Liebe - 24
"There is only one happiness in life : to love and be loved." - George Sand.
Antonella's father as Leonardo Dicaprio
I stared at the window as the sun was setting and wondering where we were going. My father didn't want to spoil the surprise, thats why he was on his laptop probably work i thought. Mandy and Leah were also on their phones so i guess the limo was dead silent. I decided to do one thing that has never crossed my mind but it did a few times i just did not entertain it.
Google Lukas.
It immediately led me to his instagram, i knew i was being a creep but nonetheless he would never know *cue for evil laugh*
Apparently he moved on fast, he was at recently at a party. Oh goodness this hurts i immediately felt like writing him a piece of my mind in the DM so i did.
Lukas i hate you piece of shit. You made me feel worthless and unwanted. I dont know why things had to turn out this way, worst of all you left the hotel like the corward you really are. I cant believe i actually believed when you said you loved me. I mean im so naive who falls for someone within a week fuck that i fell inlove with you on the very first day i met you.
Delete. Delete. Delete.
Message deleted.
I couldn't do it. I couldnt send that message there was so much anger, if i would ever talk to him. I would have to be cooled down. The limo came to a halt making me put my phone away.
"Come on girls." My pa summoned for us to follow him. He was dressed in his usual black suit and no tie. His black jet hair in a smart quiff honestly he didn't look like someone who was about to turn 46. I loved my father more than anything or anyone in the world, his heart problems gave me a fright at times. I never want to lose him.
"What a fancy house." Leah whispered in my ear with a hint of excitement.
I nodded while Mandy gigged tangling my arm into hers. My father told is bodyguard to take the rest of the night off, were we going to spend the night here ?
The house was more like a mansion beautiful with a fountain at the front, multiple balconies that it look even more like a castle. I noticed a initials on the door written 'Steenkamp' which was weird because most of my father's family uses the lastname Steenkamp or Le roux.
What ?! Oh shit this better not be where i think it is !!!?!
"Pa, whose house is this ?" I asked sounding unfazed.
"Remember uncle Danny ?" He asked as soon as he rang the doorbell a man dressed in a brown sweater and black dress pants was reviewed... He had a genuine smile across his face. His facial features were exactly like that of my father's ofcause since they are cousins. The last time i saw uncle Danny shit happened... because of their little brat.
I was so excited to meet my Uncle Danny and his wife, pa said they were in Durban for a summer vacation so they decided to pass by Johannesburg before they leave for Netherlands since Durban is in South Africa too.
"Rose, does this floral dress suit me ?" I giddily smiled.
"Oh, Princess you look beautiful stand still so i can fix your hair." Rose kissed my cheek making me sit on the dressing table so she could get me ready for the visitors. My father's family had never came around so i was excited to meet some of his family.
Once i was all done, dresses in a floral dress and my hair in two pony tails, i was good to go. I heard voices downstairs, my heart was jumping up and down with excitement.
"Can i go now ?" I politely asked Rose.
"Yes you may princess." I gave me her side looped smile.
I quickly ran downstairs, the dining room was already set. I saw a tall man with brown hair, he had a pointy nose like my father i wondered why i didnt have one like that beside him was a woman with blonde hair.
"Daniel and Susan this is my daughter Antonella." My dad said proudly.
Daniel suddenly started coughing and my father frowned.
"Aangename kennis !" Susan said pulling me in for a hug, i hugged her back with hesitation.
"Bly te kennel Mej. Susan."
"Oh please Antonella call me Aunt Susan."
I noticed my father and Uncle Danny were arguing in the other room. When they came back Aunt Susan were already sat on the huge table, i had told her about school and things that i liked and she told me how Netherlands was especially Amsterdam but i told her i would rather much visit Germany first before visiting Netherlands she laughed and i giggled too.
When we were all sat on the table, i noticed a boy with black hair and green eyes approach the table he looked round about twelve probably thirteen like me.
"Anwar this is your cousin Antonella !" Uncle Danny said to the boy.
Oh my gosh
Oh my gosh i have a cousin.
"Hello Anwar." I greeted excited i would ve someone to play with.
He frowned and he looked disgusted..."How come i have a cousin whose mixed race, isnt she supposed to be in the kitchen serving us not sitting on our table, huh Dad and Uncle Leo ?"
My heart shuddered because even with my own family i didnt fit in. I realised i was crying so i quickly took off locking myself in my bedroom for two days until they were gone. I felt rejected.
*End of Flashback*
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