Chapter 10: A Little Break
***Blainiana's POV***
I sigh in exhaustion, stretching a bit as I walk back to my quarters. "What a day," I said to myself. As I walk to the halls of the dorms, I see council member, Sernin, passing by. "Good evening Sernin," I said deeply and politely.
"Good evening son, I see you are almost done with your tests," Sernin said, smiling to me. "Your father must be very proud."
"Thank you, sir, if you don't mind, may I ask a question?" I asked him.
Sernin nods, "You have my permission, child," he approved.
"Do you think I have what it takes to become an assassin?" I asked.
Sernin smoothes out his dark grey beard as he was in thought, "Based on the two tests, that you passed in flying colors, it would be subjective," he explained. "You have the stamina, the stealth, you have proved to us of your abilities and what you are able to handle...physically. This test will test you on your heart, mind, and soul."
I was confused, the heart, mind, and soul?
"You seem confused child, what is it?" He asked.
"You say that I will be tested on my heart, mind, and soul, do you mean that I will be tested spiritually and on my dedication in being an assassin?" I asked him, seeing if I had the right idea of what he was explaining to me.
Sernin moved his head side to side a little, "More or less, but from what I have seen from you, and also your father, there is no doubt in my mind that you will be able to pass the test," he assured me.
There was a bit of a sarcastic tone when he said about my father...interesting. I mentally shook it off, thinking as if it was a joke he was telling me as I smiled back. "Thank you Sernin, I hope to see you after the final test tomorrow," I replied, bowing a bit in respect.
Sernin bowed a bit, nodding, "I wish you the best of luck child, may the church be with you,"
I chuckled, "I don't think the church is supportive of me passing a test that will determine whether or not I can kill,"
Sernin managed to chuckle a bit, "Really good facts, that will be useful in the future," he made his leave, walking down the hall.
I nodded and walked to my quarters, sighing in relief. I see Grey on the bed, wincing quietly in pain as his face was on the pillow and his scared back shown.
"What in heaven's name happened?" I sighed, looking at his back closely.
"Well, I passed the test, however, I accidentally fell into some bloody poison ivy bush. I've been scratching for a half hour and I stopped when it started burning," He groaned, gripping the pillow.
I look around the room and looked at the jars. One of them had oats and the other is clay. I got some water in a bowl to make the oatmeal as I soften the clay.
Grey huffed, "Wow, the infamous Blacksin is not insulting me? I feel so honored,"
"Oh? Do you really want me to give you countless diabolical names to call you from now on because of a stupid and ignorant mistake of balance and to prove to you that you have no means and abilities to be an assassin, and just to be labeled as an amateur killer and--"
"For god's sake, alright alright! I get the point, geez...I should have just said nothing," Grey sighed.
He seems like he wasn't in his current mood, maybe still from the test? He did have a somewhat dispute with his own older brother, and sometimes it does hit him when he fights with Jack. I stay silent, getting the mixture of oatmeal and clay. "Stay still,"
"W-what?" Grey hesitated.
"Don't worry, this will help with the itchiness and cool the burning sensation," I assured him, mixing up the two mixtures separately. "Now, one mixture works better than the other, so I'm going to do half oatmeal and half clay,"
Grey snickered, "Oatmeal? You really think oatmeal can heal this?"
"You know, I felt the same way when--" I stopped myself and sighed, "Just trust me, please?"
He was silent, hugging his pillow as he nodded.
I covered half of his back with oatmeal and the other half with the clay. I carefully rubbed the mixtures on his back, avoiding to touch the skin and only using the mixtures to touch it.
"Mmm...a little more on top..."Grey hummed softly, moving a bit to get comfortable.
I rolled my eyes and gave him a smug look, "Alright fine, only because I pity you of your amateur mistake," I start to massage up his back, where it was uninfected by the poison ivy.
Grey moved around a bit and sighed in relief, it seems like he was going to fall asleep. I wouldn't blame him, being in the test alone just tests your own endurance. I'm still surprised I haven't passed out yet or face plant on this oatmeal-clay mixture.
I slowly stopped massaging, assuming that he was already asleep. I went to the restrooms and washed my hands, drying them after. I took off my suit and yawned, letting my body fall onto my bed as my mind went to a deep dream.
~Timeskip to evening~
***Grey POV***
I woke up from the sound of shuffling blankets, letting my eyes focus in the dark which was now evening. Slowly, I lift myself up, feeling the cold sensation hit my back from the wind. I followed the sound of the shuffling and saw that Blainiana was shivering a bit, curling up in a ball to preserve the body heat she has.
Chuckling at the scene, she was yet vulnerable and innocent again. I sit next to her curled up body, moving her bangs from her eyes. Her relaxed face, having a moment of peace and tranquility. I sigh quietly, knowing that I have to wake her up for the evening dinner with our fathers. I started to rub her cheek softly, "Blainiana...hey, wake up..."
She starts stirring awake from her deep sleep, slowly opening her eyes, adjusting to the dark of the room, "Grey...?" she asked softly and groggily.
"The one and only, how was your rest?" I chuckled, slowly leaving my hand from her cheek. I feel her lifting herself off the bed.
"It was good, I needed it," Blainiana replied, yawning a bit. "What time is it?"
"A quarter till 6:00," I said, leaning back, careful that my back did not touch the bed.
"Goodness, we were out for that long? Its almost dinner time," she sighed, looking over to me. "How is your back?"
Oh right, my back. I forgot that it stopped itching, "It feels better,"
She nods, "Mind if I have a look?" she asked, leading to my bed.
