🐴Friendship is Magic Part Two🦄
Previously on Genderbent MLP:FIM X Princess Of Love
Dusk Shine: "Elements of Harmony, see 'Stallion in the Moon'"?
Barbara: But that's just an old ponies' tale.
Dusk Shine: He will bring about nighttime eternal. It's imperative that the prince is told right away.
Barbara: [hiccups]
Dusk Shine: I knew he would wanna take immediate action.
Barbara: My dear Dusk, there is more to a young pony's life than studying. Make some friends!
Bubble Berry: [prolonged gasp]
Y/n: That's so Bubble Berry and welcome to Ponyville, Dusk and Barbara.
Dusk Shine: All the ponies in this town are crazy! I hope the Prince was right.
Y/n: Honesty, Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity, Laughter, and Love.
Elusive: They're gone!
Dusk Shine: Oh no. Darkhorse Knight!
Darkhorse Knight: [evil laugh]
Y/n: Seriously, I'm not the damsel in distress type
Dusk Shine:My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Y/n: Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh...(My Little Pony)
Dusk Shine: I used to wonder what friendship could be
Y/n: (My Little Pony)
Dusk Shine: Until you all shared its magic with me
Rainbow Blitz: Big adventure
Bubble Berry: Tons of fun
Elusive: A beautiful heart
Applejack: Faithful and strong
Butterscotch: Sharing kindness
Y/n: Love conquers all
Dusk Shine: It's an easy feat and magic makes it all complete!
Y/n: You have my little ponies
Dusk Shine: Do you know you're all my very best friends?
Darkhorse Knight laughs evilly while Y/n glared at him angrily.
Mayor Mare: "Seize him and rescue the princess! For only he knows where the Prince is!" She ordered as royal pegasus guards flew towards Darkhorse Knight to apprehend the villian and save the princess
Darkhorse Knight: "Stand back, you foals!" He shouted out with with glowing eyes laughing again til he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hmm, yes little princess." He said before he was blasted away by a powerful beam of f/c magic. "What in Equestria?...." He said with a groan while f/c magic moved Elusive and the guards onto the city's hall floor.
Y/n: "I may be a princess, but I'm not a damsel in distress type nor should you have threaten my friends, the ponies I love nor all of Equestria!" She shouted out as everypony gasped in the crowd seeing their princess donned in golden armor befitting a pony of royal status. "I will fight you to protect those I love!"
Y/n: Her horn enlighten with f/c aura forming her magic into a spear as she looked over at the citizens of Ponyville while a barrier of f/c magic formed around them all to keep everypony safe. "Let's dance, then shall we?" She asked while blocking a sudden shot of dark magic from Darkhorse Knight than blocked a dark purplish sword from knocking her helmet from her head.
Darkhorse Knight: "Seems Solaris taught you a few things, princess." He taunted as a fight began with hooves and well aimed magic.
Y/n: "Solaris taught me how to defend my subjects and you will yield before me!" She shouted out angrily as her f/c magic surrounded her gem on her armor. 'This has a fifty percent chance of working, but it's worth it to protect them all.' She thought while she placed her right front hoof onto the gem as the barrier disappeared from protecting everypony and sank into the young alicorn mare as she closed her e/c eyes. "My love for all conquers any foe, Hoof to heart." She whispered softly as her f/c magic surrounded her hoof as she opened up her eyes to reveal f/c glow instead when Darkhorse Knight was hit by a form of magic even he couldn't dodge.
Darkhorse Knight: "WHAT?!" He shouted out as a intense blast of f/c magic hit him directly in the heart then faded away into nothing. He stood up on his hooves to see nothing was damaged on his body and began laughing evilly before looking down at the princess. "Your spell did nothing, little one." He said before vanishing from town hall in dark purplish blue vapor.
Once Darkhorse Knight left, Y/n's armor vanished from her body as she fell onto her knees causing Applejack whom still had Rainbow Blitz's tail in his muzzle, Elusive, Butterscotch, Bubble Berry, Dusk Shine, and Barbara to circle her in pure worry.
Y/n: "I'm fine, everypony really. I just tested something out from my magic." She said standing up only to wobble a bit then fell against Applejack.
