Chapter 3: Day 1 of Training
*Chapter 3: Training*
(Pls read the A/N at this end of the chapter, thank you.)
"Good Blanianna, good. Now balance yourself on the beam." My father said, as I'm trying to get past my training.
This is Day 1 of my training until I can show this "secret counsel" -my father has been talking about-what I can do and what assassin I can become. The secret counsel is this counsel that test you to see if you have the qualifications to become a beginner assassin.
There are a total of 5 days of training until I'm ready to perform.
The first day is about balance. So father is making me balance on all kinds of things, mostly an edge to something, like an edge of a roof top or for basics, a foot stool. But now its on a beam, and did I mention I am below a couple of feet? Yep, that's why my father suggests to say nothing to mother about my lessons or training. At least not the life-risking details.
"Stand up straight Blani,"
"Now you sound like mother, father," As I said standing up straight with both feet on the beam.
"Well, you need to stand up straight if you want to balance yourself with one foot on the beam." he said.
"What?" I said, confused.
"You heard me, stand on the beam with one foot." My father commanded.
"As you wish," I said as I lifted up my left foot off the beam.
To keep calm, I close my eyes and hear my surroundings, the people below me, the merchants, the wind, the animals. I just focus on that until I hear a faint footstep. I focus on that sound. I hear it coming towards the other side of the beam. The sound got closer and closer and closer until it stopped. I slowed my breathing and tried to hear any movement near me and then...
In a second, I lifted my left leg that was off the beam and dodged myself from a punch. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my father, on the beam with his arm out as he just attempted to punched me. I quickly moved my left leg to his chest, pushing myself off of him and back flipped to the end of the beam. Thus making him stumble backwards on his side of the beam. My father, surprised and impressed, motioned me to come to him.
"You have learned so much, tell me, how were your able to do that?" My father asks.
"Well, when you are working and mother is making lunch, I usually go to the city. Then, when the sun is in the middle of the sky, I run and parkour myself home and I have to use that method to come down from the rooftops."
"Demonstrate," My father asks.
"Okay," I said as I started to make my way to the back door of the house. Looking back at my father for his approval, I get myself ready for this attempt. I go back and run and jump of the edge of the building. As I fall in the little ally way, I grab a hold of a rail, swing myself to the wall, push, and flipped to the next rail and did the same until I landed on the ground.
I rise from my landing and turned to the back door as my mother looks at me in terror.
"Mother are you okay?" I asked her, worried.
No response from her, but then she fainted.
"Mother!" I yelled as I caught her from falling. She opened her eyes and looked at me, smiling.
" Now I know why you come in from the back door." We both laughed.
"Is everything alright?" My father asked.
"Yes," We both said in unison.
"Good, now your first day of training is done. Well, have to work on your landing and your flips later."
"Okay father, thank you."
"Now, enough with all of this training, don't forget Blaniana, you need to help me with dinner."
"Alright mother," I said as we went into the house.
"Now tell me, what did you do for training?" my mother asked as she was washing up.
"I don't know if i should tell you mother," I said.
"Why my dear?"
"Because I'm afraid your going to faint again." I laughed.
A/N: SO sorry I wasn't able to update this sooner! But I hope you like this chapter! Pls comment on what you think, I love to hear from you guys! Also I want to thank TFPgirl for complementing on my story. Have a nice day!
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