Liebe - 28
[ Please please play the song up above while reading this chapter it will really put more emotion to it thanks. ]
"Love is like a beautiful flowers which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same." ~ Helen Keller.
This is it, the end of my freedom. After the announcement i will never get laid i huffed looking the person who stared back at me on the mirror. He had dull green-gray eyes, he looked exhausted and a frown drawn on his face. His blonde hair neatly styled, the dress shirt not tucked in, the last two top buttons of the white shirt undone. I stood there for a good ten minutes looking at this reflection, was this me ? Was this really whom i had became ?
"Luke are you ready ?" Marian stepped on my door way neatly dresses in his black tux.
"Uhm yeah, i just---" i didn't know what i was doing myself. I blinked multiple times before raising my head.
"Marian...I'm sorry about the other day." I muttered surprisingly he smiled. "It's all good look, i understand the pressure is getting to you."
"Uhm yeah." I said tucking in my shirt.
"No bow tie ?" He asked alarmingly.
"I feel suffocated as it is what more with a bow tie."
"Don't worry Luke, I'm sure this wont be so bad." He assured me , his hand on my shoulder.
* * *
I had to admit the venue was well organised and very beautiful from the crystal tiled floors to the diamond chandilea. I was all dressed up and ready for the moment this ends. I had already had four glasses of wine and i needed more.
"That's enough Lukas, can you just wait till they announce so you can drink." She mustered a fake smile but her voice was harsh she didn't want people thinking the newly pro-found couple is fighting.
"Fine fine." I composed myself when i saw my father coming towards us dragging a man with him.
"And this my son Lukas Rieger and his fiancée Deya Fischers." My father proudly introduced.
"Nice to me you sir, i don't think we have been introuduced before." I faked a smile as i shook the old man's hand.
"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you son, wow you are in such a hurry to tie the knot huh before someone steals your beauty over there.." The man dryly chuckled and Deya blushed she looked okay i guess, he hair i a highbun with bobby pins and a red dress that showed of ger long legs.
"Indeed that's quite true sir." I curtly replied.
"Oh Lukas and Deya, This is Jan Van Rooyen, the Holder of Kelloggs Import and Export Enterprises." My father said quickly.
"Wow nice to meet you Mr. Van Rooyen." Deya batted her eyebrows.
"Oh please you make me sound so old, call me Jan."
[ Author's Note : Jan in Dutch is actually pronounced Yan. It's not pronounced like January with a 'J' it's Jan - Yan. thanks ]
Hours went by and i became exhausted, where's your bestfriend when you need him, always late. Boring music played, everyone was all dressed elegantly honestly i felt suffocated. I couldn't breathe i needed to go out. The food was served i didn't eat, i wasn't hungry. I paced around back and fourth being introduced to prestigious people by my father while my mother mingled with the women of high class. Deya was beside all night long, it was so easy for her to pretend but for me it wasn't i found it hard. They announced the engagement and Deya and i had to kiss, i did. A toast was made to 'New Beginings' , Deya's father and my father were grinning from ear to ear like they just closed off a business investment
Sitting on bar stool having my sixth wine i felt dizzy but i could always manage my wine. I felt like someone was watching me these last thirty minutes but i let it slide it's probably the wine.
"Hey atleast act happy about the engagement." A familiar voice came to view i turned around and Anwar was sitting beside me.
"I'm happy that's why I'm drinking..." I slurred my words.
"Your father will be pissed if you embarrass him like this Lukinator try sitting up straight." He whispered. "hey man can you serve him a glass of water." Anwar said to the barman who nodded and shortly came with a glass of water.
I turned around and my heart skipped a beat, i think I'm dead and currently in heaven because i saw her, i swear i saw her, i saw her, she was smiling, she looked so beautiful, like an angel well my angel. Antonella...
"Drink up Lukinator." Anwar shutted the beautiful dream in a split second.
I gulped down the water, i felt much better like cold water had been thrown on top of my head.
I turnt back she wasn't there anymore.
Too much alcohol in your system.
"Anwar you know i met a girlllll, she wasss soooo beauuuuutiful." I slurred.
"Hmm really ?" Anwar replied looking around.
"Yess my friend anddd i wannttt tooo go tooo Souuth Afriiiica." I added.
"That's cool, i have been there multiple times it's beautiful."
"Soooo youu cannn goo with mee than ?" I said with a grin.
Anwar simply chuckled and said " You are really wasted my homie."
"Just stay put i have to check on my date..." Anwar instructed me and i nodded like a child. I felt much better the water had made me calmer than before, i wasn't feeling tipsy anymore. I watched Anwar walk up to a lady who was dressed in a black backless dress that hugged her body in all the right places, he has always had good taste. When she turned around laughing i dropped my glass of water, it broke into small pieces just like my heart. It was really Antonella she didn't leave, she is with my best friend. Everyone's eye's were on me then Antonella and i made eye contact, i could see the relief and hurt in her eyes when she saw me, Anwar kept pushing for her to come towards me but she refused and left i watched her friends panick blaming Anwar for probably bringing her here.
Soon after the music continued playing, but my father gave me a warning glare i didn't care, i asked to be excused. This time I'm not losing you Antonella.
I went out of the venue into the hotel lobby and asked for the ladies restroom that's the only place she could be. I slowly opened the door, and i saw her crying silently.
"Antonella..." I whispered.
She looked up her eyes were red with hurt, i hated myself for hurting her like this.
"Just...go out...Lukas don't talk to me." She snirveled, all i wanted to do was hold her tight and comfort her. I walked up to her and stood up straight within a second my left cheek was stinging, i deserved to be slapped by her and more, I immediately became sober.
"Lukas leave me alone, i need to sbe alone right now go to your fiancée."
But i want you.
She had never told me she loved me and at this moment of anger she did feel the same way.
"Antonella i love you more than my own life, what do you do to me ?" I said with a smile and i couldn't hold it anymore, i waled further and backed her next to the tiled wall and crushes my lips onto hers. I missed this, i missed her, she fullfills me, she completes me. She kissed me back her hands racking through my hair, her cheeks still wet from crying. The emotions and issues were just too many and this was our way of resolving them.
At this moment i didn't care, the only person i wanted was Antonella Le Roux.
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So many feels 😿...
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