Wednesday. June 10, 1987.
While everyone ran around, hiding, laughing, and getting along, I couldn't take my mind off of the news Bill shared with me. Him and Stan. It's not like I was homophobic. I wasn't. I just never expected Bill to like someone that way, especially not a boy. If anything, I thought he had a crush on Bev. Boy was I wrong.
Eventually, the group got tired around the same time that the campfire was being lit up for the night. Bev ran over to me, grabbing my hand and looking down at my nails that she'd painted.
"Don't think I've forgotten our talk," She gave me a wicked smile. "I've got a plan."
I winced, not liking her tone. She pulled me to sit next to her while watching Richie sit next to Elle on the bench to our right. Ben and Mike were on the next and Stan and Bill were on our left.
"I have a game." Bev said with a smug smile.
"Not another one," Stan sighed. Bev shook her head.
"It'll be fun, promise." Bev reassured.
"Promise?" Elle rose an eyebrow.
"It's something you can't break. Ever." Bev smiled at her.
I felt awkward for a second like they needed to be alone. Richie's face mirrored mine and I wanted to laugh.
"So, the game?" Mike spoke up, putting his hands together. Bev nodded.
"Truth or dare." I looked at her with wide eyes. No.
"Hell yes," Richie looked at Elle excitedly. Stan cleared his throat, uncomfortably and Bill gulped visibly.
"Who's first?" Stan fidgeted in his seat.
"You," Richie shrugged. "Truth or dare?"
"Why did I bother asking?" Stan mumbled and Bill patted his back. "Truth."
"Weak," Richie scoffed. "Fine, how often do you tickle your pickle now that you're forced to share a room."
Stan choked. I heard a few laughs but rolled my eyes at Richie. Everyone looked at him expectantly. I did wonder now that we were on the topic, what was going on down there.
"Wait, I have a question. You go to a church full of jews, right. And when you turn thirteen you do that party thing and you take like a jew test or something, you know. After that, though. I heard they slice pieces of your dick off." I rambled, everyone staring at me with amused expressions.
"Nonsense, Eddie spaghetti, then Stan'll have nothing left." Richie laughed.
"Wh-what happens at a Bar Mitzvah anyway. Is it true they slice pieces of y-your d-d-dick off?" Bill looked worried which I thought was funny.
"Enough, at the bar mitzvah, I read from the Torah, make a speech and suddenly I become a man." Stan explained. There were still some laughs, though.
"Whatever, Stan the man," Richie shook his head. "That doesn't answer my first question."
"I don't," Stan snapped. "Shut up."
I laughed now, the rest of the group did too. Bill blushed.
"No wonder you're so uptight." Richie flashed a look of fake disappointment. "Loosen him up, Bill."
I burst out into a fit of laughter because Richie had no idea what he was saying. I tried not to think too much about it and attempted to calm myself down since nobody else knew about Stan and Bill's little fling behind closed doors.
"So-someone else just g-go now." Bill tried changing the subject.
"Stan, you ask someone now." Ben said. It seemed like anyone's best chance for survival was to stay silent because Stan chose Ben.
"Ben, truth or dare." Stan asked. Ben thought for a moment, trying to look brave but ultimately showing his nervousness.
"C'mon, Haystack don't let me down." Richie crossed his fingers.
"Shut up, Trashmouth!" I just wanted to get this game over with.
"Dare," Ben shrugged causing Richie to whoop enthusiastically.
Stan touched his fingertips to his chin in a thoughtful position causing Bill to giggle. They're kind of cute, I guess.
"I dare you to," Stan squinted his eyes. "Confess your love to someone special."
"How lame is that," I swear to God if Richie doesn't shut up- "We already know he's gonna pick Beverly."
The group went silent. We all stared at Richie with annoyed looks. Who sells their best friend out like that?
"That's really sweet," Bev smiled, getting up and walking past the campfire to give Ben a kiss on the cheek. At least she's nice about it.