I chuckled, getting up from her bed as I headed over to mine, "Princess, if you wanted a show, you could have just asked,"
"Please don't make me regret that I ever helped you," she growled, "and stop calling me princess," she sighed, lighting the candles around the room.
"It's like you have something against it, like you don't like to be complimented," I teased, chuckling as I laid down on my back. For a moment, I almost felt her blushing as she was silent.
She was shuffling and was getting a bowl of water and a rag, "This is going to be a bit cold," she warned, ringing some of the water from the cloth.
I nodded, bracing myself a bit as I felt a very cold sensation on my back. She starts rubbing off the clay and oatmeal off my back. "The rash is almost gone, but you have to lay on your side or on your stomach so it doesn't get any worse. And I would suggest that you would shower twice a day, just in case," she advised me, washing the substances in the water bowl.
"Thank you Blainiana, how do you know all of this?" I asked her, sitting up.
She gets up from her knees with her bowl in hand, "I would mess around a lot in my mother's garden and go inside with rashes around my arms and legs. For me the clay helps me with the rash than the oatmeal, however, with you, they both work out best."
I chuckle, "What can I say? Everything and Everyone loves my skin," I said cockily.
She rolls her eyes, shaking her head as she chuckled, "Yeah, including the poison ivy, but instead of falling for you, you fell for it,"
I pouted at her, "Whatever,"
She laughs a bit as she goes over to the sink, "Come on, let's start getting ready for supper,"
I smile from her laugh, acknowledging, "Alright,"
"The steak was delicious father and Mr. Blacksin," Grey complemented, finishing his plate.
"The soup was as well," I complied, smiling at the two.
"I'm glad you both like it, we both took an offer out of town and we were given this as a gift. From one of the greatest chefs in the city," Smith said, smiling as he was contentful.
"We have to take offers from that city more often, a well-earned reward if I don't say so myself," My father smiled, wiping his mouth.
I smiled and nodded, finishing up my food as I sighed in satisfaction.
"How is that poison ivy? I heard you had a spill after you passed your final," Smith chuckled a bit, drinking his cold mug of beer.
"Actually, Blaine here helped me clear it up. My back should be healed tomorrow for the final test," Grey assured him, taking a sip of his beverage.
I blushed a bit, drinking the cold apple cider from my goblet.
"Is that so? Well, you should pick up some of his techniques then." Smith nods, putting his empty mug down. "Blaine, how did you help Grey?"
I put down my goblet, sharing the stories of my poison ivy experiences and how my mother would help me.
My father chuckled, "You would often come home with poison ivy on your arms and legs, very useful that you remember how she helped you,"
I smile at my father, chuckling, "It is, I miss her," I start recollecting memories of her and me together.
"You will visit her soon Blaine, don't worry," my father assured me.
I nodded, wiping my mouth, "Thank you for this feast, may I be excused?" I asked both my father and Smith.
"Of course, get as much rest as you can for tomorrow," Smith said, waving me off. "have a good night Blaine,"
I thanked them and started heading to my quarters, yawning a bit. I couldn't believe that I am still yawning after a long nap. I then started to hear footsteps coming towards me. I turned around and saw Grey's brother, Jack.
"Oh, Blaine, how nice to see you? You ready for your test tomorrow?" Jack greeted.
"Yeah, just a bit tired from today's test," I replied, rubbing my eyes as I nodded.
"Might as well, get enough rest for tonight," Jack chuckled, coming closer to me.
I started to move back until I hit the wall, "I will if I can go to my dorm,"
Jack smiled to me and leaned to my height, "You are unbelievably cute for a guy, including your eyes. I still don't understand how a pretty face like you can fight a bunch of killers," he teased.
I blushed, getting pissed, 'Is he gay?' "I'm sorry, I don't quite understand--"
I turn to the side and saw Grey running up to me, "Jack, what are you doing?" he asked, having his hands curled to fists.
"Oh, I was just trying to be intimidating," Jack chuckled, "and I believe it worked,"
I scoffed, pushing him back, "I think I have enough of both of you, so please excuse me," I was already in a bad mood, I walked to my quarters as the two brothers quarreled.
I got to my room and took off the armor and suit, left with my dress undershirt. I take out the small wooden platform, hearing the door open as my groaned quietly in pain of my chest. 'I should just tighten my corset,'
"Don't start Grey," I warned, "Your brother already put me in a bad mood and having one of you--"
He grabs me by the waist, lifting me up while catching me by surprise. I growled and tried to shake him off. He grunted and kept me still, putting his face in my neck.
I shivered a bit from his warm breath on my neck, causing me to calm down a bit in his embrace. I feel a pair of lips on my neck, making me blush more, "I'm sorry," he whispered. "My brother just likes to mess with people, crossing the line with others,"
I relaxed leaning to him, nodding, "Sorry for snapping at you," I replied.
He chuckles, "From knowing you, I'm already used to it,"
I chuckled back, enjoying the moment. He moved back and softly laid with me in the bed. "I-I liked it..." I said, blushing.
He looked at me, "Right now? Or..."
"Both, this and the...the kiss," I blushed harder, thankfully not facing him.
I felt him smirked, "You are so adorable," he smiled against my neck, feeling his lips against my neck. I bit my lip and smiled, liking the sensation. Slowly I started to fall asleep, with his warm embrace and kisses.
Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment on what you think!
I am also going to be doing a Q & A so if you guys have a question about me, don't forget to comment down and ask!
See you all in the next chapter!
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