Double Birth
(August 13th 1999) Hermione's POV
I'm due in a week and half, Angelina nearly three weeks until her due date. Grim had his first birthday. He had so much fun. Little Bill and Victoire are growing well. We celebrated Teddy's first birthday. I got my results from my NEWTs. I was surprised I got an Outstanding on everything, but everyone else wasn't. Kingsley says there's a job waiting for me at the Ministry once my baby is six months old. George wanted to frame my results, but I told him no.
Anyway Madame Pomfrey put me on bed rest. I hate it. There's so much I want to clean before the baby comes. And George won't let me do any of it, even with magic. He's taken time off work to be with me and help. But has spent more time inviting new products with Fred. While Angelina keeps me company with Grim.
"Honestly I love him, but this is ridiculous" I tell Angelina.
"I get it, I'd kill Fred if he tried to put me on bed rest" she states.
"At least George brings me a new book to read everyday, gives me massages. There are up sides, I just feel a little useless sometimes" I tell her.
"Well do you want to hear something amusing?" she asks me.
"Of course" I tell her with a smile.
"Well you know how Fred and I are having a girl?" she asks me and I nod my head. "Well Fred still wants to name her after George, so we've decided to call her Georgia" she states. I giggle. "That way we're killing two birds with one stone. Naming a baby after George and my dad's side of the family is from Georgia" she explains.
"Smart" I tell her and she smiles. "So you don't have to name your first born son after George now?" I ask her.
"Yes, we can name him John like I want when we have him in future" she states with a smile.
"You know George tried to get me to choose the name Frederica for girl the night of the ball. I told him hell no, we already had a name picked out for a daughter" I tell her. She giggles. "Think you can help me up?" I ask her.
"You're on bed rest" she reminds me.
"I need the loo" I tell her and she gets to her feet. Offering me her hands and helps me up. When I feel liquid running down my leg and curse. We look down and suddenly Angelina wets herself also. "Did our waters just break?" I ask her.
"I think so" she tells me.
"Fred/George!" we shout and we hear a crush downstairs. Then running footsteps. The men appear in the door way. "Our waters broke" we tell them. They look at each other shocked.
"I'll get the bags and start the car, you get them downstairs" George tells Fred. Who nods and George left. Fred rushes over to us and helps us to the door after I cleaned up the mess. We're soon in the car on the way to Saint Mungo's.
"We so should of taken that bet with Bill and Charlie. We could of been twenty galleons richer" Fred states.
"I know, but I promised Hermione I wouldn't bet on our baby anymore" George tells him.
"What bet?" Angelina and I ask.
"Whether or not you both would go into labor together or not" Fred states.
"We said you would, but Bill and Charlie said you wouldn't" George explains.
"Should of taken the bet, could of used the money to make an account for our baby" I tell him.
"Really?" he asks me. I nod my head and he smiles at Fred.
"You took the bet didn't you?" I ask him.
"It was to good to pass up" he says sheepishly.
"We should tell our families" Angelina states.
"I'll call my mum, Fred please send a patronus to the rest of the family" I tell him. He nods his head as George focuses on driving. I take out my mobile phone and call mum's home number.
"Hello" she says when she answers.
"Guess who decided to come early?" I ask her.
"You're in labor?!" she asks me.
"Not just me, Angelina too" I tell her.
"You're going to the magical hospital right?" she asks me.
"Yes, but we'll visit in a day or so with our baby" I assure her.
"We look forward to it" she tells me. "Please call when you can" she states. I agree to and hang up as we reached the hospital.
(Time skip)
Hours later Fred Hugo Granger - Weasley and Georgia Angelina Johnson - Weasley are born. Both perfectly healthy and born only minutes apart. Little Georgia arrived first. Which Fred teased George about. George wasn't overjoyed about Georgia being named after him. But loved the humor of it. He especially loves being named her godfather. We named Fred godfather of our little boy. Who we'll call Freddie so as not to confuse him and his uncle.
Our families have meet both babies. Freddie had his second feed. And I am finally allowed to sleep. We'd be released tomorrow. George and I will take little Freddie to meet my parents. Before taking him home. While Fred and Angelina would take Georgia home in a cab.
"Thank you Hermione" George says as he holds our son.
"Thank you George, he's perfect" I tell him.
"Sure is" he agrees. "Future beater" he adds.
"He can be whatever he wants to be, no pressuring him George" I tell him.
"I won't" he assures me as he puts our sleeping son down. "When can we try for Rose?" he asks me.
"In a few months" I tell him. "Besides I want to focus on our son" I state. He agrees joining me in my bed. "I don't think this is allowed" I tell him.
"Shush, sleep" he tells me. I just smile snuggling into him. Besides Fred and Angelina are asleep in the bed opposite us. Their daughter asleep in her coot. George and I soon fall asleep.
Picture above of the babies.
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