29. real life
Grier fiddled with the fake lock on the locker as she pretended to be chatting away to Holland. The strawberry blonde acted along, the two actresses having to pretend that they could hear nothing of the conversation that was happening across the fake corridor.
Tyler and Dylan leans against the lockers, acting out one of their last scenes in the mid-season finale. Tyler's eyes kept falling on to Grier, noticing that the costume department had changed her clothing back to how it had been in their earlier seasons. A small smile crossed his face at the thought as he closed the locker.
"I can't believe we're not in high school anymore. Kind of feels like nothing's really changed," Tyler said to Dylan as they finished emptying out their lockers. Dylan closed Stiles' locker, looking to the right and down the hall towards Holland. After his and Holland's kiss, Dylan knew that the fans would be going crazy over it. Grier was fake talking to her, but stopped as Holland turned to smile sweetly at him.
Tyler and Grier met eyes, genuine smiles coming across their faces. Grier was glad to be back with her second family, they understood her. She smiled as she ran a hand through her hair, closing the locker that she had been pretending to rummage through.
"Everything's changed."
The four relaxed slightly, falling out of character as they finished shooting the scene. It was their sixth take, and Grier was just glad that Jeff had decided he liked the final shot. Holland hugged her friend as the boys walked across the set towards them.
"You know, feels weird to think I won't see yous on set for a while," Dylan admitted, knowing his limited screen time for the rest of the season. Grier shrugged, looking around at the other two as she moved herself to rest under Tyler's shoulder.
"We'll always be a family."
"You'll never believe who just tweeted me," Grier exclaimed, breaking the silence in the table read room. Everyone had been fiddling on their phones while they waited on Jeff and Froy to arrive.
Tyler tilted his head, not thinking who would be tweeting her that would make her this excited.
"No WAY!" Shelley yelled, causing everyone to jump as the girl's eyes went wide. Holland's head shot up from her phone as her head flew between the two as if she was watching a tennis match.
"Are you being serious?" Holland cheered, her and Shelley both getting up and moving to look over Grier's shoulder at the tweet she had popped open on her screen.
The whole cast watched as the facial expressions on the trio changed as they read the tweet. Shelley and Holland adopted faces of joy but also sympathy, while tears gathered in Grier's eyes. Seeing this, Tyler scooted over and wrapped his girlfriend into his arms as she let out a few tears.
The room was silent with confusion as everyone watched the scene, with JR leaning over to look at what had made the girl so upset. After his eyes scanned the message, he understood it wasn't it upset tears.
"Can I read it out?" He asked, the sniffling girl nodding as she clung to Tyler, a smile beginning to spread across her face.
"'@NASA: after hearing about the passing of such a kind soul, we would like to announce the official nickname for one of our recently discovered stars: kieran brett. @grierbrettxo we hope that you can find comfort knowing he is shining above you always.'"
There was a short silence in the room before everyone made awwing noises at the message.
Grier pulled away from Tyler and looked around at the rest of the room. She opened her mouth, and found the words falling out.
"When we buried Kieran, I felt scared for him at the thought of him being cold and alone in the darkness. And it wasn't until a few days later that Ty reminded me that he placed a photo of our family in the casket before it was buried. The comfort I received from knowing he would never be alone has probably been a massive factor of me being able to return to work and continue my life. But being here, in this moment that I'm getting to share with you all? I've realised that grief is a heavy burden to carry alone. You guys have helped to ease the weight, and while it still hurts the pain has became less," Grier spoke, her eyes watering as she looked around the room. Grabbing her water bottle for dramatic effect, the cast laughed as she raised it as if making a toast.
"To us," she murmured, the whole cast repeating it as they held up their starbucks cups or water bottles. There was outbreak of laughter as Grier sat back down.
The door swung open at that moment, Jeff bounding into the room with a smile on his face as Froy followed in behind him. He looked around, noticing the tear stained faces of a fee of the cast and the laughter that was spreading.
"Hey! What did we miss?"
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