Applejack: "Ergh..." He said letting go the Blitz's tail to catch Y/n before she fell onto the floor.
Rainbow Blitz: "Come back here!" He shouted out angrily as he pants. "Nighttime? Forever?" He said in disbelief before he sees Dusk Shine galloping away from the town hall with Barbara on his back and Y/n held carefully in his magenta magic. "Where's he going, especially with Y/n?" He questioned before flying back to the other colts and told them what was going on.
Back at the Golden Oak Library
Dusk Shine sets Barbara into her tiny bed and covers her up with a light purple blanket while Barbara put up a fuss.
Barbara: "Uh... We gotta stop Darkhorse!..." She shouted out before falling asleep in her bed and snuggled into her blanket.
Dusk Shine: "You've been up all night, Barbara. You are a baby dragon after all." He said while going towards the pony sized bed in the loft where he had placed Y/n on as he used his magic to cover her up with a star ridden blanket. "Y/n, I hope you feel better soon. Barbara needs you, I need you." He whispered softly before nuzzling against Y/n gently with his own muzzle. "I'll be back, okay." He whispered as Y/n slowly opened up her e/c eyes to look at him.
Y/n: "Duskie..." She spoke up while her eyes focused after a bit to see Dusk Shine walking back into the library part of the loft.
Dusk Shine: "Elements, elements, elements..." He said out loud while looking throughout the shelves of literature. "Ugh! How can I stop Darkhorse Knight without the Elements of Harmony?" He questioned out loud til a famaliar and brass rainbow maned pegasus flew up into his face.
Rainbow Blitz: "And just what are the Elements of Harmony?" He questioned as Y/n quitely walked down the steps and into the library. "And how did you know about Darkhorse Knight, huh? Are you a spy?" He questioned before he was pulled back onto the floor by his tail from Applejack. "Whoa! Hey!"
Applejack: "Simmer down, Sal. He ain't no spy. But he sure knows what's going on. Don't you, Dusk?" He said while everypony looked at Dusk with worry.
Dusk Shine: He sighed deeply before he began telling the five colts and lone mare what he had learned the day prior. "I read all about the prediction of Darkhorse Knight. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop him, but I don't know what they are, where to find them; I don't even know what they do!"
Bubble Berry: "The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide."
Dusk Shine: "How did you find that?!"
Bubble Berry: "It was under "E"! He said in a sing-song voice
Dusk Shine: "Oh." He said deadpanned as his magic took the book from it's placement and opened it up before his eyes. "There are seven Elements of Harmony, but only six are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty and Love." He read out loud the names of the Elements of Harmony not knowing in order of the colts and lone mare. "The seventh is a complete mystery. It is said, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony brothers. It is located in what is now--"
Everypony: "The Everfree Forest!" The six colts shouted out while the lone mare looked at the forest with astonishment filled e/c eyes as spooky music filled the background.
Bubble Berry: "Whee! Let's go!"
Dusk Shine: "Not so fast. Look, I appreciate the offer, but I'd really rather do this on my own."
Applejack: "No can do, saltlick. We sure ain't lettin' any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We're stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple." He said while everypony agreed with a hmph and a soft hum.
Bubble Berry: "Especially if there's candy apples in there." He said as Dusk Shine gave him a really look. "What? Those things are good." He said while skip jumping off to follow after the other colts.
Y/n: "Come on, Duskie." She said while wrapping her right wing around his back. "Where's your sense of adventure?" She questioned before trotting towards the group into the forest with Dusk Shine right behind her.
Dusk Shine: He sighed softly while he followed after the group as they ventured deeper into the forest. "So, none of you have been in here before?" He questioned the group
Elusive: "Ugh, heavens no! Just look at it - it's dreadful."
Applejack: "And it ain't natural. Folks say it don't work the same as Equestria."
Dusk Shine: "What's that supposed to mean?"
Rainbow Blitz: "Nopony knows. You know why?"
Y/n: "Blitz, don't you dare start." She said while watching Rainbow trotting creepily towards the group while ignoring her warning.
Applejack: "Rainbow, quit it." He warned the colt after Y/n, knowing what it's like if you get her mad.
