[Chapter warning: major sexual themes and actions, proceed with caution or skip entirely. Skipping this chapter will not impact the story for those who choose to not read it.]
San found himself suddenly awake, his hands slightly numbed from the cool air.
He blinked, taking in the view of the dark night sky and its stars scattered above him.
San almost groaned at the realization that he'd fallen asleep outside. He had no idea what time it was, and thus he began to reach down and feel around for his phone.
San almost jumped at the feeling of his hand brushing against fabric. He quickly turned to the side, startled, only to be met with the figure of a reclining dark haired boy, looking at him.
"You're awake," Wooyoung said from his chair, which he had pushed next to San's earlier.
"Wooyoung?" he questioned, somewhat confused by the other boy's presence. "You okay? Why aren't you inside..." San trailed off.
Wooyoung reached over, absentmindedly playing with the fabric of San's shirt.
"Missed you," he muttered, a small smile gracing his lips.
San found a grin rising to his face as he watched the shorter boy sit up, adjusting the blanket he had draped over him.
"What time is it?" San asked, reaching up to lightly brush his boyfriend's hair out of his face.
"It's almost 5am," Wooyoung said, shifting as to lay just a bit closer to the other. "I woke up like 30 minutes ago and came out here to find you."
A comfortable quiet fell over the two, who held each other's gaze for a moment.
"The stars are still out. You wanna go lay down and pretend we know about constellations?" Wooyoung murmured, trailing a finger down San's arm.
San nodded as he sat up and stretched. Wooyoung followed suit, and began gathering the soft blanket which he had carried outside.
"Hey, we should go over there where it's darker," Wooyoung suggested, gesturing towards a far corner of Mingi's backyard.
The two practically ran over, and only began to slow upon reaching the wooden fence.
"I got a great idea," San said, backing up just a bit. Wooyoung stared at him questioningly.
Before he knew it, San had taken a running start, lifting himself up and over the fence within a matter of seconds.
"What the fuck..." Wooyoung said from the other side, only getting a laugh from San in return.
"Hurry up and come over, I'm waiting," he taunted playfully.
Next thing he knew, a wadded up blanket came flying at him from over the fence, followed by Wooyoung swinging himself over.
San caught the blanket despite having been startled. "I can't climb with that," Wooyoung said as his feet hit the ground, "you asked for it."
San only shook his head, scanning around the area for a good spot. He located a clear spot of grass nearby, and quickly made his way over to it.
He laid out the blanket, spreading it out to be as even as he could. Wooyoung laid down on it first, patting the space next to him for the other to join him.
San obliged, kneeling on the blanket and smoothing it out before cuddling up next to his boyfriend.
San placed a small kiss on Wooyoung's shoulder, dying at the smile that came from Wooyoung in return.
"You see that blinking star up there?" Wooyoung grabbed San's attention, pointing urgently up at the sky.
San's gaze landed on a flickering light, right where the younger had directed.
"Yeah?" he said, wondering where his boyfriend was going with this.
"Dumbass, that's a plane," Wooyoung said with a smirk. San playfully hit him on the chest.
"I hate you," San muttered, despite staring at his boyfriend with a copious amount of adoration.
Wooyoung only exhaled, turning his head as to lay face to face with San. He leaned slightly forward, just to boop his nose against the elder's.
A moment passed, both unsure of what to say as they held each other's gaze.
"You think there's any phrase stronger than 'I love you'?" Wooyoung broke the silence.
San blinked, shaking his head in an I don't know.
Wooyoung pursed his lips. "I guess we'll have to find one so I can say it to you," he concluded, provoking a small smile from San.
"Mm, Wooyoung," San muttered, grabbing the other's attention.
"Hm?" came the younger, indicating he was listening.
"Not trying to say anything, but just know that if you were to kiss me right now I wouldn't complain," San spoke softly, placing a hand on the younger's waist.
Wooyoung held back a smile. "Sorry, could you elaborate?" he feigned ignorance.
San rolled his eyes. "Dame besitos."
Wooyoung gave him a look, though he knew he couldn't win this battle. Instead he just leaned forward, giving in to what San wanted and leaving a small kiss upon his lips.
He pulled away only to catch a stupid grin on San's face as the boy brought his hand to the back of the younger's head, pulling him in for another kiss.
Wooyoung didn't know why he now felt his heart flutter; he'd kissed him hundreds of times, and yet all he could think about was the way San's fingers were running through his hair.
