Liebe -2
"A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror." - Ken Keyes Jr.
"You know what would be fun? If you could disappear... and like give me space because you're aware that's a thing right ahahah..." I said sarcastically at my practical baby sitter, Marian Schmidt. Who only gave me a death glare before staring back at his phone. If I knew any better, like the old fashion geyser he is. He was probably typing my father a message about my every move.
'Lukas has entered the bathroom.'
'Lukas just left the bathroom.'
'Lukas just—'
'Lukas Lukas—'
"Your father wants you here so you will stay here. He pays me a good amount to be here as well so refrain from being awfully sarcastic." Marian said with a somber look on his face. He looked tired. It must have been tiring, having to look after the senator's problematic son. When was the last time he even received a day off? It was sad but he annoyed me to the point where my pity turned into anger. He always summoned my fathers wishes as always, barking in response to any of my father's wishes. Marian has always been more of a older brother than a babysitter, in other instances... he always looks out for me always because I'm always in trouble and my father needs someone to guard me on a daily basis. Typical. My life is such a bore, I was homeschooled and that's basically the end of my story. I didn't always have this much luxuries of being the senator's son...I actually grew up in Hanover in a normal house not a mansion, where I attended public school not homeschooling, that all changed when my father's political career rose and eventually won the elections as Berlin's senator. Everything changed he became busier and all we did was attend stupid gala's and events dressed in stupid formal clothing and smiling at the camera's like the happy family we aren't. If my father wasn't obsessing over his campaigns and politics he would be obsessing over what I am doing and why am doing that?
My mother was on the other hand, kind and gentle. She never changed due to the fame and money she remained the same. I loved my mother more than anything in this world. I usually went out partying. I was the life of every party. Lately, I couldn't. It would be nice to bring a girl over sometime and have a little fun but since Marian was always buckled up on my back about every decision I make; I couldn't. If I wasn't embarrassing my father on National Television, I enjoyed the luxury of travelling to Poland or Belgium and so on because I can and as far as I am from my father, the better.
Deciding to get out of the suite for a little bit while Marian is destructed. I really needed a smoke or just to get out have a walk even if it's in the hallway. I saw a group of girls squealing over the hotel interior, how pathetic! Poor people, I could always spot them from afar. They overreacted about everything. I presume I would be excited too if I was of lower class. Poor people, were overly exaggerative. They always counted their bill, the exact amount. They actually budgeted their money. Although there was a third girl she didn't seem amazed or anything of that sort, I couldn't see her face only her back, yes her beautiful petite behind but I could tell she was beautiful along with them was a man in a T-shirt and blue jeans carrying their luggage, he must be family or something. His muscles were enormous threatening to rip his T-shirt open.
"Lukas, what do you think you are doing?" Marian shoved me back into my suite, shutting the door almost immediately.
"Were you planning to run away like three days ago?" He folded his arms in a serious tone... I simply shrugged and slumped myself on the leather couch.
"I didn't run away, I simply went out... you know like a normal Twenty year olds who don't spend their days locked up in hotels with annoying snitches... under their father's paycheck." I said in a nonchalant bored tone.
"Stop being childish and get dressed, your father has requested your presence at the gala tonight where you will meet your future wife."
"My wife.." I chuckled.
" Get dressed Lukas and stop being difficult." Marian sighed. "Before I—"
"Send your father a message? Yes, I know Marian. That's a special skill of yours." I muttered going into the en-suite bedroom finding the black tuxedo already set on the bed. I shrugged already feeling tired before anything had even began.
Arriving there dressed in my tux, of course... I always look good which is why I needed to take a selfie for my 500k Instagram admirers. Everything at this gala was such a bore faking smiles with the millionaire Douchebags and their gorgeous wives. "This is my son Lukas Hartmann." My father introduced. "And Lukas, this is a great friend and business partner of mine Ken Fischer and his wife Amelia Fischer."
I faked a smiled and greeted them in the most formal way possible.
"There's our daughter Deya Fischer." Ken smiled proudly as his daughter came to hug me.
"Oh, Mr Fischer she is such a beauty." I lied and my father seemed pleased with my attitude at the moment.
"We will just leave you two to get to know each other." My father said leaving Cake faced Deya and I as he entertained other guests.
"You look rather ravishing." I lied and she giddily smiled.
"Cut the crap Lukas I know you don't like me that's okay, I don't like you either but we are getting married so let's deal with it." She snubbed, I was caught off guard but okay. Definitely glad we were on the same page and did not have to act out anything.
"Shocking." I took my red wine in one go.
"What's shocking?" She said we both faked laughter when we saw our parents smiling at us happily that we are getting along. "That you actually think I will marry you." I chucked.
"Of course you will..." she laughed in disbelief.
"You mean I will leave you at the alter." I laughed hysterically at the thought.
"You wouldn't." She warned.
"I'm Lukas Hartmann, I have done far worse than leave a poor girl at the alter. Why do you think they would be pushing me into marrying anyways? If I were you I wouldn't dress up for a wedding that won't be happening, Sweetie." I replied with a solemn face, giving her a wink... I walked away buttoning my blazer leaving her stupefied.
When you see words in italics it means they are speaking in German. That will usually happen in Lukas's POV's.
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