Obsession (boatboys)
Whoops I disappeared from writing so here's so bad boatboys stuff (cuz I suck)
Time: season 10 of hermitcraft start (not cannon start DUH)
Pov: joel
Me: returning to writing, obsessed (reference yoooooo) with lists
Name is what joel has with etho
I'm on hermitcraft of course I am I'm the best
Took them long enough to get me in
I take my copium medication
It's because I'm too cool amd their all nerds, especially eefo, definitely dont like him.
Speaking of eefo I need to go mining with him
Like I get grain and scar wanted alone time but like come on ME wit eefo no way
Like eefo why just thinking about it makes me blu- annoyed ANNOYED
Anyway I gotta get going and deffinently not care about how I look
"So joel it's us 2 together" eefo says
"Ugh I hate this" I say
"Then why are you blushing" eefo says
"Shut up I'm not your probably blushing under that mask" I say
"I'm not" eefo says
"Oh yeah I know you are eefo" I say
"It's pronounced etho" eefo says.
"Yeah whatever" I say pulling his mask down
Shoot he's hot- I mean he's horrifying I definitely dont wanna kiss him hehe
"Joel buddy your staring at me" eefo says.
"I'm not" I snap immediately
"Oh sure" eefo says
An explosion goes off and gas fills the area I swear I heard grain
"Eefo what's going on" i ask
"Are you obsessed with me" eefo asks
"Maybe..." I say
"Gotcha yeah smells like truth serum" eefo says "but you seem so delusional it's struggling"
"My Copeium prescription is not denial" I complain
"Sure" eefo says
"You like me don't you" I say
"Yeah" eefo says "you are so lucky I like short guys because people don't touch my mask"
I jump up so I can get above his waist
Eefo pick me up and pecks muly cheek. I'm disgusted and deffinently not in denial about liking it.
BTW we are definitely not secretly dating now.
This is good enough
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