Chapter 4- First Day of Class
It's the first day of classes.
After embarrassing myself on move-in day and making an enemy out of a Zac Efron look-alike at the class photo, I do not feel prepared.
Today is the first day in a long time that I'll be in an actual classroom. I'm excited to have people to sit next to and learn with. I'm looking forward to having study groups and I'm also looking forward to meeting professors. I had professional teachers come to my house, but they were so chill. They literally helped me with everything. I was babied, which is understandable because of everything that happened leading up to me being homeschooled.
But, that's not important now. What's important is finding my classes and being on time and hopefully befriending whoever sits next to me. This campus isn't big, but I am terrible with directions and can never find my way around anywhere. To find Nobel Lecture Hall, I decide to ask a greeter who is apparently supposed to direct lost freshmen like me to buildings.
They show me it's the biggest building across from the library. I find room 202 and look in to see hundreds of seats. This is a classroom?! This is huge. I can't believe this. I am barely prepared to be surrounded by 20 peers, let alone 200!
I decide to sit in the second row since I'm short and have trouble hearing sometimes. I sit in the middle next to a redhead girl with freckles who has a smiley face tattooed on her index finger. I decide to take a chance and talk to her. She was looking down at her notebook writing something down when I interrupt her. "Hi. I love your tattoo! It's really cute."
Immediately, she looks up from her notebook and smiles. Oh, thank goodness. She's smiling; she must be nice!
"Hi. Thanks. Yeah, sorry, that seat is taken." She says to me with so much annoyance in her tone.
I respond with a quiet, "What?" She says, "Ohh. So you're not only vertically challenged, you're developmentally challenged too! Get it through your tiny brain, you can't sit here!"
I stand up and everyone around us is watching. I'm prepared to be bitch slapped for what I'm going to say next.
"Ohh. I'm so sorry. I didn't realize only soulless bitches could sit in this section."
As I get up to move my stuff I say, "Oh and don't worry about me finding a seat. Worry about your eyebrows."
A few people around us start laughing and she gives them death stares and then gets a compact mirror out of her purse to look at her brows. Walking away, I hear her freaking out to the girl sitting on the other side of her. "Are they uneven?! Tell me!" she yells to her friend, but then stops when my seat gets taken.
By none other than Josh.
Of course, he knows the spawn of Satan whose real name I don't know. But honestly, I don't care enough to find out. Since my seat was now taken, I go to the right side of the lecture hall. I'm looking around at people who are already talking to those around them. It seems like everyone already knows everyone. How is that possible?! It's the first day of school!
I sit down in a random seat next to 2 girls who looked like they were friends. Gosh, I wish Rose was in this class. These girls kind of look familiar. But, I don't know who they are. I give them a small smile and then they turn to me and say, "Did you just get in a fight with that girl over there?" pointing in the bitch's direction.
"Um yeah," I say quietly because I am so embarrassed. "Who is she?" I ask. They look at me with shocked faces. "You don't know Harper?" "Her name is Harper? She's definitely not like the nice one from Wizards of Waverly Place who wears random objects for clothes!" I say.
The girls laugh and say, "Yeah, her name is Harper. But, she is not appropriate for Disney Channel. She's the granddaughter of Robert Nobel, the guy who donated this building. She's a sophomore and her parents are still huge donors to the school so everyone treats her like royalty."
"Well, I'm not going to. I'm just going to stay away from her," I say.
They laugh, "After that fight? The only place you'll be safe from her is your dorm. What building are you in?"
While worrying about what they just said, I answer their question,"South Hall Dorm. How about you guys?"
"Same! We live in 419 on the 4th floor. We're roommates."
"Wait, 419?! Oh my gosh, you're my neighbors! So what are your names?" I ask.
Finally, I've met some new friends, Molly and Abigail, and they're my neighbors! Well, one of my neighbors.
I look over to my other neighbor and catch him looking at me.
And I'm not the only one that catches him. Harper does too. She looks like she wants to kill me.
Finally, class starts and I've never been more relieved to learn biology.
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