Wooyoung tried to ignore the butterflies, kissing San more aggressively as to take his mind off of them.
The elder eagerly accepted this change, but despite the harsh kisses, Wooyoung still found himself hyper-aware of San's other hand which laid comfortably upon his thigh.
Wooyoung thought he must be going crazy.
As if a reflex, he wrapped a leg over San's waist, letting the body warmth greet him alongside the pressure of San's body up against his own.
San reacted automatically, his hand finding Wooyoung's hips and firmly pulling him towards him as the kiss deepened.
Wooyoung's breath hitched at this, prompting San to pull away for just a moment.
He took a shaky breath as he rested his forehead against Wooyoung's, eyes closed.
"Fuck, I want you," San muttered, not so subtly tightening his grip on his boyfriend.
Wooyoung felt shivers run down his spine at the words.
"Have me, then," he replied without a thought, placing his hand over San's and squeezing it.
San brought his hand to the small of Wooyoung's back as he placed a light peck on the boy's forehead.
"You sure, baby?" San asked, tracing a heart shape into Wooyoung's back with a finger.
The younger nodded eagerly, slipping his hand under the hem of San's shirt to caress his bare stomach.
San, wasting no time, began to leave a trail of kisses upon Wooyoung's neck, pushing the younger onto his back as he did so.
Now kneeling over him, San cupped Wooyoung's face with his hands, leaving a quick peck on his lips before pulling away.
San pushed his hair back, taking a moment to stare down at the angel that laid beneath him, looking at San as if he were his whole world.
"Take this off," Wooyoung's demand snapped San out of his thoughts. He glanced down to see Wooyoung tugging gently on the hem of his shirt.
He happily obliged, feeling the cold air envelop his skin as he pulled his t-shirt up and over his head. He tossed it on the ground next to their blanket, the wet grass being the least of his worries at the moment.
Wooyoung gently pulled San down towards him, placing his hands firmly across the elder's bare back.
San flinched as he felt the cold metal of Wooyoung's ring touch his skin.
The thought of its presence, however, suddenly made him feel flushed.
A sheepish smile swept across San's face, bashful as he just now fully thought about what was happening.
"What're you smiling about?" Wooyoung questioned teasingly, his expression mirroring the other's.
"Nothing," San insisted with a completely unconvincing tone. He simply nuzzled into the crook of Wooyoung's neck, a random gesture of affection.
"Mm, sit up," Wooyoung tried to speak as San began working on his neck, dotting it with small bites and kisses as if trying to paint a picture.
"Ah Sannn, at least help me get this off," Wooyoung whined, taking San's hands in his and placing them on the fabric of his sweatshirt.
"Okay baby, you know the drill. Arms up?" San spoke sweetly. Wooyoung did as told, and San slowly pulled the sweatshirt up and over Wooyoung's head just as he had done his own.
San let out a soft laugh as he saw Wooyoung shrink back at the cold, which greeted him harshly with the lack of a barrier.
"What temperature is it right now...?" Wooyoung muttered, not expecting an answer.
"Doesn't matter. I'm here," San responded, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist in a sort of hug for warmth, one accompanied by a kiss on the collarbone for Wooyoung.
A heat rose to San's face as he felt his boyfriend's legs wrap around his hips, pulling him closer than ever to his partner.
He instinctively pressed himself up against the younger, forcing a small whine out of Wooyoung, whose grip on San's back instantly tightened.
It was driving him insane to wait. San haphazardly found just way down to the waistband of his boyfriend's pants, tugging them down and past his hips.
Now left in nothing but boxers as he kicked off what remained of his pants, Wooyoung gazed up at San, who was currently focused on dealing with his own problem of unbuttoning his pants.
"San," Wooyoung said as the elder finally unlatched the button, pulling the cloth down. "...Go easy on me, okay?" he continued, his voice tiny.
San couldn't help the enamored smile that spread across his face. "Don't have to ask twice, beautiful," he spoke quietly, caressing Wooyoung's shoulder.
The pair soon found themselves tangled in each other's arms, sharing a heated kiss that urged both to pick up the pace.
San had barely felt Wooyoung's hand slip under the band of his boxers when he paused, placing a hand on Wooyoung's chest in a signal for him to stop.
"Shit, I don't have protection," he said under his breath, as if chastising himself.
"I do," Wooyoung interrupted, gaining a surprised look from the other. "Get my sweatshirt, check the left pocket," he instructed, fidgeting with the blanket restlessly.
