Chapter 1: Who are you? Where am I?
~Sora's POV~
I slowly opened my eyes, confused of where I was. The room I occupied was decorated with a wooden table to the left of me, a matching chair with the table, a bed with yellow sheets to the right of me, and a small kitchen directly in front of me. The kitchen tiles were white with little butter yellow dots. Next to the kitchen was a wooden door that looks like it's seen better days.
A short, petite girl, with shoulder length light blue hair, ran up to me. She wore a dark blue bikini, cork sandals with turquoise straps, and a baby blue sun hat. Her ocean blue eyes glistened in the sun that shines through a nearby window.
She knelt down in front of me, her paperwhite hand was placed upon my head. She spoke euphorically, as if she was a kid who just got a puppy for Christmas, "Sora, you're finally awake!". She turned her head, "Kaen, Iwa, Denki, get in here! Sora's awake!"
I sat there still puzzled. Is my name Sora? I thought to myself.
As I sat there, staring off into space, a spiky red headed boy stormed in. He wore a black tank top, baggy black pants, and a pair of red sneakers with white soles. His amber eyes were full of hate.
He stopped only a few feet away. "Hey dumbass, you finally back to reality!?", he shouted.
"Lay off, Kaen! She just woke up for Christ sake!", said a boy, with caesar cut black hair, who just came through the door. He wore a camo tank top, a pair of camo pants, and camo hiking boots. His jade eyes stared through Kaen's nonexistent soul.
"You wanna go, Iwa!? 'Cause I'm warning you, I won't hold back this time!", yelled Kaen at Iwa.
Iwa sighed. "Fine." Iwa dashed at Kaen, reaching for his neck. Kaen dodge, grabbed Iwa's arm, and slammed him down on the hardwood floor. Kaen then proceeded to get on his back, while bringing his right hand to Iwa's head. Sparks flew from Kaen's hand as fire accumulated from his palm.
Suddenly, sharp, jagged rocks abrupted from the hardwood floor near Iwa's left hand, making Kaen jump off of him.
Kaen growled like a wolf, "You bastard!" while charging at Iwa. Iwa sighed, reciprocating Kaen's charge with his own.
A man, with blonde hair with a black lightning bolt on the left side of his head, shocked the two. He wore a black T-shirt with a yellow lightning bolt in the center, black pants with bright yellow seams, and yellow sneakers with black soles. He closed his golden eyes, face palming, while saying, "How many times do I have to tell you two to stop fighting!?"
As the two boys came down from the shock of electricity, Iwa was the first to speak. "What the hell, Denki!? Why'd you go and shock us!? Kaen and I were gonna finish this brawl once and for all! "
Kaen joined in, "Yeah man! Let us settle this like men!". The two charge at each other again. Denki, once again, shocked the two at a higher voltage. They instantly fell to the floor.
Denki leaned down, "Next time I catch you two fighting, I'll shock you with a voltage so high, you'll be out for a month."
Denki sighed, then turned to face me. I scooted back in fear he would attack me, until my back hit the wall. He slowly walked toward me, while calmly saying, "Hey Sora. Glad to see you're awake. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. None of us are." I sighed in relief. "Sorry you had to witness the two dumbasses fight. Speaking of the two, give me a minute and I'll walk you back home."
"Ok", I replied.
As I sat there on the floor, Denki went up to the two boys on the floor. He grabbed them by the ear and said, "Go home, you two!"
Kaen and Iwa got up on their feet, nodded quickly to Denki, and ran out the door.
"Now then," Denki said as he turned to face me, "you ready to go?"
I nodded slowly while I reached out my right hand. "Great!" Denki replied. He grabbed my hand and hoisted me up, "Seriously, don't be afraid of me. I'm not gonna hurt you. It's just that those two are just a pain."
I sighed, "Ok."
"I'll walk with you two," Nagisa squealed.
"Sure, Nagisa," Shiro retorted as he held the door for the two of us.
Outside of the wooden shack was a beautiful, tropical paradise. The aroma of the beautiful flowers overwhelmed me with joy.
I notice one of the taller jungle trees had a long rope ladder leading all the way up to this incredible looking treehouse. It looked like a mansion in the sky.
Denki noticed my excitement. With a smirk, he said, "It's like you've never seen your house before."
As soon as I heard that, my jaw dropped. "That's my house!?"
"Well, you are an air elemental, so yes," Denki replied.
Nagisa chipped in, "And my house is on the beach!", she points to the direction of the beach. I could see a bridge leading to a beach hut in the water.
I turned back to face her bright smile with my own confused look. She lightly punched my shoulder, "I'm a water elemental, silly!"
I lightly laughed, "Well, I'm gonna go home. See you latter, Denki! See you latter, bestie!" And with that, Nagisa ran home kicking sand up with her sandals.
I turned back to Denki. He gave me a half smile. "I'm heading to my house. Good night, Sora." He started to turn away.
"Hey," I said, making him stop in his tracks, "I have a few questions. Where am I? Who are you people? What's going on?"
Denki sighed. He turned around sharply. "Your on an isolated island that no one knows about. I'm Denki, a electric elemental. The boy with amber eyes is Kaen, a fire elemental. The girl with sea blue eyes is Nagisa, a water elemental. The boy with jade green eyes is Iwa, a earth elemental. And for your last question, the world has shunned out us people who can control elements. If even one of us is found out, we will be executed on the spot. There's a reason I brought you four here to this island. To train you all to your highest potential and keep you safe. You all control the elements that make our world our world. Training for you, Sora, starts at 10am tomorrow. Meet me at my house at exactly 10am. No more. No less. My house is the wooden shack you woke up in. Breakfast is at 8am. Ends at 9am. I recommend you wake up at 7am. You should have enough time to shower and change. See you at 10am, sharp."
And with that, he started to walk off to his house.
"Night," I said, which he replied with by putting up his hand. I put my head down and sighed.
I turned to the right to face the ladder to my supposive house. I slowly started to climb the ladder, but I eventually got the hang of it and climbed faster.
As I approached the top, I noticed there was a wooden trapped door with a rope handle. I pushed it open with my right hand and continued climbing up.
When I peeked my head in, my jaw dropped. I saw a pastel blue couch, a white rug, a wooden coffee table, a bookshelf with an assortment of books, and a window looking out over the ocean with candles on the window sill.
I crawled out from the entrance of my supposive house and walked to the window.
Out the window, I saw a wooden bridge that started from the beach that lead to a wooden shack in the ocean. "That must be where Nagisa lives," I said to myself.
I turned around to see a light blue and light grey wooden dresser and a white bed white a metal frame. A long mirror was against the wall.
A sudden wave of tiredness rushed over me. I sluggishly walked over to the dresser, opened one of the drawers, and pulled out a pair of light grey pajamas.
I quickly changed and got into the surprisingly warm and comfortable bed sheets. I slowly drifted off to the beautiful world of slumber.
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