San almost tripped as he speed walked to his next class.
It was currently passing period between 3rd and 4th period, thus meaning that it was time on his schedule for his most anticipated class of the day; Physics.
San had never been so excited for a physics class in his whole life. He was determined to find out the identity of a certain you-know-who, and thus he was prompted to actually arrive early for once.
He almost tumbled through the door, managing to slow his pace as he dashed into the classroom. He gathered his composure as he walked towards his seat, ignoring the startled stares of the few students in the class who had witnessed his spectacular sprint into the classroom.
San tapped his feet as he watched other students flow into the classroom. A sudden energy had filled the boy, one that San wasn't sure of its identity. It could've been excitement, nervousness, or just too much morning coffee.
Eventually all the students had taken their seat, followed by the striding in of the teacher.
"Hello everyone. I'm taking attendance now. When I call your name, say here."
she announced, the chatter among the students dying down at the sound of her voice.
"Lee Siyeon?"
"Wong Kunhang?"
San tapped his fingers on his desk impatiently, the teacher's monotone voice taking ages to go through a multitude of names which San frankly didn't care about.
"Jung Wooyoung?"
San's gaze snapped up, immediately scanning around the room.
"Here!" called a voice from the opposite side of the classroom. San's gaze landed on a dark haired boy raising his hand, in a sort of extra signal that he was present.
San smirked to himself.
Found you.' he thought.
The class continued as normal, with the teacher beginning to lecture about some concept as she wrote on the board.
San found himself stealing glances across the classroom at the dark haired boy— San supposed he should think of him by his name, Wooyoung.
Making sure the teacher wasn't looking, San snuck his phone out of his pocket, opening his DMs.
It's 4th period rn
Don't you have this class with San??
It's your chance to talk to him
San practically stared across the room at the other boy.
He noticed Wooyoung lightly jump, before glancing around him. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, seemingly surprised at the notification.
Wooyoung scanned over his screen before quickly typing.
Omg ur really set on this huh?
What would I even say to him
Idk walk up and say
"Hey. U wanna fuck?"
and he'll be like
"Omg that's so romantic yes😍"
I'm just tryna be his friend anyway
He's way out of my league
PFFT out of your league?? Please
He doesn't even have a league
That man has NO standards he is one desperate mf
Wow big mood
For real though suggest something to say to him because
Your boy is anxious
I already gave my suggestion
You said no :((
He's not gonna bite, Wooyoung
I mean unless u want him to
But no like seriously just go up and say hi
You still there?
Um hey???
San, a bit confused, looked away from his phone and diverted his gaze towards the other side of the classroom.
His eyes landed on Wooyoung.
Surprisingly, Wooyoung happened to be staring right back at San, causing direct eye contact to occur.
San nearly panicked. Instead, he did the first thing that came to mind, giving Wooyoung a cute smile upon catching his gaze.
Wooyoung looked away as fast as possible.
That's a good sign! It means: go talk to him
HNNGG you make a good point and I hate it
It was probably a pity smile
I smile at people when i don't know what to do it might've been that
Or, consider—
He wants u to talk to him?
How about n o
Honestly I think I'm just too scared for this
I doubt I will ever talk to him,,,
Unless he comes up to me first ofc
...I can have that arranged
Oops too late
I mayhaps texted him
That he has a class with my friend, Wooyoung, right now
And asked him to kindly retrieve the pencil which I have lent you
holy shit
I hate you
no actually I love you
Wait what pencil??
I don't know I didn't think that far ahead!!
Just say 'Oh I gave it to Yunho'
He will accept that answer
Who tf
Oh holy shi— JEONG YUNHO??
You're friends with him??
Isn't he like ultra super popular????!
Is he that popular?? I know a ton of people like him but idk
We're somewhat friends so....
Well anyway, just use Yunho as an excuse
"Okay class, I'll give you all a short break before we continue with the subject. Feel free to stand up, stretch, whatever," the teacher announced, heading over to her desk with a tired aura that suggested the break was more for her.
