The couple's 1am quest for snacks had certainly taken an unexpected turn.
Wooyoung tapped his foot anxiously as San fiddled with the lock on the front door, trying to be silent yet not able to see the latch well.
"Are you done?" Wooyoung half-whispered. San only gestured for him to be quiet, followed by the satisfying sound of the lock clicking.
He swung the door open, giving Wooyoung an absolutely mischievous smile. "You first, sir," he gestured grandly for Wooyoung to walk through the door. Wooyoung shook his head, despite doing so with a grin on his face.
San hurried out the door behind Wooyoung after shutting it as quietly as possible. The two took off at a fast pace, dashing towards the sidewalk as to distance themselves from the house.
"Fuck, it's kinda cold," San said, breathing in the cold night air. Wooyoung lightly nodded, agreeing.
Without a word, Wooyoung grabbed San's hand tightly, before shoving it into the pocket of his hoodie alongside his own hand.
San couldn't help but squeeze his hand in affection. He found the gesture to be quite endearing.
A few minutes of walking led to the pair finding themselves at a nearby convenience store, one that signaled it was open 24 hours a day.
The warmth of the store was a nice change, and the two clearly became more comfortable upon stepping inside. "Do you want a drink or something?" San questioned, seeing Wooyoung begin to stare over at the drink machines.
"Can I just have like... a hot cocoa?" he asked, glancing up to gauge San's approval.
"Cutie," San ruffled his hair, indirectly showing he was okay with it. He wandered over to the machine, absentmindedly digging out the money to pay for two of the item.
He couldn't help but turn and look at his boyfriend while waiting for the machine to pour the drinks. Watching Wooyoung mull over the different snacks and pacing down the aisles unconsciously brought an smile to San's face.
Eventually he gathered and paid for the two identical cups of cocoa, waiting as Wooyoung finished buying a couple snack bags from the rather worn out night shift cashier.
"Not trying to pry, but..." the middle aged woman, the cashier, began speaking as she glanced between San and Wooyoung.
"Are you two a couple?" she inquired earnestly. The pair shared a startled look between them.
"Aha, yes we are...?" San replied warily as he paused from shoving the lids into the two cups of cocoa.
She shook her head in a joyful amusement as she handed Wooyoung the receipt. "Such a handsome pair," she mused, causing both to feel a bit flushed in embarrassment and pride.
The two waved her a warm goodnight as they exited the store, both still feeling a bit energetic from the random compliment.
Eventually, after an short whole of wandering around on the darkened streets, the two arrived at a small park bench. They deemed this to be an acceptable resting spot, and both set their snacks down as they sat.
San couldn't help but smile as he saw Wooyoung recoil after taking a sip of his still too hot beverage.
"Just blow on it, dummy," San suggested kiddingly, seeing Wooyoung attempting to take yet another minuscule sip of the near-boiling drink.
"That's what she said," Wooyoung retorted without missing a beat.
"That's what you said today," San corrected.
Wooyoung nearly spilled his hot cocoa everywhere.
Instead, he turned to give San a wildly startled and embarrassed look as he sat his drink on the bench, before burying his face in his hands.
"God," he groaned, a tone of lamenting lacing his voice. "I can already hear Mingi's best man speech bringing that up. Why did I tell him?" he continued.
San began to laugh, but couldn't help the alarm bells going off in his brain at the word 'best man.' He didn't know what exactly Wooyoung was implying, but it sure stressed him the hell out analyzing his words.
The thought of his secret popped into San's mind as he absentmindedly opened a bag of gummies.
Looking over at Wooyoung, unaware and peacefully staring up at the stars, San felt as if he couldn't bring himself to do it. An intense fear wracked his body at the thought of revealing it.
Yet... he wanted to at least warn him of the subject. He felt as if he owed Wooyoung that much.
"Hey, um, Woo," San said, slipping his hand on top of Wooyoung's and lightly rubbing it.
"Hm?" Wooyoung hummed, switching to focus his gaze on San's.
"How would you feel if..." San began, trying to make his words as organized as he was able, "...well, if someone close to you hid something from you?" he finished, just getting it over with. He honestly didn't care if it seemed too obvious at the moment.
At these words, Wooyoung's expression fell completely.
"You found out?" Wooyoung's now-small voice questioned, nervousness washing over his face as he spoke.
San blinked, processing the unexpected answer. Found out about what? He was about to voice his confusion, yet hesitated as he saw Wooyoung begin to speak.
"I swear I'll block him! I was just being nice, baby, I don't wanna get back with him," Wooyoung started explaining frantically, with San's expression growing more and more confused by the second.
A silence draped over the two as San merely stared at Wooyoung, evident that he had no idea what had just been said to him.
"Wooyoung... what the hell are you talking about?" San finally responded, seeing his boyfriend immediately realize his mistake.
"Ah..." the younger said, taking on a nervous smile. "Never mind then..." he tried to divert the topic, glancing away from San.
"What?" San repeated, feeling a mild concern overtake him. "No way, you better explain what you just brought up," San said, his momentary surprise prompting him to feel a bit confrontational.
