Chapter 5- The Blackout
It's been 2 days since the incident in Bio. I haven't seen Harper anywhere, thank God. I've just been hanging out with Rose, Molly, and Abigail. We've been going to LJ for breakfast. It's my favorite dining hall so far. We also have EJ, but it isn't the best for breakfast. It's got a buffet every night for dinner though. It's also a 2 minute walk from our dorm, South Hall. So, it's convenient.
On Tuesday I went to Intro to Theater and Intro to Anthropology. My theater professor is hilarious. I used to act before I began being homeschooled so this brings back some bittersweet memories. My anthropology professor seems cool, but I'm not interested in the material.
Today, I had my second bio class. Nothing interesting happened. I sat with Molly and Abigail and we answered Professor Hopper's questions on Kahoot. The material absolutely sucks, but I love playing Kahoot.
I'm done with Bio and I go to my History of Education class. Dr. Langer seems nice but kind of speaks in a monotone voice. He begins to go over the key assignment for the semester when the electricity goes out. He keeps going like nothing happened. We can still see because of the brightness from the windows, but it's weird that he's acting like this is normal. I really hope it's not.
Finally, I'm done for the day. I'm lucky to only have 2 classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I walk back to my dorm, South, and it's hot in here. The A.C. isn't working in any buildings including the dining halls so now we have nothing to eat. I decide to call the local pizzeria hoping their electricity is working. It's not. The whole town of Geneseo has lost electricity.
Great. No food and no A.C.
But I have an idea. I grab the game I stole from my brother and shout down the hallway, "Whoever wants to play Cards Against Humanity, come to the lounge next to 420!"
Rose, Molly, and Abigail look embarrassed because I just yelled. But, it would be boring if just the 4 of us played.
People heard me and the room went from having the 4 of us to 9 of us. The 5 new players were all guys.
I say to everyone, "Hey! I'm Genevieve. You can call me Genny!" All of my friends introduce themselves in super shy voices.
Then, one of the guys speaks. "Hey! I'm Greg," and another says, "I'm Cade," then "I'm Jeff", "I'm Drew." And right when we thought introductions were over, another guy comes in and clears his throat. He clearly wasn't with the group of guys that just entered. He says, "Hey. Is this where Cards Against Humanity is?" And everyone in this group is apparently awkward and stays silent so I say, "Yep. You're in the right place. We're about to start. What's your name?"
Before he can even sit down and answer, I hear another voice shouting someone's name, "Ryan!"The new guy turns around and next to him appears mini-dick, also known as Josh.
I guess his name is Ryan. Before, he can even reply, Josh continues, "Dude. I'm locked out of our room."
"So, Ryan, you must have won the lottery to have him as a roommate," I say. Rose and I laugh. Ryan looks a little confused but then says, "Ah. I guess you two have met."
Josh says, "She's the girl that calls me mini-dick."
My jaw drops.
What did he just say?
Did he say the words "mini dick"?
I'm sitting there frozen and in shock that he knows the nickname that only Rose and I knew!
Josh starts walking towards my chair. I'm still frozen. My mouth must still be wide open because he gets so close he pushes up on my chin and shuts it for me.
"Wh.. where did you hear that?" I finally say.
"I overheard you say it when you were talking about me," he says.
"How could you have overheard that? That was said in our room, in private, with the door shut," I say.
"Yeah, but you were on the phone in the lounge talking. The walls are thin, Genny. I heard you say 'We call my neighbor mini dick.' I was surprised, but it's hilarious. And completely false. I can prove it if you want."
Everyone in the room starts shouting "No!" especially me.
"No one wants to see mini dick's mini dick," I say in a voice of disgust.
Everyone laughs and Ryan says he'll be right back. He's just going to unlock the door quickly for Josh. But, before Josh follows Ryan out of the lounge, he's still really close to me.
And he whispers something to me.
"One day, you'll find out it's not so mini, Genevieve."
Did he just say what I think he said?! And did he call me Genevieve? No one calls me Genevieve except my parents when they're mad at me.
I don't even have the chance to respond to the whisper that only I heard. I wanted to yell at him or laugh at him and tell him, "Yeah, right." But, he left so quickly, I didn't get the chance.
I shake my head and Rose gives me a concerned look and nods at my phone. I get a text from her. "Is everything okay?"
I nod my head and mouth the words "thank you" to her. She's already such a great friend.
Ryan comes back without Josh and sits next to me. We all play until the electricity comes back on. Then we all get pizza. Ryan lets me cut him in line and then brings everyone napkins. He's such a gentleman. I didn't really look at Ryan until we were all sitting down and he was across from me. He's cute, with brown hair and hazel eyes and glasses that suit his face well.
He notices me and wipes his face and asks, "Do I have something on my face?"
Wow, Genny, you keep getting caught looking at attractive guys. Get your shit together and look from a distance like normal people! Or look for a few seconds; don't just think and stare! Apparently, that never works out for you. Like right now. Answer him!
It's been a few seconds since he asked and if I wasn't yelling at myself in my head, I would have answered already.
"Oh, yeah, sorry. You have sauce on your chin!" I say. He didn't. He wiped his chin and I nod and say "You got it!" He smiles and thanks me for letting him know.
We finish eating and walk towards the exit of the pizzeria. I turn around for a split second to thank the people who work there and when I turn back around, the door opens and hits me right in the face.
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