Rainbow Blitz: "Cause everypony who's ever come in has never come out!" He shouted out as the cliffside crumbled with Bubble Berry, Elusive, and Dusk Shine now sliding towards their doom screaming out. "Butterscotch! Y/n, Quick!" He shouted out flying off towards the colts.
Butterscotch: "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!" He exclaimed
Y/n: "Boys!" She shouted out while flying towards Bubble Berry, Elusive, Applejack and Dusk Shine but carefully catches Elusive making his screaming stop after Butterscotch catches Bubble Berry. She sees Applejack stop himself with a loss root than sees Dusk Shine go over the cliff ledge hanging on by his front hooves. "No! Duskie!" She shouted out in fear for her fillyhood friend.
Applejack: "Hold on! I'm a-comin'!" He said while slowly sliding himself down towards Dusk Shine grabbing hold of his front hooves.
Dusk Shine: "Applejack! What do I do?" He asked of the farm stallion.
Applejack: He spots two ponies flying pass him before looking at Dusk. "Let go." He said while Dusk Shine looked at him as if he lost his mind.
Dusk Shine: "Are you crazy?!" He shouted out in fear, understandably.
Applejack: "No I ain't. I promise you'll be safe." He told Dusk.
Dusk Shine: "That's not true!" He exclaimed out with fear in his eyes.
Applejack: "Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe." He said as Dusk Shine gulped before letting go to free fall.
Dusk Shine: "Yaaah!" He shouted out until Rainbow Blitz and Butterscotch caught him right in the nick of time. "Phew-" He said til Butterscotch nearly dropped him closer towards the ground. "Wah!"
Butterscotch: "Sorry boys. I'm not used to holding anything more than a bunny or two." He said as Applejack scaled down the cliffside to meet everypony at the bottom while an animal roared out in the distant forestry.
Rainbow Blitz: "And once Bubble and Elusive were saved, whoosh... Me, and Butterscotch loop-de-loop around and WHAM! Caught you right in the nick of time."
Dusk Shine: "Yes, Rainbow, I was there, and I'm very grateful, but we gotta-" He was saying until he gasped out. "A manticore!" He exclaimed as the beasts roared out.
Manny Roar: [roar]
Dusk Shine: "We've gotta get past him!"
Elusive: "Take that, you ruffian!" He rebuttaled only for the manticore to roar loudly in his face thus messing up his perfectly coiffed mane. "My hair!" He yelled out in pure horror.
Butterscotch: "Wait."
Manny Roar: [roar]
Applejack: "YEE-HAW! Git along, little doggie."
Butterscotch: "Wait."
Manny Roar: [roars]
Applejack: "Whoa!" He shouted out as the manticore bucked him off and he went by Rainbow Blitz. "All yours, partner." He said to the cyan stallion.
Rainbow Blitz: "I'm on it."
Butterscotch: "Wait!"
Manny Roar: [roars]
Rainbow Blitz: [screams]
Dusk Shine: "Rainbow!"
Manny Roar: He grunted out as Dusk Shine snorted and began charging towards the manticore until...
Butterscotch: "WAIT!" He shouted out thus making his friends stop in their tracks as he trotted over towards the manticore as it roared out at him. "Shhh... It's okay." He cooed towards the beast and nuzzled his muzzle against the manticore's curled up paw as the beast showed butterscotch a huge thorn was in it's paw pad. "Oh, you poor, poor little baby." He cooed comforting the manticore.
Rainbow Blitz: "Little?" He questioned sarcastically til Y/n nudged him.
Butterscotch: "Now this might hurt for just a second." He said softly before taking hold of the giant thorn from the manticore's injured paw gently, only for manticore to roar out towards Butterscotch.
Everypony: "Butterscotch!" They all shouted out in fear except for Y/n only to see the manticore was licking Butterscotch's face and mane purring in gratitude.
Butterscotch: He giggles happily from the manticore's grateful kisses "Aw you're just a little ol' baby kitty, aren't you? Yes you are, yes you are." He said in baby talk before the manticore set him down with an upwards licked back mane.
Dusk Shine: "How did you know about the thorn?" He questioned Butterscotch as he walked back towards the group
Butterscotch: "I didn't. Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness." He said while Y/n helped him fix his mane before they all kept walking farther into the forest.
