PATTON: Hey! It's me, Patton, the guy you nearly ran over this morning! I thought I'd take you up on that coffee offer :) Could you possibly pick me up at four-ish? I'll send you the location.
LOGAN: Hello Patton! I'll be there at four.
PATTON: Great, thanks! Looking forward to it :)
Patton checked his phone for what must have been the millionth time in the past five minutes. His quick conversation with Logan from earlier remained open, the seen marking still there. It was three fifty-nine. Logan was cutting it close.
Patton had decided not to give Logan his work address. He seemed perfectly nice, but he might be a psychopath. Instead, he walked to the nearby library and told Logan to pick him up from there. He texted Virgil quickly, trying to distract himself.
PATTON: Hey kiddo. I hope you're enjoying your date! I know I said I'd be home at around the same time as you, but long story short, I nearly got run over and now I'm going to get coffee with the guy who almost hit me. Anyways, have a good time and don't forget to eat something! Love ya :)
Virgil didn't reply, which wasn't unusual, but still left Patton feeling a little down. He was probably just enjoying his time with the boy he'd met. Patton checked his phone yet again. Four o'clock. He pocketed his phone, looking around, and noticed a familiar car pulling up. Logan ran out of the car, looking considerably less panicked than he had that morning.
"Hello again, Patton. I trust I am not late?"
"You're right on time!" Patton chirped. Logan opened the passenger door to his car, holding it for Patton. He smiled, thanking the tall fey, and slid into the car. Logan closed the door and walked around to the other side, getting in the driver's seat. Checking to make sure that Patton's seatbelt was on, Logan drove off in the direction of the coffee shop. Patton's phone beeped, and he pulled it out of his pocket.
VIRGIL: Don't get kidnapped. Have fun :)
PATTON: Hopefully I will! How's your date going?
VIRGIL: Kinda awkward, but pretty good. He trusted me to pick a drink for him. I told the guy at the counter to write ramen on it. He's gonna be pissed :D
PATTON: And. . . you're trying to get him pissed off?
VIRGIL: I think he can take a joke. If not, please bury me this weekend. Write some sort of dad joke on my gravestone.
PATTON: I definitely will!
PATTON: Write a dad joke, I mean. Not looking forward to burying you.
VIRGIL: Good to know :)
VIRGIL: Gotta go now. His drink is ready. See ya later, Pat.
PATTON: Bye kiddo!
Patton looked back up, pocketing his phone once again, and realized that they were nearly at the coffee shop. He wondered if Virgil would still be there when they arrived. Logan pulled into a parking lot for a bookstore in the same lot and Patton noticed a familiar-looking witch walk out of Sprinkles of Joy hand in hand with another boy.
"Aww," he said quietly, smiling at the retreating figures. Logan looked at him, confused. "I just saw my roommate leaving. He was on a date here earlier," he explained.
"What a coincidence, so was my roommate," Logan mused, parking the car and getting out. He walked over to Patton's side and held open the door for him once again. They walked into the building side by side, a heavy silence between them. Patton smiled upon hearing the light jingling bells that always sounded when someone entered Sprinkles of Joy. Those bells made him think of Virgil, which made him happy.
"Do you know what you're getting?" Patton asked. Logan looked up at the shifting menu above the counter.
"I think I do. Do you?"
"Yep," Patton smiled, and the two stepped up to the counter together. "Can I please get an angel mocha, maybe with a tiny bit of confidence added in?" He asked the barista.
"Of course. Anything else?"
"I'll get a lemon starlight smoothie," Logan said. "And two croissants, please."
"Logan, you don't have to do that-"
"Nonsense. Would you prefer your croissant plain or chocolate?" Logan asked, brushing aside Patton's complaints.
"Um, chocolate, please," Logan repeated Patton's request to the barista and the two stepped out of the way, letting the next person order. Patton stood awkwardly by Logan's side, wanting to make conversation but not quite sure how to. Logan was rather intimidating. He seemed to be much more professional than Patton, and now that he was calmer than he'd been in the morning, he seemed a bit like an imposing brick wall. Tall and unbreachable.
The barista called Patton and Logan's names, and Patton watched as Logan grabbed their orders. He handed Patton his drink and a bag with his croissant, then stepped up to pay.
"You don't have to pay for me," Patton said, placing a gentle hand on his arm. Logan turned to face him, a hint of emotion displayed on his face at last.
"I thought the whole point of this was I would buy you coffee to apologize for nearly killing you," Logan said, smiling slightly. "If I didn't pay, I'd still owe you."
"Well. . . if it makes you feel better," Patton reluctantly agreed.
"Trust me, it does."
Patton and Logan sat down opposite each other at a table beside the window, looking out on the street. Patton sipped his drink, thinking that it tasted much better when Virgil made it. He could feel the magic starting to work, giving him a bit more confidence than he'd usually have.
"I know I apologized this morning," Logan said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "But I'm incredibly sorry for nearly hitting you with my car. I know it's no excuse, I was running late for work and my mind was elsewhere."
"It's fine. I'm alive, aren't I?" Patton joked. "But as long as we're here, I'd like to get to know you better."
"Really?" Logan asked, surprised. "Alright then. What would you like to know?" Patton thought for a moment, trying to make sure he wouldn't sound too much like a therapist.
"What's your favourite colour?" He asked finally. Logan looked to be caught off guard by the question.
"Navy blue," he answered simply.
"Any reasoning behind that?"