"Th-thanks." Ben gushed. "Elle truth or dare?"
Elle squeaked, hiding behind her hands. I could see why Richie liked her. She's sort of cute with her whole innocent shy thing going on. Richie smiled at her, suddenly quiet.
"Dare," She mumbled surprising everyone.
"I dare you to, kiss Bev on the cheek." Ben shrugged like he had no better ideas. Bev just laughed as Elle kissed her cheek. It didn't seem like a big deal at all. I rolled my eyes, this game was so dumb. If they all want to kiss each other why didn't we just play spin the bottle. I shook my head.
"Got something you want to say?" Mike snickered at me. I froze.
"Just," I shrugged. "If you guys are so obsessed with kissing each other why didn't we just play spin the bottle?"
Bev bit her lip, I could tell this was going to ruin whatever plans she had in store but I was relieved because I was sure it involved having to be nice to Richie which was already hard enough for me to do.
"Fine," Bev said. "But if you refuse to kiss the person it lands on, the person to your right gets to decide who you kiss."
I took note that Beverly was on my right and groaned.
"Whatever," I shrugged. I just wanted everyone to get their hormones out of the way so I could go to my room and sleep.
"Who has a bottle?" Mike scoffed. Almost like a scene out of a movie, Richie pulled a bottle out from under the bench he was sitting on. I gaped at him.
"What? Can't blame me for being prepared." Richie defended himself. I waved my hand at him, urging him to get on with the game. He placed the bottle near the fire and looked around.
"Elle choose someone to spin, since you just had you're turn." Stan said. Elle nodded, scanning everyone one by one. She smiled and pointed at Mike.
Mike sighed, reaching for the bottle. We all watched anxiously as the bottle spun. I took a moment to shake my head at the male to female ratio and the odds that he'd even land on someone he hoped for. Not that I thought he'd be interested in anyone here.
I began to get dizzy so I looked away. That's when I heard the teasing begin. I looked up to see the bottle landed on Beverly. What the fuck, how did he get a girl?
I gaped as Mike walked over, standing in front of me as he leaned down to kiss Bev's hand. Richie and Stan boo'd at him but he shrugged. He totally had the chance to kiss a girl and he kisses her hand. I wondered if he was gay too. Whatever.
Bev smiled and grabbed the bottle, spinning it nervously. At our last campfire, she revealed she's never been kissed. I wonder if she felt as nervous as me at the thought of having to give her first kiss to one of these losers and not someone she really liked. It landed on Bill and I tensed up.
I looked at Stan to see him looking just as uncomfortable. I felt bad for him for a second. Bev was blushing slightly and Bill looked clueless. Elle crossed her arms, waiting. Bev finally got up from the bench and stepped around me and Stan to get to Bill. Stan was staring at her enviously, almost. I bet he wishes he could kiss Bill in public. Bev simply pecked Bill which surprised me. I'd expected her to make it more meaningful but I guess Bill wasn't who she wanted to kiss after all.
It was Bill's turn and I crossed my fingers for him, hoping he'd land on Stan just to redeem himself for having to kiss Bev. How the hell. My eyes widened as the bottle slowed down full circle and somehow landed on fucking Stan Uris.
"What are the odds," I mumbled.
"Huh?" Bev whispered to me.
"Nothing," I shook my head. Bill grinned widely, not able to hold in his excitement. Stan's lips curled up too. Ok, they are cute. I tried hiding my smile, knowing all too well that they were going to enjoy it.
Bill blushed, resting his hand on the back of Stan's neck and I felt awkward for being apart of something they were already so accustomed to. Stan put his hands on Bill's sides as they turned towards each other while keeping their seats on the bench. Once they kissed I sighed, thinking it was done. I didn't expect Stan to smile into it and pull Bill closer.
I scratched the back of my neck, looking away. Everyone was watching them with shocked expressions. It was clear this wasn't their first time. I glanced back to see Bill was playing with Stan's curls at the back of his head. Stan squeezed Bill's waist and I swear Beverly squealed.