Elusive: "Ugh, My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck. Well, I didn't mean that literally."
Dusk Shine: "That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it."
Elusive: "I didn't see you there, my apologies."
Rainbow Blitz: "Right here... guh..."
Y/n: "Eeekkk, Watch where you put your hooves!"
Applejack: "Oh wait, I think I stepped in somethin'." He said until Butterscotch screamed out loud making the farmer scoff a bit. "It's just mud." He said before walking in front of a tree only to see it held a horrifying face and let out a growl. "Aah!" He shouted out while the trees growled at the group only to have whole group out in terror until they all heard Bubble Berry's laughter. "Huh?"
Bubble Berry: He is seen laughing at a horrifying tree then stuck his tongue out at it. "Bleh. Ooo!" He exclaimed before making funny noises only to laugh again as well while Y/n trots over to him looking at the tree unafraid of it.
Dusk Shine: "Bubble, what are you doing?! Run!" He exclaimed
Bubble Berry: "Oh boys and gumdrop, don't you see?" He said with a smile than broke into song.
Bubble Berry: When I was a little colt and the sun was going down...
Dusk Shine: "Tell me he's not..." He whisper asked the group as Bubble skipped around them all
Bubble Berry: The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown...
Elusive: "He is." He stated as Bubble began defying gravity to be funny.
Bubble Berry: I'd hide under my pillow
From what I thought I saw
But Pa Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with fears at all
Rainbow Blitz: "Then what is?" He questioned as Bubble kept explaining in song.
Bubble Berry: He said, "Bubble, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Ponies: The five colts gasp out while Y/n began giggling out loud.
Bubble Berry: So, giggle at the ghostly
Guffaw at the grossly
Crack up at the creepy
Whoop it up with the weepy
Chortle at the kooky
Snortle at the spooky
And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...
He sang out while everypony laughs towards the scary faces on the trees making them disappear from sight before catching their breaths on the grass for a break. Soon, the six colts and lone mare walked onwards towards a raging river where they all heard crying in the distance.
Bubble Berry: "How are we gonna cross this?" He asked til everypony heard a distant cry. "Huh?" He said as the group were soon in front of a deep purple scaled sea monster with a ginger hairstyle
Steven Magnet: "What a world, what a world." He sobbed out
Dusk Shine: "Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?"
Steven Magnet: "Well, I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid." He said while wailing once again and even splashed the group with river water.
Rainbow Blitz: "Oh, give me a break." He sighed uninterested
Applejack: "That's what all the fuss is about?" He said while shaking his hat dry
Elusive: "Why, of course it is. How can you be so insensitive?" He rebuttals passing by Blitz and Applejack to comfort the sea monster. "Oh, just look at him. Such dashing luminescent scales." He compliments
Steven Magnet: "I know." He said sniffling while Y/n summoned a large hanky for him. "Oh, thank you my dear." He said while wiping his eyes.
Elusive: "And your expertly coiffed mane."
Steven Magnet: "Oh, I know, I know."
Elusive: "Your fabulous manicure.
Steven Magnet: "It's so true!" He exclaimed after he gasped out.
Elusive: "All ruined without your beautiful mustache."
Steven Magnet: "It's true, I'm hideous!"
Elusive: "I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected." He said with determination before pulling a loose and dying scale off the sea monster with his teeth.
Steven Magnet: He yelped out in pain. "What did you do that for?" He questioned Elusive as the unicorn colt held the scale tightly in his teeth as it gleamed as if it were a sword in the starlight sky.
Dusk Shine: "Elusive, what are you-?" He questioned til a slash was heard then a thud as the sea monster fainted suddenly from shock.
Elusive had chopped off his long and well groomed tail then levitated it towards the sea monster and used his magic to bestow a gift onto the monster by fixing his mustache.
Steven Magnet: He moans out before seeing what Elusive had done for him. "Oh-hohohoho! My mustache. How wonderful." He exclaimed happily.
Elusive: "You look smashing." He said now sporting a shorter roughly cut tail instead
Y/n: "Oh, Elusive, your handsome tail..." She said before nuzzling her head underneath Elusive's chin. "That was very thoughtful of you."
Elusive: "Oh, my dear. Don't fret for short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back." He said while nuzzling her back happily.