Wooyoung sighed, as if knowing he couldn't stay silent.
"My ex texted me, recently," he began, swinging his feet a bit in a nervous agitation.
San didn't know why this information felt like a bucket of cold water being dumped on him. "Your... ex? You have an ex?" San said, feeling incredibly stupid for not having known.
Wooyoung gave a curt nod.
"Yeah, um, I never really brought it up, but... there was someone before you," he admitted. San only pursed his lips, trying to keep his emotions out of the situation as much as possible. He felt as if he should be glad to be hearing the information, at least.
"Okay," San nodded, his voice oddly calm. "What's the deal, then?"
Wooyoung fidgeted with the cloth on his jeans. "He texted me to ask if I was down to hook up sometime," Wooyoung cut his words off upon seeing San's incredibly alarmed expression.
"I said no! I said no, obviously," he immediately clarified, quelling San's surprise just a little bit.
"But, like, he accepted that answer and said he still wanted to be friends, though... He's nice and we kept talking and he brought up that he wanted a certain gift for his birthday next week so I... kinda bought it for him?" Wooyoung finished the ramble as if he were cringing at his own words, thinking of how stupid he sounded.
"You..." San trailed off, taking a moment to reorient himself. He took a breath. "Okay. So, let me get this straight; you're telling me you bought a birthday present for your ex?"
Wooyoung nodded hesitantly.
"The same ex, who, not only did I not know existed, but also dmed you asking for sex? You bought it for him?" San reiterated, seeing a guilty look form on the younger's face.
"Because I already owed him like $30 anyway from way back when... San, baby, don't be mad..." Wooyoung tried to persuade, weakly tugging on his boyfriend's sleeve.
San exhaled, placing a hand on the back of his neck as he processed his thoughts.
"I'm not mad, I'm just... trying to see why you thought this was a good idea?" San spoke slowly, almost as if in too much disbelief to even feel the envy picking away at him.
"San—" Wooyoung tried, but was promptly cut off by said boy holding up his hand in a 'stop' gesture.
"I said I'm not mad. I trust you," San stated, momentarily focusing his gaze on the dirt.
"But," San interrupted, just as Wooyoung had begun to look relieved.
"Do you mind if I ask for how long..." San started before promptly cutting himself off, deeming his own question as invasive.
"We didn't date that long. Nothing past a couple kisses happened and I definitely wasn't in love with him," Wooyoung readily volunteered despite San's disruption of the question.
"Why'd you break up?" San found himself inquiring despite his own desire to not know.
"Mutual agreement," Wooyoung answered, with San nodding in reply.
"He wasn't that into me and I didn't really love him, so we ended things."
San couldn't help but smirk. "Not as much as you love me, anyway," he said in a clearly joking tone, as if meant to tease the other.
"Oh not nearly as much," Wooyoung wholeheartedly agreed. "I really, really love you," he practically cooed, leaning as to nuzzle into the crook of San's neck.
San couldn't help but grin. The other had to know what kind of effect he had on the elder; one that drove him crazy.
San merely wrapped an arm around Wooyoung's shoulders, securing him within his grip.
"When you first asked earlier," Wooyoung brought up after a short while, "were you talking about yourself?"
San pauses. "Maybe," he responded, not vague at all.
Wooyoung nodded, understanding the implications. "Do I really want to know?" he asked.
San half nodded. "I think you should know."
"Does it have to do with you cheating?" Wooyoung asked before laughing at San's newfound expression of distress.
"Not at all," San reported honestly.
"Then I'll stop you right there. Tell me later, not tonight," Wooyoung said, sighing. "I don't want anything to stress over tonight."
San reluctantly agreed. Somehow this demand made him feel both relieved and more anxious. Despite not having to confess yet, it certainly would weigh on his conscience even heavier than before.
"Just... distract me," Wooyoung said, now obviously beginning to wonder for himself what San was hiding.
"Gladly," San said, pulling a small cherry hard candy out of their snack bags.
"You like these?" San asked. Wooyoung nodded a quick 'yes.'
San unwrapped it and quickly popped it into his mouth before placing a hand on the side of Wooyoung's neck.
Wooyoung immediately understood his intentions and leaned forward, letting San softly begin to kiss him and work his way up.
It was lucky that the time was so late, for no passerby would want to witness their rough escalation to a messy makeout, one only fueled by the night air and darkness.
The sound of a rather loud owl nearby startled San, causing him to pull away as if they'd been caught.
Upon realizing a simple bird was the cause, the couple shared a look of equal amusement at the moment. San softly smiled, returning to leaving a light kiss upon Wooyoung's lips.
"Angel," San muttered as he leaned forward, lightly nudging Wooyoung's nose with his own.
"Mhm?" Wooyoung tried to respond, yet found it now hard to do so due to the presence of a certain cherry candy resting in his mouth.
"You wanna start heading home?" San offered, caressing the back of Wooyoung's head.
The younger nodded, and thus the pair stood up to begin the journey back to San's house.
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