Part One
Osomatsu scooted to the very edge of his seat in the music hall, peering around an elderly couple, who were sitting a row ahead of him, attempting to catch a glimpse of his brother. Soon, Karamatsu would be out on the stage, performing in his hometown for the first time in forever.
It had been two years since Karamatsu left Tokyo to further educate himself at a prestigious music university somewhere in Europe. Osomatsu hadn't been paying attention the day the second son had announced his decisions to abandon them all for his own happiness.
Now, after twenty-four months of having to put up with the rest of his trashy brothers, Osomatsu was ready for a change. Karamatsu had been missed greatly. Which was surprising to Osomatsu, considering he was one of the only one who didn't care that Karamatsu had left at first. Now, he seemed to be the only one, dying to see his younger brother again.
The entire room grew silent as the lights dimmed. An elderly fellow cleared his throat as he hobbled out onto the stage, using a wobbly, wooden cane for support.
"Over the years, classical music has been a huge part of our culture! In the past, only those who came from rich families were able to enjoy such music! It is truly a joy, that people from all sorts of different lifestyles are allowed to hear these songs today!" the man rasped out into a microphone, proceeding to cough off and on between every sentence.
Osomatsu closed his eyes, sighing as he sat back in his chair, slumping down a little. He couldn't care less about these speeches. Classical music was the most boring thing in the world to him.
"Yet, somehow this is the music that brought the two of us closer together," Osomatsu thought, reminiscing over the past. "We spent countless hours in this building together when we were younger."
After what seemed like an eternity, Osomatsu's attention was grabbed once again when the elderly man spoke loud and clear, "I now present to you, the one and only....Matsuno Karamatsu!"
As if the heavens had come down to earth, Osomatsu's heart began to thud within his chest. Each and every second seemed like an eternity. His hair stood on end, anticipation building up inside his body.
All the people in the audience stood up and began to applaud as a tall, slim figure stumbled awkwardly out onto the stage.
The man's body language seemed to reek of exhaustion, though his hair had been brushed back nicely, and his trendy, indigo suit had been pressed.
"Karamatsu..." Osomatsu gasped under his breath as the audience sat back down in their seats.
Karamatsu elegantly bowed before everyone, his eyes scanning the crowd, as if he were searching for someone in particular.
Then, in a swift, cool movement, the man sat down at the grand piano on the lonely, concert hall stage.
Karamatsu loosened his tie and unbuttoned his formal jacket, gazing up at the dimmed lights. He muttered a few words to himself, perhaps saying a prayer, then began to play.
Osomatsu closed his eyes, listening to his brother's music. It had been far too long since he had last heard his beloved brother's emotions.
Each note seemed restrained, as if its 'master' of the piece, Karamatsu, was struggling. Emotions were being withheld.
Osomatsu listened more closely, taking in the delightful sounds coming from his brother.
"Is this some sort of sorrow?" Osomatsu questioned, pulling a sketch pad out from under his oversized hoodie. Grabbing a pen, which he had left behind his ear, the young man began to draw, expressing how the music made him feel.
Suddenly, Osomatsu stopped drawing, his heart skipping a beat.
"This one chance to see Karamatsu, and I want to draw instead? Am I insane?!" Osomatsu scolded himself, drawing his attention back towards Karamatsu.
The man seemed to have grown up in many ways as he hunched over the grand piano, tears running down his cheeks as he played.
Osomatsu took notice of these tears, guilt twisting in his stomach. "I could have called him while he was away...I could have talked to him. But surely he hasn't been alone these two years! Karamatsu is a...nice-ish guy. There's no way he wouldn't have made friends."
Getting lost in thought, Osomatsu, completely unaware that he was even tired, dozed off until the end of Karamatsu's performance.
Thirty minutes later...
Osomatsu jerked awake, frantically looking around. The entire music hall was empty. Not a single old person was remaining.
"Oh crap," Osomatsu silently scolded himself. "Karamatsu's probably headed home by now, too!"
Jumping out of his chair, the young man was shocked when someone from behind tapped him on the shoulder.
Turning around, tears of joy immediately sprung into Osomatsu's eyes.
"Karamatsu!" Osomatsu explained. "You did such an amazing job up there today! And you looked so grown up! I-I-I-I..." He began to stumbled over his words, completely overwhelmed with joy.
"I missed you," Karamatsu spoke softly, wiping a tear away from his eyes, then pulled Osomatsu into an awkward hug. "It's been lonely without you."
"How has school been treating you?" Osomatsu asked, hoping to redirect his brother's mind a little.
Unfortunately, such a simple question seemed to lower the young man's spirits.
"It's been...difficult. Exams will be coming up soon...I really shouldn't even be here in the first place. I've just felt so exhausted lately, my professor told me to go away," Karamatsu sighed.
"Do you want to go home now? Everyone will be really happy to see you!" Osomatsu suggested.
Karamatsu immediately agreed, forcing a sad smile on his face. "That's sounds...amazing. I'm sure nobody wants to see me though, but that's okay. How has Ichimatsu been doing?"
"He's still concerned about Ichimatsu, huh?" Osomatsu thought sadly to himself. "Does he not want to ask me how my art has been coming along? Or maybe he's just wondering if that moron is still an attention seeking little-"
"Wait here just a second," Karamatsu spoke, after they had exited the recital hall. "I need to go fetch my music so I can keep practicing at home. We still have a piano there, right?"
"Yeah," Osomatsu grinned, rubbing under his nose. "It'sjusttotallynotshovedinacornerwherenobodycangettoitbecauseJyushimatsuistooobnoxious."
"Nice," Karamatsu replied, not even paying attention to what Osomatsu had just said. "I'll be back!"
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