Rainbow Blitz: "So would the mustache." He said towards Applejack whom nodded beside him.
Dusk Shine: He laughed a bit before gasping out to see the river was calm once more. "We can cross now. Let's go." He said til the sea monster made himself into a bridge to keep everypony dry. "Ah!" He exclaimed
Steven Magnet: "Allow me." He said before diving into the water as everypony crossed then waved towards his newfound friends off as the group finally reached their destination.
Dusk Shine: "There it is, the ruin that holds The Elements of Harmony. We made it!"
Applejack: "Dusk, wait for us!"
Dusk Shine: "We're almost there." He shouted out looking back at everypony until. "Whoa!" He exclaimed nearly falling off a cliff again til Rainbow Blitz saved him.
Rainbow Blitz: "What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" He asked sarcastically while nudging Dusk's shoulder.
Bubble Berry: "Now what?" He asked before sighing deeply.
Rainbow Blitz: "Duh." He said pointing towards his wings then flew off to the other side of the chasm.
Bubble Berry: "Oh yeah." He said while on the other side, Rainbow Blitz began tying the bridge back into it's place until a deep voice spoke up towards him.
Shadowbolt Leader: "Rainbow..."
Rainbow Blitz: "Who's there?" He questioned
Shadowbolt Leader: "Rainbow...
Rainbow Blitz: "I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!" He exclaimed while kicking his front hooves out as a punching motion.
Shadowbolt Leader: "We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria."
Rainbow Blitz: "Who?"
Shadowbolt Leader: "Why, you, of course."
Rainbow Blitz: "Really?! I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever."
Shadowbolt Leader: "No, Rainbow Blitz. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts." The figures came out of the fog to reveal three ponies wearing a darker version of the Wonderbolts uniform, two mares and a lone colt. "We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent-"
Rainbow Blitz: "Yep."
Shadowbolt Leader: "Swiftest-"
Rainbow Blitz: "Yes."
Shadowbolt Leader: "Bravest flyer in all the land.
Rainbow Blitz: "Yes, it's all true." He said with a chuckle.
Shadowbolt Leader: "We need... you."
Rainbow Blitz: "WOOHOO! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal."
Shadowbolt Leader: "No! It's them or us."
Dusk Shine: "Rainbow, what's taking so long?" He asked while everypony saw whom was with Rainvow Blitz. "Oh no. Rainbow! Don't listen to them!" He shouted out as the fog suddenly covered the other side up.
Shadowbolt Leader: "Well?"
Rainbow Blitz: "You..." He said while the Shadowbolt Leader smirked thinking he'd won until... "Thank you! For the offer, I mean, but I'm afraid I have to say no." He said while fixing the rope bridge and flew back to his friends as they cheered out for him, he trotted towards Dusk Shine. "See? I'd never leave my friends hangin'." He stated for a matter of fact.
Dusk Shine: "Whoa."
Applejack: "Come on, Dusk. Isn't this what you've been waitin' for?"
Dusk Shine: "The Elements of Harmony, we've found them. Careful, careful!"
Bubble Berry: "One, two, three, four... There's only six!"
Rainbow Blitz: "Where's the seventh?"
Dusk Shine: "The book said: when the six are present, a spark will cause the seventh Element to be revealed."
Applejack: "What in the hay is that supposed to mean?"
Dusk Shine: "I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Stand back. I don't know what will happen."
Applejack: "Come on now, y'all. He needs to concentrate."
Dusk Shine: "Aah!"
Everypony: "Dusk!"
Dusk Shine: "The Elements!" He exclaimed before jumping into the vortex of magic as all six ponies ran back into the area not seeing Dusk anywhere.
Butterscotch: "Dusk?"
Applejack: "What?"
Elusive: "Where did he go?"
Bubble Berry: "What happened?"
Rainbow Blitz: "What's going on?"
Y/n: "Dusk, where are you?"
Elusive: "Look!"
Applejack: "Come on!"
Dusk Shine: He coughs while he looked up then gasped as Darkhorse Knight had the elements of harmony around him laughing. "Hmph!" He exclaimed as he stomped his right fore hoove onto the stone floor with determination and lowered his head in a challenge towards Darkhorse Knight whom looked at Dusk in disbelief.
