Liebe - 16
"You know you are inlove when you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes in the world." ~ David Levesque
That feeling. When you feel happy and you don't know why ? When you feel like everything is falling into place. When a queer feeling of excitement pry its way to your void.
"This place is beautiful." I said walking beside the Berlin Wall, a huge grin tugged on my face.
"Yeah but I don't get it. Its just a wall with graffiti." Leah shrugged.
"Yeah right." Mandy added.
"What ?!? No guys do you know how many people suffered because of this wall ! How many lives were destroyed trying to cross to the other side ? You have no idea how for years I have wanted to see this place and all you can say is its just a wall with graffiti. History is simply the most remarkable thing that should be placed on a golden throne. How do you know your future if you don't know the past,--" I said using my hands to explain. Whenever I talked about history every fibre in me just pumped up my adrenaline, its something I'm passionate about.
"Nella, we get it History is important." Mandy squirmed.
"Yeah we get it." Leah supplicated. I relinquished my debate on trying to make them fall in love with History, honestly its hopeless so I just enjoyed the peacefulness of this place.
I thought about my life, was it going in the right track ? Is this the direction I want to surpass ? Lukas Rieger .... Do I ever want to go back to South Africa ? My mother ... Is it time I asked my father about it ? How do I know my future if I don't even know my back ground or my mother's background. I always knew my father was from Netherlands but I had never met his family... It has always been the two of us and Rose then it got me thinking was I even his daughter maybe I was adopted... Yes that explains why I'm mixed race. I stumbled upon a flyer written mostly in German but I was able to read the names which said Senator Rieger would be hosting a gala in a couple of weeks. Lukas Dad.
"We should definitely attend that, it will be fun dressing up...meeting some German elites." Leah surmised.
"Its only for invited guests." I slightly squawked.
"Boyfriend will get us in." Mandy shrugged she was eating some German takeaways she bought on the never ending Berlin wall.
"His not my boyfriend." I shrugged blushing a bit.
"Shit shit shit. Nella you need to go get ready for your date with Lukas, fuck we need to ditch George so just say you forgot something.. " Mandy panicked.
"I totally forgot." Leah supervened.
"Guys what are you on about ? Lukas, a date, he never asked me." I said befuddled.
"He asked us silly." Leah smirked.
"Since George over there has been on your back all the time." Mandy coughed when we saw George making his way towards us.
"Everything okay girls ?" George asked suddenly Leah pushed me forward, I stumbled a bit before I found my balance.
"Uhm-er-i not feeling well." I stuttered, George looked st me suspiciously making me even more intimidated.
"Do you wish to see a doctor ?" He panicked searching for his phone, Leah and Mandy both gave me that weird look.
"No George, I just need to go back to the hotel and rest." I faked a sigh.
"I will go with you." George summoned.
"No no George you can call the limo for Nella, we still need you to accompany Mandy and I to ...uhm" Leah fraternised.
"Shopping." Mandy finished Leah's sentence.
"Yea, we still need to shop so please come with us."
George thought for a moment before turning to me.
"Is it okay with you Antonella ?"
"Uhm yea its fine, please just call the limo." I faked a crux earning giggles from my two cunning friends.
In about an hour I was back at the Ritz Carlton hotel, relieved and nervous is exactly how I was feeling. Did Lukas really ask my best friends to help me ditch my body guard. I missed him, it had been only a day and a half since our make our session.
I added a bit if lip gloss and touch ups since my outfit was still okay... Skinny jeans and a feathery sweater.
My heart was frantically beating when I heard the door. I wheedled my way there, rubbing my hands on the sides of my jeans feeling a bit uneasy rather nervous. He isn't in front of me and I already feel like this.
"Antonella." My heart dropped, the way he said my name made me think about the kiss we shared.
"Lukas hey." I blushed my cheeks must be crimson red by now.
"Are you alone ?" He asked s sense of mischievousness behind it.
"Yes, why ?" I asked.
"I want you all to myself." He's warm breath fanned my face, making knot in my stomach knit with anticipation.
"Want to come in ?" I asked hr simply smiled taking his hand through his slight blonde hair.
"How about we hang out at my suite tonight ?"
"Perfect , let me get my phone." I couldn't stop smiling because I knew there a slight chance of me losing something tonight. I grabbed my iPhone 7, one of my father's many gifts in hope of making me happy.
"Ready ?" He smirked holding my hand filling it with his warmth.
"Wait is the Marian guy around ?"
He squeezed my hand then locked his gray - greenish eyes with my hazel brown eyes.
"It's only you and I." He smiled before whispering "tonight."
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Where's her mother for crying out loud ?
Excited for the next Chapter ?
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