"While many people consider blue to be a colour invoking feelings of sadness, it also creates a sense of calm and represents knowledge. Navy blue is not as bright or eye-catching as other blues, but it feels familiar and safe in a way." Logan hesitated for a moment, his face turning a light red colour. "I'm sorry, that was a rather drawn-out answer."
"No no no, it's fine!" Patton reassured him. "It was kinda poetic if you ask me."
"I'm glad you think so," Logan said, flashing that almost-smile again. "And you? What is your favourite colour?"
"There's so many!" Patton gushed. "I like light blues, like the sky, because they remind me of the perfect pictures on postcards. And I like pinks and purples, the kinds you see in sunsets. Oh, and the orange colour of the sun reflecting off the ocean as it sets, that one's really nice too. And the shade of red that roses are is beautiful as well. And I know I already said sky blue, but ice blue is super pretty, too. Kinda scary, in a way, but it's a nice colour nonetheless. And- I'm talking too much, aren't I?"
"Not at all," Logan smiled. A real smile this time, not the half-smile he'd thrown out a couple of times before. "It's quite refreshing, hearing you talk about something as simple as colours with such passion. I'm almost always surrounded by such dull people, except when I'm at home, and it's nice to hear someone as energetic and emotional as you."
"Oh," Patton said, eyes wide and mildly confused. "Thanks, I think?" Logan laughed, a soft chuckle that only Patton could hear.
"It's a compliment. Or, it was intended to be one." The two sat in silence for a moment, Patton mildly embarrassed and red-faced and Logan searching for a way to continue the conversation.
"You said you're surrounded by dull people except for when you're at home," Patton pointed out. "Do you have a girlfriend that lives with you? Or a boyfriend, sorry, didn't mean to assume."
"No, I do not. But I do have a very loud cousin as a roommate. He can be a bit much at times, but I have not once regretted asking him to live with me." Patton nodded, admiring Logan's eyes as he did. They were deep blue through the lenses of his glasses and seemed to peer right through his skin to his heart. It was like Logan could see into his head, or maybe even his soul.
"Can I ask you a question?" Logan said out of the blue. Patton nodded simply. "Why did you agree to come? You don't seem like the type of person who would hold onto debts and resent me for nearly hitting you."
"You're right, I'm not," Patton agreed. He thought for a moment. Why had he accepted, anyways? He didn't think too much about the decision, he merely decided that it might be fun. "I guess. . . I wasn't planning on doing much this afternoon, and I was done with work early, and my roommate is out on a date so he'll be gone for a while. I thought it could be a good experience and that I might make a friend out of it." Logan nodded, processing the information.
"What a coincidence, my roommate is on a date today too," Logan noted.
"Oh, that's cool!"
"Back to the conversation at hand - what do you do?"
"You mean work-wise?" Logan nodded. "I'm a therapist. I mostly work with kids, though I do get the odd adult patient."
"And do you enjoy it?"
"Yeah, I do," Patton admitted without hesitation. "I love helping people, and it's interesting to hear their stories and help them work through their issues. Everyone I meet with is so different and unique, and so are their situations. It's really interesting and makes for great conversation, too. At least, the stuff I can talk about without breaching patient confidentiality." He paused, taking a sip of his drink. It was starting to cool. "What about you?"
"My job. . . is rather unique," Logan started slowly, thinking through his every word. "I work for a fey-run company. We're trying to save the planet. It's all very science-based, and I'm not allowed to say much about what we do." Patton nodded, curious to know more but hesitant about asking.
"That sounds really cool! What can you say about what you do?"
Logan thought for a moment. "There's a lot of experimenting involved. Trying different methods to save the Earth. We can't just magically solve the problems caused by global warming without confusing the humans and prompting suspicion, so we need to find more subtle ways to do so. I think that's about all I'm allowed to mention without losing my job," he chuckled. Patton smiled, giggling along with him.
"Do you like your job?" He asked Logan, stealing the question Logan had asked before.
"I do. It can be both tiring and frustrating at times, but I worked hard to get the job and wouldn't trade it for anything," Logan explained.
The two sat in silence for another minute. "Do you like animals?" Patton asked suddenly.
"Um, yes, I do," Logan responded simply. "Do you?"
"I love them!" Patton exclaimed, eyes lighting up. "All animals are so amazing and adorable!" Logan smiled at his passionate response.
"Do you have any favourites?" He asked.
"I don't like playing favourites, but I love cats," Patton smiled. "I'm kind of allergic, though, so I always keep some medicine on me in case I find a cat somewhere." Logan smiled back at Patton for a brief second. "What about you?"
"I quite like dolphins, actually. They're very intelligent and fascinating creatures."
"Dolphins, eh? I did not see that coming," Patton admitted. He searched for something else to say. He wanted to make Logan smile again if he could. Logan had such a nice smile, but since arriving at the shop, Patton had only seen said smile a few times.
"What would you have thought, then?"
"I don't know. . . owls, maybe? It's just that when I think of dolphins, I think of the more playful side, and I guess I just didn't. . ."
"See me as the type to like that?" Logan asked. Patton's eyes widened, afraid he'd offended the other, but Logan just laughed. "It's alright. I wouldn't have assumed something like that about me either." Patton laughed along with him, relaxing a little.
The two started to open up about themselves little by little, beginning to enjoy their time with each other. Logan bought Patton another drink when he'd finished his, despite his repeated protests, saying that Logan only owed him one coffee. Logan waved him off, not telling him that he'd bought the drink so Patton might consider staying a little longer. Though he didn't really act like it, Logan enjoyed being around Patton and wanted to see if Patton might consider being his friend.
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