Darkhorse Knight: "You're kidding. You're kidding, right?" He questioned til Dusk charges forward towards him and so he too charged towards Dusk Shine, not seeing the young colt had been charging up magic into his horn.
Dusk Shine: He groaned slightly before seeing the elements around him as he ignited his magic again. "Just one spark. Come on, come on. Aah!" He gasped out
Darkhorse Knight: "No, no!" He exclaimed out til he noticed the magic faded away as Dusk gasped out in shock.
Dusk Shine: "But... where's the seventh Element?!" He shouted out in disbelief while Darkhorse Knight began laughing insanely before destroying the elements in front of Dusk.
Darkhorse Knight: "You little foal! Thinking you could defeat me? Now you will never see your prince, or your sun! The night will last forever!" He exclaimed while letting out an evil laugh once again
All six ponies talking over each other: Bubble Berry: "Don't worry Dusk, we're here." Applejack: "Don't worry, we'll be there." Y/n: "You're never alone with all of us, Dusk." These overlapping voices filled Dusk's head of the pony he knew since fillyhood and the one's he had met today.
Dusk Shine: He gasped in realization as a sudden spark gleamed in his eye unknowingly to him before he faced Darkhorse Knight now with determination. "You think you can destroy The Elements of Harmony just like that?" He said while Applejack, Elusive, Butterscotch, Bubble Berry, Rainbow Blitz, and Y/n L/n stood right behind him. "Well, you're wrong, because the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here."
Darkhorse Knight: "What?" He questioned as he looked down at the seven ponies before him now.
Dusk Shine: "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty! Butterscotch, who tamed the manticore with his compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness! Bubble Berry, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter! Elusive, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity! And Rainbow Blitz, who could not abandon his friends for his own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! And finally, Y/n L/n, In the face of certain peril shown you face anything for those you care about, represents the spirit of...love!" He shouted out as the final shards on the floor floated towards Y/n glowing f/c as she smiled down at Dusk Shine. "The spirits of these six ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us." He explained with a knowing smile on his muzzle.
Darkhorse Knight: "You still don't have the seventh Element! The spark didn't work!" He stated before Dusk shook his head.
Dusk Shine: "But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you." He said while looking over at the group of stallions and pulled Y/n in a hug which she happily returned. "The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all... are my friends!" He exclaimed out as the final element revealed itself to Dusk shaped like his cutiemark above his head. "You see, Darkhorse Knight, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the seventh element: the element of... magic!" He exclaimed as magic filled the ruins as the element shards surrounded the colts forming golden horse armor around then floated up forming a heart with Y/n in the middle smiling while her e/c eyes alongside Dusk's open up to show pure white aura til a beam of magic resembling a rainbow came from the seven friends and shot towards Darkhorse Knight.
Darkhorse Knight: "Nooo! Nooo!" He exclaimed out while the magic wrapped around him while he screamed out in defeat.
After the display of the Elements strength the seven ponies laid on the stone floor.
Rainbow Blitz: "Ugh, my head."
Applejack: "Everypony okay?"
Elusive: "Oh, thank goodness."
Butterscotch: "Why Elusive, it's so dashing."
Elusive: "I know! I'll never part with it again."
Butterscotch: "No. Your armor. Its clasp looks just like your cutie mark."
Elusive: "What? Ooh. So does yours." He said while Butterscotch gasps in amazement.
Bubble Berry: "Look at mine! Look at mine!"
Rainbow Blitz: "Aw yeah."
Y/n: She looks down at her neck to see that she wore a golden necklace with the element of love around her neck instead of the colt's armor. "It's beautiful and you boys look simply handsome in armor." She said truthfully while giggling not seeing the six colts were blushing at her compliment towards them.
((You can change the color to your various cutie mark color, mane color, or magic color!))
Applejack: "Gee, Dusk! I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship." He said smiling at his newfound friend.
Prince Solaris: "Indeed you do." He said while appearing in the ruined castle with the long-awaited sunrise before the seven ponies.
Dusk Shine: He gasps while the other colts bowed down in respect while Princess Y/n gallops over towards the prince of the sun hugging him. "Prince Solaris." He said while he bowed as well and Solaris hugged his ward back.
