💗Drunk (Logince)
Drunk (but cute drunk) & slight cussing⚠️
(EDITED by @KbaeStar)
(3rd pov.)
Logan had just gotten back from the Imagination where he had a bit too much to drink.
You might be wondering why Logan had gone out to drink in the first place? Well he had just won a debate and him and his team decided to celebrate by going to a close bar.
Normally Logan wouldn't drink that much, he thought he didn't. But one of his "friends" had spiked his already alcoholic beverage so he ended up becoming a bit more than just tipsy.
So when he came back to the Mind Palace he was stumbling and slightly slurring his words.
Roman was the only one up because Patton, being the dad he was made Virgil go to sleep early because he hadn't been getting sleep lately. And then he went to go and check up on Janus and Remus in the Dark Sides Mind Palace.
"Woah there Microsoft Nerd, what happened to you?" Roman asked. Just then Logan tripped over his own feet and fell into Roman's arms.
"It looks like I've fallen for you." Logan giggled making Roman blush and his concern heighten.
"Heh yah, come on Logan, lets get you to bed." Roman stated as he guided Logan to his bed.
"Noooooooo." Logan attempted to protest but was ignored.
Roman then snapped his fingers and Logan was in his Unicorn Onesie. While he was in his Beast Onesie. (He decided to go to sleep after Logan did.)
Once Roman managed to get Logan down into the bed he sat down on the side of it.
"I'm going to go and get you some water and then some Advil, when I come back I need you to take the water ok?" Roman asked as Logan attempted to get comfortable.
"Oooook." Logan sighed with a small pout. He didn't want Roman to leave but he also didn't want to make Roman mad by not listening so he just laid there and waited for him to come back.
Once Roman had come back he set the Advil down onto Logan's nightstand and handed him the water.
"Can you drink some of this please?" Roman asked as polite as he could.
"Nooo, I don't wanna. I wanna cuddle." Logan replied shocking Roman.
"Wh- If you drink some of the water than we can cuddle." Roman said after processing what Logan had meant.
"Ok!" Logan replied happily as he drank the water. He was a lot more calm, cuddly, and open with his emotions when he was drunk. "Cute" Roman thought with a small blush.
Once Logan had finished his water he gave it back to Roman looking like he was about to fall asleep any second.
"Cuddles?" Logan asked while making grabby hands towards Roman.
"Cuddles." Roman confirmed with a growing blush. He then sat the now empty cup down next to the Advil and climbed in next to Logan.
Logan instantly cuddled into his chest "G'night love you." Logan mumbled right before falling fully asleep, leaving Roman a blushing mess. His crush was cuddling him and just told him that he loved him!
Once he calmed his blush down he slowly fell asleep himself.
*The Next Morning*
Logan woke up with a massive headache but he also felt very warm. Not a bad warm but a comfortable warm, so he cuddled closer to it.
Then it moved.
Logan quickly jumped off of the object and instantly regretted it. His head pounded painfully.
"Easy there Tiger, here take this. It'll help." Roman stated as he woke up to Logan jumping off of him.
"What happened?" Logan asked as he took the Advil with the water Roman had summoned.
"Well you came here last night, very drunk. So I led you in here, got you to drink some water, and then you asked to cuddle. So I complied so you wouldn't get mad and rightbeforeyouwenttosleepyoutoldmeyouloveme." Roman said the last part as fast as he could.
"What? Slow down." Logan said while blushing, now knowing he had cuddled his long time crush.
"Right before you went to sleep you told me you love me." Roman said, still pretty fast but not as fast.
Logan seemed to pail and blush at the same time. "I-I did?" Logan asked now blushing crimson.
"Yah but I mean you where drunk, you didn't mean it... unless?" Roman raised his brow (like in the Tik Tok).
"Well...I...um...ugh." Logan stuttered, somehow blushing darker now.
"The feelings are returned." Roman reassured while hugging Logan, who melted into the embrace.
"Really?" Logan asked while looking up at Roman.
Roman nodded and then whispered "May I kiss you?" Quietly, so quietly that Logan almost missed it. Key work almost.
Instead of properly replying Logan leant up and kissed him. It was sweet, soft, and short but it was perfect.
"Would you give me the honor of being your boyfriend?" Roman asked while they placed their foreheads together.
"Oh course." Logan replied, he then pecked Roman's lips again.
Just then Virgil walked in. "Hey Logan, I couldn't find Ro-" Virgil cut himself off when he saw the two pull apart.
"Oh, my bad. Have fun you two." Virgil chucked as he left the room to go find his boyfriend's Janus and Remus.
"Well that was interesting." Logan muttered as he cuddled back into Roman's chest.
"Yep." Roman replied, popping the P. with a small smile.
"Can we just watch Disney and cuddled today? If not then that's perfectly fine too." Logan asked, quickly adding the last part.
"Of course we can." Roman replied while kissing the top of Logan's head.
So they did just that for the rest of the day, cuddled and watched Disney until they fell asleep the next night.
965 Words! I hope you didn't hate this and that you have an amazing day/night! Love you all! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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