Students hesitantly began to stand up and move around to chat with their friends.
San stood immediately, taking this opportunity for what it was worth. He sauntered over towards the desk of a certain dark haired boy, whom, as he laid eyes upon him, San could almost see him tensed, likely out of nervousness as he saw San approaching.
San planted himself in front of Wooyoung's desk, maintaining eye contact with the other boy.
"Jung Wooyoung?" San said, making a mental note that he liked the way it felt saying the boy's name out loud.
Wooyoung remained silent for a moment.
"My friend told me he wants something he gave to you back...?" San spoke softly, pretending to be in the dark about the situation. He hoped the confused tone he put on his voice sounded convincing enough.
Apparently, it did.
"Oh, haha, that... it was just a pencil. Tell him Yunho has it," Wooyoung responded.
San almost smiled to himself. Wooyoung sure knew how to follow a plan, at least.
"Yunho? Of course..." San muttered to himself, lightly shaking his head.
A short silence ensued. San could see Wooyoung visibly becoming uncomfortable, and decided to say something.
"So..." San started, Wooyoung perking up at the word.
"Uh, this might sound kinda weird but... could I get your number?"
Wooyoung's immediate startled expression sent San into a rambling explanation.
"Ah— I mean, my friend mentioned you're a dancer, and I was wondering if you could give me some tips... Also you seem cool and, I dunno, I guess this is a chance to get to know you?" San chattered, hoping that his crappy explanation would pull through. He was entirely counting on the fact that Wooyoung seemed to be whipped enough for him to accept the offer.
"I... I mean sure! Do you have your phone on you?" Wooyoung inquired.
San almost said yes, but stopped himself. He didn't want to risk opening his phone to his messages with Wooyoung or have the other boy see a stray notification that could reveal his identity.
"No, my friend's borrowing it right now. I could get some paper for you to write it?"
"Hmm, no need. Give me your hand," Wooyoung spoke, taking out a pen.
San, giving him a questioning look, held out his hand as instructed.
Wooyoung took it and began lightly writing digits on the side of San's hand, the blue ink contrasting well.
"Oh, cute." San commented just too quietly for Wooyoung to hear. San read the number and then glanced at Wooyoung, the boy currently capping the pen and shoving it in his pencil bag.
San hadn't taken a close up look at Wooyoung before. As he stood, examining the boy, he couldn't help but have numerous obtrusive thoughts barging into his mind.
'He's pretty cute, San.'
'And he's nice, too? You know you like texting him as Genie. Texting him as San could be even better.'
'Isn't he gay? You won't have to worry about being into a straight guy...'
San snapped out of his thoughts, wanting to ignore them for now.
"You really are as nice as he said," San said purposefully quiet, a small smile gracing his expression.
Wooyoung regained a small air of surprise.
"Me? Who said I'm ni... Ohhh" Wooyoung came to the realization mid sentence. "Well, sorry, he lied to you. I'm the worst person here," he said half jokingly, San laughing at the statement.
"Actually that title belongs to me, sorry," San retorted, Wooyoung cocking an eyebrow at the comment.
"Oh yeah? You gonna fight me for it?" Wooyoung returned, seemingly having gained a bit of confidence from getting used to San's energy.
"Ehhh no. You can have it," San surrendered, getting a giggle from Wooyoung.
"Don't worry. You can have some other award, like..." Wooyoung pondered for a moment.
"Cutest guy here award" San joked, Wooyoung holding back a laugh.
"I mean... you're not wrong," he mumbled in response.
"Oh?? Nah, I think you deserve that one too actually," San subtly flirted, noticing the almost startled look that washed over Wooyoung's face when he processed the comment.
"Return to your seats everyone, we need to finish this slideshow by the end of the period," the teacher started standing up, students breaking off conversations as they began to trickle back towards their desks.
"I'll text you later," San lightly waved as he stood up and began walking back to his desk. Wooyoung merely nodded, letting him leave.
He sat back in his chair a million times more confused than he was before.
San didn't know why he suddenly felt so giddy.
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