I cleared my throat, trying to get them to stop before it got any more intense. Richie looked uncomfortable and his eyes were ready to pop out of his head.
"W-what the fuck." Richie muttered. Bill and Stan didn't pull away. I looked around for guidance.
"Get a room!" Bev shouted at them. I laughed as they finally broke off their make-out session.
Bill's face was red and he looked at everyone sheepishly. Stan was glowing, a huge smile on his face. Mike opened his mouth to speak but shut it soon after.
"That was something," I said.
"Steamy," Ben chuckled. Mike punched his shoulder and we all laughed.
"Moving on," Richie seemed to be avoiding the situation altogether.
Stan bit his lip, spinning the bottle. I watched it twirl in circles, slowing down at a painful speed. When it finally stopped I felt my chest tighten. It was pointing right at me. I shook my head. No fucking way I'm going anywhere near his lips after that. Also, I'd never kiss someone Bill liked. That's not right. Where was my inhaler in times like this?
"I'm not doing it." I said right away.
"You have to!" Richie rolled his eyes. I gave him my biggest glare. He's so stupid, he's supposed to pretend like he's my boyfriend, not pimp me out.
"I'm not, Beverly just give me someone else. I don't care." I put my hands up.
"Okay. Kiss Richie." Bev smiled.
I froze, shaking my head again. Elle looked confused.
"Why not? You're together." She questioned.
"I-I can't." I said quietly contemplating whether or not I should just go with Stan at this point. I glanced at Bill who seemed to be reading my mind. He gave me a pleasing look, clearly not comfortable with the idea of me kissing his crush.
"Those are the rules. It's Richie or Stan." Bev shrugged as if it were out of her control. I looked at Bill again. Damn him. He really owes me.
"Fine. Get up Richie." I rolled my eyes, taking a deep breathe. He looked shocked, shakily standing to his feet.
We stood next to the fire, face to face. Well, sort of. I cursed my genes for making me so short to the point that he had to look down at me slightly.
"Are we r-really doing this?" I hardly understood him, he was whispering so quietly. I doubted anyone else could hear him as well.
"I guess it had to happen sooner or later, right?" I whispered back.
"R-right." He nodded. I tried not to focus on everyone watching us. I focused on him and getting this over with. Right, my first kiss. My only ever first kiss and it was gonna be with Richie fucking Tozier.
I stared at him, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. What do I do now? He seemed to be just as clueless. He reached his hands out towards me but dropped them to his sides, not knowing where to put them.
"J-just put them on my shoulders." I ordered. I ignored the fact that we were only raising suspicion the longer we waited. I put my hands on his hips and he flinched for a second. I widened my eyes, as if to let him know he needed to calm down before he blew our cover.
"Ready?" I asked. He nodded, apprehensively. His glasses started to fog up which made me nervous. Slowly he began lowering his head, leaning in. I felt our noses brush and I knew it was close enough for me to close my eyes. All I heard was his breathing and the crackling fire beside us.
Then it disappeared and all I knew was Richie. Richie and his lips against mine. We stayed like that for three seconds. As I began pulling away he pulled me closer, softly mumbling something against my lips.
"Not convincing enough." Is what I heard. I gripped onto his shirt, tilting my head into the kiss. He wants convincing. He opened his mouth, slightly, urging me to deepen the kiss. I panicked, not knowing what to do next when his tongue grazed mine. My face grew hot and I suddenly felt the pressure of everyone's eyes on us. I pecked his lips one last time before pulling away.
He was looking at me strangely. I didn't think about it, though. There was only one thought running through my mind. Why did I enjoy that so much?
➳ ➳ ➳
First of all, this was a longer update since I felt bad for taking so long. Second, bItCH tHey fInallY KIsSed
Third. The pic is their seating arrangement at the campfire lol Im sorry it's messy.
-kat 10/1/17 @ 7:37 pm
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