💔/💗Panic Attack (Analogical)
⚠️Panic Attack⚠️
(EDITED by @KbaeStar)
(3rd pov.)
Logan was walking back to his room to continue reading one of his Space books when he heard whimpering.
He quickly located the source of the noise to Virgil's room and walked over. He gently knocked on the door "Virgil, may I come in." He asked.
When he didn't get a response he walked in. When he did, he saw Virgil curled up on himself, crying, shaking, and gasping for air.
Logan quickly rushed over and crouched down next to him.
"Virgil, may I touch you?" Logan asked knowing that you should always ask before touching someone when they where having a panic attack.
Virgil nodded shakily and Logan pulled him up to his chest. "Can you feel or hear my heartbeat?" Logan asked again.
Virgil once again nodded, now clutching onto Logan's arms and leaning into his chest.
"Can you try to copy the rhythm?" Logan asked, letting Virgil do whatever he had to do with him.
Virgil shook his head "no" as more tears came down. "Ok, its ok. Here, could you put this on?" Logan asked while pulling out some white earbuds.
Virgil nodded and shakily put in one of the earbuds. It was playing Disney music.
Logan had put on Roman's Playlist that was full of Disney songs in a quick attempt to see if it would help considering Virgil too liked Disney.
After about two and a half songs Virgil had calmed down. He calmed down so much that he ended up falling asleep on Logan.
This was pretty normal, whenever Logan would see Virgil having a Panic attack he would calm him down some way and they would normally end up asleep on him.
*When Virgil wakes up*
Virgil woke up and looked up to see Logan reading something on his phone while the music played in the background.
"Thank you." Virgil muttered while barring his head into Logan's chest.
"Of course. You know I will always help you when needed or wanted." Logan replied as he absent mindedly put an arm around Virgil, pulling him closer.
"L-logan? *deep breath* I am going to regret this... I like you and I was wondering if you liked me too." Virgil said quickly. He had been meaning to say that for a while, that's what he had panicked about earlier.
"Of course I like you too. I like you all." Logan replied looking confused.
"No, *sigh* as in I like you more than just friends..." Virgil trailed off while playing with his hoodie sleeves.
"Oh... well I think I have the same feelings, I am not an expert on feelings but I think I am correct about this." Logan replied after a minute.
"Does this mean we are boyfriends now?" Logan asked while running his fingers through Virgil's hair.
"Heh, that's up to you. Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Virgil asked while leaning into Logan's touch.
"Of course I would, would you like to me my boyfriend?" Logan replied with a rare smile.
"Well no duh." Virgil said with a smile as he hugged Logan properly.
They ended up cuddling and moving to Logan's room for the rest of the day and watched some Steven Universe until they fell asleep.
546 Words! I am sorry for this being shorter than normal but I am not very motivated 😕
Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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