San blindly reached over for the shirt, fumbling to find the correct pocket before reaching in.
Sure enough, he pulled out a small foil package, smiling as he recognized the labeling.
"Did you plan this?" San whispered teasingly against Wooyoung's skin as he set the item down, feeling the younger giggle at the question.
"Not reallyy," he insisted, playing with San's hair.
San couldn't help but laugh. "You didn't happen to bring lube too, did you?" he joked, before Wooyoung shot him a pointed look.
San only exhaled, thinking for a moment. "We'll just have to make do," he muttered, before lightly placing his index finger against Wooyoung's lips.
San shot the younger a glance which seemed to convey the orders. Obeying, Wooyoung carefully took the finger into his mouth, sucking as San worked on pulling the boy's boxers down with his other hand.
With the last piece of fabric gone, San took in the sight of all of Wooyoung, moonlight bathing every curve of his smooth skin.
Wooyoung was completely vulnerable to him, yet at the same time was the most powerful thing San had seen in his life.
He wanted to both protect and ravage his beloved; to worship the saint that laid before him, and to become the other's god all at once.
He pulled his hand away from the other's mouth, bringing it dangerously low.
"Relax baby," San hushed, feeling Wooyoung stiffen as he watched San's hand brush against his inner thigh.
San slowly pushed a finger inside of him, with the younger taking a sharp breath at the sensation.
San watched his boyfriend's reaction intently, careful to not go too fast.
"Oh god... San, I..." Wooyoung tried, his words failing him as San worked his finger farther in.
"Shh, just relax, trust me," San cooed, leaning down to leave soft kisses on the younger's lips, distracting him from the momentary discomfort.
He trusted him, and soon enough the dull pain began transforming into a small buzz of pleasure, one increasing with San's movement.
"Mm, fuck," the younger murmured, his eyes fluttering closed from the warm feeling growing within him. "Gimme more," he begged softly, setting off something within San.
Without warning, San pushed a second finger into the boy, who whimpered at the action. San absentmindedly found Wooyoung's hand with his free hand and entertwined them, giving him a reassuring squeeze.
"You're so cute," San purred as Wooyoung let out tiny noises of bliss, trying his best to save face.
Wanting to mess with him a bit, San curled his fingers, grinning as he watched the younger bite back a moan.
"Oh my godd," Wooyoung spoke, his breathing beginning to lose its rhythm. San reached to the side, grabbing the foil package he'd set down earlier.
He needed two hands to open it, and thus slowly pulled his fingers out of the younger, who huffed at the loss of contact. San ripped the foil open, took the condom out and tossed the wrapper to the side.
Wooyoung's eyes widened as San yanked down his boxers, rolling the latex into place. "Um," Wooyoung's nervous voice grabbed San's attention.
"Will that... fit... in me?" he voiced his concern. San only gave him a mischievous smile, before crawling forward as to pin Wooyoung down to the blanket.
San buried his face in Wooyoung's neck, with Wooyoung too distracted by the feeling of his lover's hair on his cheek to notice San adjusting his position.
"If it hurts, tell me," San mumbled, leaving a peck on his now-confused boyfriend's jawline.
Wooyoung stopped breathing as he felt San push into him, a rush of adrenaline rendering him senseless. It stung, yet a dull pleasure accompanied the feeling of their bodies joined together.
"Ah... fuck, you're so tight," San swore, with Wooyoung too dazed to form a reply. He grabbed San's hair, pulling his head towards him and kissing him hard.
He couldn't help but moan into the kiss as San buried himself deeper in him, the elder smiling at the younger's reaction.
San lightly took Wooyoung's hands away from his head, interlocking their fingers and holding them against the blanket. He gave his hands a loving squeeze as he let his boyfriend adjust to the sensations overwhelming him.
Wooyoung felt like he could cry at this action. Such a sweet, little gesture was all too typical of San, and yet somehow in a situation like this it had been unexpected.
"San," Wooyoung spoke, gripping onto the elder's hands tightly as he felt his partner begin to work back and forth gently.
"Mhm?" San hummed, his mind not really focused on anything besides the way Wooyoung's body eagerly welcomed him.
"I really love you," the boy whispered.
"I love you more," San replied without a thought, nudging Wooyoung's cheek with his nose.
With those sentiments out in the open, something seemed to shift.
