Part Four
"Watching you was one of my favorite things to do when I was younger. After that accident we were in, I realized how important you were to me. Hearing you play the piano, seeing you smile and laugh. Your smile...I will never ever forget your precious smile." Osomatsu thought as he wrapped a scarf around his neck and pulled on a coat. "You make life worth living, Karamatsu. You're the reason why I didn't quit when I was younger. You always encouraged me with a cheerful smile and said, 'Hey, I'm here for you! And if you fall, I'll fall down with you, and then we can help each other back up!' Those were the good days..."
Osomatsu opened the front door to the Matsuno household, exited it, and gently closed the door behind himself.
It had been four days since the restaurant incident. Karamatsu had been hospitalized ever since, due to his terrible health.
"Did stress do that to you?" Osomatsu thought, hugging himself in order to stay warm as he strolled down the street by himself. "You just don't seem like the type of person to let stress get to you."
Osomatsu was correct.
When he met with the doctors at the hospital, they presented him with grave, terrible news.
"Your brother's body is covered in some sort of disease on the inside. It's beginning to eat away at his bones and lungs, too. We've tried to think of what disease this could be, but there's just nothing. The disease is rapidly spreading, too. It'll shut down his lungs, and if it doesn't shut them down completely, it's going to definitely shut down his heart." the doctor spoke seriously. "He has one week, at the most to live."
"I'm sorry," a nurse tried to comfort Osomatsu, but it was all pointless. The strong, grown man was sobbing.
"You can't do that!" Osomatsu cried out. "His dreams are finally coming true! He's allowing the world to hear his music! All he wants to do is touch the lives of people because of his passion...You can't just steal that from him! For years, piano was his reason to live! It gave him a new sort of hope! Now you're just going to make all hope vanish by saying he's going to die?! You're all heartless!"
"Sir, we can't do anything about him dying," the doctor said sternly. "I understand your frustrations, but you'll need to calm down."
"Have you told K-Karamatsu yet...?" Osomatsu's voice cracked as he wiped his eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie.
"No, I'm afraid not," the doctor replied. "That's what you're supposed to do."
"Give me some time..." Osomatsu sniffed as he stood up from the chair he had been sitting in, leaving the room. He left the hospital entirely, as well.
Walking around the park near the hospital, Osomatsu noticed an old woman by a tree, who appeared to be dead.
Pushing aside his own feelings of sadness, Osomatsu decided to cheer himself up by helping someone in need.
"Hey," Osomatsu said, approaching the old woman. "Are you alright?"
The old woman looked up at Osomatsu, then smiled innocently. "Do you need something?"
"What do you mean?" Osomatsu asked, sitting down on the grass in front of the elderly lady.
"You see, I used to be able to grant thousands of wishes," the woman croaked. "But now I only have a single wish left. Once I grant that wish, my life will finally be over. I've been living for over one hundred years, surprisingly. Only people who truly need me are able to see me."
"Can you grant any wish?" Osomatsu questioned. Things seemed far too good to be true.
"You wish for your brother Karamatsu to get well, do you not?" the old woman spoke softly, pulling a small, gold glowing bead out from a small pocket in her rags for clothing.
"I do! His happiness is my happiness. I just want him to be well...and to smile again. A real, genuine smile. I want him to feel loved and appreciated, too," Osomatsu blurted out.
The old woman chuckled, then granted his wish, without asking if he wished to reconsider.
"You truly are a pure man," the old woman spoke. "Now, I must tell you. Your wish has been granted, but there's a price to pay. In two years, you will lose your eyesight for the rest of your life on this very day."
"WHAT-" Osomatsu choked, but suddenly, the woman was gone.
When Osomatsu walked back in the hospital the very next day, the doctor's literally flew up to him, celebrating.
"We have no idea what happened, but Karamatsu's body is perfect again! There's no sign of any sickness in him!"
"Thank you..." Osomatsu prayed silently, tears of joy running down his cheeks. "Even if I may never be able to see Karamatsu perform again, I know this will be well worth it...I'll do anything if it means Karamatsu is happy."
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