hugging her and congratulating her I wondered why...
"She is such a bitch..." Mandy said removing the small decorative umbrella and gulping down her cocktail. I looked around for Anwar and Leah but I couldn't see them anywhere. A man dressed in a smart tux with brown hair approached us, he had a five o'clock shadow and his eyes were dark brown.
"May I have this dance with such a breathtaking lady..." He asked Amanda. I suddenly blushed he obviously wasn't going to ask me like I thought he would silly me.
"Will you be okay ?" Mandy asked.
"Yes I will now run along." I shooed her, giving her an assuring smile.
I watched them both leave they made a cute couple I suppose. I felt alone, everyone was all so digested and concentrated on their conversations. Someone tapped my shoulder making me turn around. There stood my father he looked furious.
"Nella, did Anwar let you come out dressed like this ?" He gestured at my dress I felt the urge to roll my eyes but I couldn't my father hated that what was he doing here anyways.
"Pa ek is nie n' klein meisie nie." I snorted.
"Wat ? Jy is net eighteen." He said in a nonchalant tone which only made me want to laugh.
"What are you doing here ?" I strayed from the main question.
"This event is the talk of the town I had to be here."
"Now that's the first." I looked at his suspiciously.
"Fine." He sighed I always knew when he wasn't being truthful.
"Do you see that man...the one standing near the piano with-"
"Senator Rieger ?" I asked too quickly, well Lukas 's dad.
"Uh-huh..." He said taking a sip from his wine, oh shit wine.
"Pa you are not suppose to be drinking..." I took the glass from him placing it on another waiter's tray.
"It wasn't even that strong..." He chuckled, argh sometimes I even forgot he was my dad well to me he was more like my best friend.
"So back to Senator Rieger ?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Well I'm working on a case, they called me to work a corruption case against him. He has been stealing millions of tax payers money Nella, he is nothing but a corrupt senator good for nothing." My father explained.
Lukas's father.
"Why did you take mainly this case ?" I already knew the answer.
"Is it because it happened to be where I was ?" I quirked a small smile. My father was really something else.
"Well not exactly, Nella. You will always be my klein meisie I couldn't let you be alone half way across the world from me."
I simply giggled, i was glad my father was here...because that way I would feel less homesick.
"Anwar is here." I replied.
"Yes but you weren't even talking to him till I forced you to."
"We are okay now..Anwar is pretty cool like the brother I never had." I muttered.
"Don't worry Nella I didn't want to spoil the surprise but..." He grimaced.
"But ??" I asked curiously.
"As soon as my case is finished and Rieger is locked up. We will visit Netherlands for Christmas so you can meet your family and see where your pa grew up."
I felt bad for Lukas his father would be locked up but I was happy nevertheless I always wanted to see where my father grew up but I felt the urge to ask about my mother.
Not tonight Nella.
My subconscious alerted making me back down from asking instead I changed the subject.
"So you are here to spy on Senator Rieger at his -" I paused when they called for everyone's attention
" Aufmerksamkeit / Attention !!!" Senator Rieger said silencing everyone.
I gulped down my second cocktail, before facing the front.
"Today is a special evening for us all but mostly for our son Lukas Rieger and our soon to be daughter in law Deya Fischers-"
What ? What ? What ? Did I hear right ?
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Translations :
German :
Ich spreche kein Englisch, hure
I don't speak English, bitch / hoe
Afrikaans :
Ek is nie n' klein meisie nie
English :
I'm not a little girl anymore
Afrikaans :
Jy is net eighteen
English :
You are only eighteen
This chapter is long and boring but more hot chapters soon. Antonella 'S POV was needed we can't rely on Lukas's Point of view because there is always two side to a story.✨
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