A/N: Sorry it's been a while. I might go on an actual hiatus soon. I've been rewriting the next few chapters over and over but nothing's right. Enjoy the chapter. Sorry it's short.
Roman was sad.
He had no inspiration.
He'd been sitting on his bed for the past hour, writing and erasing one line over and over again. Nothing he wrote was right. It was either out of character, or didn't make sense, or was just plain stupid. Nothing was helping, either. Music was more distracting than usual. Writing a different story just wasn't working. Trying to push through the block was only really making it worse.
There was one thing left that might work, though.
A distraction.
Placing his laptop down on the bed, Roman got to his feet and left the room, turning off the lights with a wave of his hand. He walked downstairs to Logan's office, expecting him to be there. Unsurprisingly, he was.
"Can I help you, Roman?" He asked as Roman stepped through the door.
"Yep. You're coming with me, and we're doing something fun."
"But I have work to do," Logan protested as Roman pulled him from his chair and back out the door.
"And I have writing to do, but I can't, so you're going to help distract me."
"How did Virgil stand you?" Logan muttered, rolling his eyes. Roman flushed slightly, but pretended to not be bothered.
"I don't know, you'll have to ask him. Now, you can either suggest something you want to do, or we're playing Just Dance."
"We played Just Dance last week."
"Then suggest something! You're running out of time!"
"Um. . . Uno," Logan said. "Let's play Uno."
"Okay!" Roman cheered, dragging Logan into the other room, the more professional cousin complaining all the while.
Roman plopped down on the floor - "Roman, there's a table right there." - and summoned a deck of Uno cards. Logan sighed, resignedly sitting cross-legged across from him. Roman shuffled and dealt the cards before mentioning what was on his mind.
"Lo, have you ever just completely lost all inspiration?" He asked, putting down a red eight.
"In what sense?" Logan countered, placing a blue eight down.
"As in you had a good idea, but now you just can't make it work." Roman placed a blue skip a turn card down and Logan cursed.
"I believe I have. The only real way to get through it is to find your inspiration again."
"But how do I do that?"
"You go searching." Logan paused, placing down a green two. "Didn't you just buy an anti-writer's block potion yesterday?"
"Yeah, but I'm saving it."
"For what? You do realize potions like that one go bad, right?"
"They do?" Roman asked, eyes widening. "Oh god. I'll use it later, then. I was saving it for a worse bout of writer's block, but I guess this one's bad enough."
"You said you'd completely lost all inspiration. That sounds pretty bad to me." Logan put down a yellow three. "Uno."
"Wha-" Roman looked back and forth between Logan's hand and the pile of cards. "How do you already only have one?" Logan shrugged, smirking. Roman played a yellow nine, rolling his eyes. Logan proudly displayed his last card, a colour-changing one.
"I win," he beamed. Roman rolled his eyes again, but smiled too.
"Nerd. We're playing again."
"Why, so you can suffer another crushing defeat?"
"Shut it and play."
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