💔/💗Touch Starved (Intrological)
This was requested by KbaeStar 💖
⚠️Touch Starved, self hate, Slight cussing⚠️
(EDITED by @KbaeStar)
(3rd pov.)
It had just struck one in the afternoon when Remus came running into Logan's room.
He banged on the door before opening it loudly and jumping onto Logan's bed.
"What do you want Remus?" Logan asked while picking up the cup of writing supplies he had knocked over at Remus's abrupt loudness.
"I'm bored and everyone else is busy." Remus replied almost instantly.
"Well I'm doing some work. Therefore, I am also busy." Logan retaliated. In all honestly he didn't hate Remus being here. He enjoyed the company and he also may have a tiny, infitesimal crush on Remus...
"Well I'm not moving. Your bed is comfortable and I'm tired." Remus sighed while cuddling into Logan's pillow. He looked adorable in Logan's eyes.
Logan blushed slightly and cleared his throat. "Whatever, just don't make a lot of noise." Logan said making Remus smile and soon fall asleep.
What Logan didn't know was that if another side slept inside their bed then that side would know who their crush is. (In other words Remus now knows who Logan's crush is.) The beds where like this because Remus made them all this way. He thought that it would be easy blackmail and it would also be an easy way to see if his crush liked him back.
While Remus was taking a hour long nap, Logan had finished almost all of his work for the month.
When all of a sudden Remus sat up bolt right, panting and blushing like crazy. Logan jumped slightly and quickly turned to Remus.
"Are you alright? You look sunburnt even though you haven't been in the sun since you came in here." Logan asked, confused and concerned.
"Wh-? Oh! Um... yah I'm fine." Remus said. Janus rose up and his left eye was glowing.
"I don't know who said it, nor do I care. Whoever said 'I'm fine' is lying." Janus said before sinking back out.
"Would you like to tell me the truth?" Logan asked Remus with a raised brow.
Remus was blushing even more now. "Why would you like someone like me?" Remus asked quickly, instantly putting his hand over his mouth.
"How did you? Wha-?" Logan stuttered, face flushed.
"Well, I may have placed a spell on all of the beds to show whoever sleeps in them who they like." Remus said sheepishly.
"Why?" Logan asked, he didn't sound mad. Just confused.
"Well, I thought it would be easy blackmail and that I would be able to see if my crush likes me back. It worked..." Remus said glancing at Logan to see if he had caught on.
"But why would you like me? I am almost always working, I don't do feelings, and so much more. I'm not a very good person to like." Logan asked, he, shockingly had understood what Remus had meant.
"Well that's the largest lie I've ever heard. You only work so you can keep Thomas safe and in line, you have feelings but you just repress them, and you are an amazing person." Remus said while getting up and giving Logan a hug.
Logan froze, he has had Patton hug him before but that was very occasional and nobody else really has ever given him affectionate physical contact.
"This is where you hug back Logi." Remus said making Logan slowly move his arms to wrap around Remus's torso.
"How much more work do you have to do?" Remus asked as Logan melted into the hug.
"I'm almost done." Logan replied while resting his head on Remus's shoulder.
"Alright, well finish up quickly and then we could cuddle if you want." Remus said while pulling out of the hug. Logan whined at the loss of contact but then instantly tried to cover it up with a cough.
Logan quickly turned to his work before Remus could see his blushing face.
"You aren't hugged a lot, aren't you?" Remus asked while wrapping his arms around Logan's shoulders.
"No, I'm not. Roman and Virgil are together, Patton is everyone's father figure and everyone just assumed that you and Janus where together." Logan explained while fighting the urge to lean into Remus.
"Janus and Orange are together. Although we are all pretty cuddly friends... oh sh*t, don't tell them I said that." Remus said quickly.
"I won't say anything." Logan reassured while typing away at his computer.
After about five minutes Logan was done with everything for the month.
"I'm done, what did you want to do?" Logan asked while shutting his computer.
"Yay! Cuddle, only if you ok with it though." Remus said happily while jumping onto Logan's bed and turning on "Buzzfeed Unsolved".
"I don't know how to do that." Logan replied looking embarrassed.
"That's ok, come here and I'll show you." Remus said reassuringly.
Logan nodded and sat down next to Remus.
Remus sat up, hugged Logan and then laid then both down. "Now just relax." Remus said as Logan moved his head onto Remus's chest.
Logan instantly felt warm and safe. He wasn't used to feeling this way but he sure did enjoy it.
He was struggling to stay awake. The warmth and feeling of being safe was very calming and comfortable.
Remus noticed Logan's struggle to stay awake. "You can sleep, I'll make sure nothing happens." Remus reassured while running his fingers through Logan's hair.
"Are you *yawn* sure?" Logan asked while leaning into Remus's hand.
"Yes, now sleep. You need it." Remus said calmly.
Logan fell asleep quickly while he continued to watch Buzzfeed Unsolved.
*Two hours later*
Logan woke up, blushing like mad. He looked up, saw Remus, blushed more and then jumped off of him.
"What's wrong?" Remus asked while sitting up, startled by Logan's sudden movement.
"Nothing, it was just a dream." Logan replied, still not looking at Remus.
"What was the dream about?" Remus asked while gently pulling Logan back over to him.
"W-well.... um... wewheretogetherandyoukissedme." Logan rushed out.
"Slower Lo." Remus said while hugging Logan who once again attempted to not lean into the tough (and failing).
"I had a dream where we where together and you kissed me." Logan said a little slower.
After a minute of trying to figure out what Logan had said Remus smirked.
"You had a dream where we where dating and I kissed you? Well we could make that a reality if you wanted to." Remus said making Logan's blush brighten even more.
"Wh- um.. I mean.." Logan stuttered.
"Logan, would you be my boyfriend?" Remus asked, still not letting Logan out of the loose hug.
Logan nodded, to shocked to talk.
"May I kiss you?" Remus asked, he knew that consent was extremely important and didn't want to ruin any trust he had with Logan.
Once again Logan nodded, still extremely shocked as to what was happening.
Remus smiled sweetly and gently pulled Logan into a small sweet kiss, that Logan melted into.
When they pulled away after a few seconds, they where both blushing crimson.
"Wow." Logan whispered. Remus smiled "Your so cute." Remus said, talking more to himself than to Logan.
"We all look the same." Logan muttered with a blush, he knew that they all had their own details that made them different.
"You know we don't fully. So I stand by my statement, your adorable." Remus said before pecking Logan's lips again.
Logan blushed and hid his face in Remus's shoulder.
Remus chuckled and hugged Logan back. They spent the rest of the day cuddling and sneaking kisses here and there.
1,277 Words! I hope you liked this one-shot! I also hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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