Their actions became softer. Slow, sensual movements took over as their pleasure built, with both lightly kissing and squeezing the other every so often.
Wooyoung found himself breathless, although whether from the action or from San's constant murmuring of sweet nothings against his skin, he didn't know.
As the small spark of bliss within them grew, so did their energy. The sound of Wooyoung's sweet voice and his soft moans was like a drug to San. As if addicted, he fought the urge to quicken his pace in hope of his next fix.
"Ugh, baby, go faster," Wooyoung encouraged as waves of bliss started to wash over him.
San immediately let his boundaries down, pouring every ounce of his will into pleasing his boyfriend.
An all too familiar feeling greeted San, his muscles tensing alongside a bubbling euphoria within him. He tried his best to ignore this; he wanted to focus on his partner first and foremost.
Wooyoung almost squeaked as the other's thrusts strengthened, intoxicating him with a newfound heat.
A warm bliss began to melt him from the inside out. Wooyoung's breaths became erratic as it clouded his mind, his whole system flooded with dopamine.
"God, I think I'm getting close," Wooyoung managed to say. San only nodded in understanding, not voicing that he likely was, too.
A few heated, intimate moments of skin on skin brought Wooyoung to the edge— and San could certainly tell from his expression.
"Come for me, angel," San urged, bringing one of Wooyoung's hands up to leave a chaste kiss on its back.
Wooyoung gave a tiny nod before letting himself succumb to the pleasure.
He leaned his head back as pure heaven blanketed every inch of him, with the boy in front of him plaguing his every thought.
"Ah, San... San baby, fuck," he whimpered out as he rode out his high.
A low moan escaped San as he felt the younger climax, his muscles tightening around San. He felt his peak approaching fast, and hearing his name from the younger only mixed his pleasure with a strong adoration.
"Honey, I might..." San spoke despite his jagged breaths. Wooyoung understood this, teasingly bucking his hips just because.
San felt like he could black out from the surge of pleasure that shot through his body, leaving him at a loss for words. The feeling could only by described as divine, as if such a fiery euphoria could only come from the gods.
Heavy breathing was all that could be heard as both males recovered from their high, gazing at each other in awe.
San, once he had composed himself, carefully pulled out of the younger, who winced at the movement in his highly sensitive state.
He fumbled to slide the condom off, before setting it on the grass where he'd remember to dispose of it later.
He practically flopped down next to Wooyoung, lying on his back, aching as if he'd been through a vigorous workout.
He looked next to him, to where Wooyoung seemed to be wiping off his abdomen with his own sweatshirt.
San couldn't help but laugh. He hadn't even noticed the younger making a mess of himself in the heat of the moment.
"Woo baby," San spoke, beckoning the younger to come towards him.
Wooyoung rolled onto his side to face the elder, staring at him with a half-awake questioning glance.
San only pulled Wooyoung into his arms, embracing the thing he loved most in the world.
With no clothes on, the hug was infinitely more intimate than usual.
Everywhere Wooyoung's bare skin laid against San's caused a seratonin flood; to be completely bare in each other's embrace was not a situation taken lightly to San.
"Have I told you how pretty you are?" San mused lovingly, trailing a path from Wooyoung's shoulder down to his hip.
Wooyoung simply cuddled closer to him as to share in his body warmth.
He reached up, gently caressing San's face as his heart rate slowed.
"My genie," Wooyoung smiled, holding San's gaze. "You were perfect."
San grinned, embarrassed at the use of the nickname. "Calm down cutie, don't make me want Round 2," he joked, playing with Wooyoung's dark hair and admiring how the moon illuminated it.
"San," Wooyoung said quietly, his voice having taken on a more serious tone. "How long do you wanna stay out here?"
San laid silently, thinking about his options.
"We'll leave when the sun rises.
Until then, just... lay with me," he gave a warm smile, whispering something to Wooyoung likely about how much he loved him.
The noise of small talk filled the air, both boys laughing at the little jokes they cracked after the fact.
Wooyoung rolled over to lay on top of San, hugging him like a koala. His hands trailed freely over San's body, eliciting a smile from the older boy.
San's eyes swept over his boyfriend's figure, which was highlighted by the moon's gentle rays.
He still swore he'd never seen anything as gorgeous in his life.
As this beauty leaned in to kiss San, he let his eyes close, the soft sensation of Wooyoung up against him comforting him even with the lack of sight.
San seemed to already know he would find Wooyoung beautiful for eternity.
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