Prince Solaris: "Dusk Shine, my faithful student. I knew you could do it." He stated while proud of his pupil
Dusk Shine: "But... you told me it was all an old pony tale." He said while Y/n rolled her e/c eyes.
Prince Solaris: "I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Darkhorse Knight's return, and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat him, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart. Now if only another will as well." He said while trotting towards the remnants of Darkhorse Knight's armor to see a younger Alicorn colt. "Prince Artemis!" He called out
Prince Artemis: He gasped out in surprise as well as disbelief that he had returned to normal once again. Artemis was shown as a Alicorn stallion prince with a deep dark blue like coat of a dark night sky without stars, his eyes were shown bluish crystal as if a moonlight bathed ocean. He wore dark black armor decorated with a silvery crescent moon and silver horseshoes, and finally his mane as well tail was held by silver bands decorated with swirls. His inner blue night sky mane and tail resembled the star-ridden galaxy sky while the outer nebula of purple resembled the sky as the sun was fully set. Finally the stallion's cutie mark was shown to be a crescent moon in the dark night sky.
Prince Solaris: "It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little brother." He said while kneeling to be at level of his younger brother.
Mane 6 except for Y/n: "Brother?"
Prince Solaris: "Will you accept my friendship?"
Bubble Berry: "Whoa!"
Prince Artemis: "I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed out in tears while hugging Solaris at long last. "I missed you so much, big brother!" He said while tears ran down his face.
Prince Solaris: "I've missed you, too." He said tearing up a bit as he hugged his brother back.
Bubble Berry: He blows his nose as he sobs. "Hey, you know what this calls for?" He asked before the scene changed from the ruins of the castle of two brothers back to Ponyville. "A party!" He shouts out tossing confetti into the air as music played out and cheering ponies while the royal chariot pulled by royal pegasus guards into Ponyville with Prince Solaris, Princess Y/n, and Prince Artemis.
Two pegasus fillies fly towards Prince Artemis with a flowered necklace and put it onto the reformed Prince of the Night making him smile while Y/n giggled happily placing roses on the fillies manes in thanks before trotting towards Dusk Shine sadly.
Prince Solaris: "Why so glum, my faithful students?" He questioned as he saw Dusk's reluctance and Y/n's sadness. "Are you both not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?" He asked the two ponies before him.
Dusk Shine: "That's just it. Just when I learned how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them." He said sadly as Y/n took her tiara off her head to look at it.
Y/n: "I don't really feel like it's right to leave the ponies I met and bonded with here." She said truthfully before transfigurating her tiara into a hairpin instead and placed it in her h/l m/c mane. "I can not leave them behind, Solaris, and I hope you understand this." She said firmly.
Prince Solaris: He looked at his ward and student before him and than hummed in acknowledgement with a smile. "Barbara, take a note, please. I, Prince Solaris, hereby decree that the unicorn Dusk Shine shall take on a new mission for Equestria. He must continue to study the magic of friendship. He must report to me his findings from his new home in Ponyville." He declared while ponies cheer out, he hugs Y/n before she headed over towards Dusk Shine. "Also, by royal decree. My dear ward shall stay here in Ponyville and allow the love she has gifted everypony here to nurture and grow. But, she must return at my summons so I may see how much the devotion within her has grown." He said smiling even as he was suddenly tackle hugged onto the ground by Y/n. "I love you too, my little wonder."
Dusk Shine: "Oh thank you, Prince Solaris! I'll study harder than ever before." He said as ponies cheer out.
Y/n: "Oh, thank you, thank you!" She squealed out happily before galloping towards the mane six colts and Barbara pulling them all into a hug with her f/c magic.
Bubble Berry: "Isn't this exciting? Are you excited cause I'm excited I've never been so excited, well, except for the time that I went-" He spoke rapidly before taking deep gasp. "-but I mean really..." He kept talking as Y/n trotted over towards him and placed a kiss onto his cheek thus making him freeze up.
Y/n: She giggles softly before waving towards the readers. "Sorry, Bubble but you were rambling sweets. Til next time, everypony!" She said while Bubble Berry floats behind her with his pupils in the shape of hearts.
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