💗"Wait..." (Kyouhaba)
⚠️Cussing, yelling, f slur, family drama/trama, current abuse, talk of past abuse, crying, self hate, negative self thoughts, death of someone's mom⚠️ *I swear this is fluffy* This was requested by KbaeStar but I not taking requests yet, they are just my twin sooo yeah...
"KENTARŌ GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" Kyoutani's father yelled waking him with a start.
He quickly got out of bed and down to where his father was waiting for him.
"Get ready for school now and DON'T come back until you are rid if your fucking faze of being a fag!" His father yelled harshly making Kentarō take a step back.
"I-" he stated to say something before SMACK! His father hit him across the face before punching him in the nose.
"GO GET READY FOR SCHOOL AND PACK A BAG! YOU AREN'T COMING BACK HERE UNTIL YOU ARE FIXED!" His father yelled making him nod before running back upstairs, tears bringing his eyes.
He quickly stuffed his largest backpack full of clothes, toiletries, his phone, phone charger, and a small photo he had of the entire team.
He then grabbed his school supplies and carried them in his arms before leaving the house.
(He also had changed into day clothes and put on shoes.)
*After school*
"Hey Kyoutani! You better not try and skip practice again." Oikawa said as he and Iwazumi walked up to him.
He flinched slightly at the sudden loud tone Oikawa was speaking in before putting his mask back up.
"I won't, and that was one time." He replied with an eyeroll.
"It still happened and I won't let it happen again!" Oikawa said as they all entered the gym.
During practice Kyoutani was off. He was even hit in the face with a stray ball from Maki but he didn't yell or snap at him like he normally would.
*After practice*
"Are you okay Kyoutani?" Iwazumi asked as they finnished up in the locker room.
"Yes?" Kyoutani replied sounding confused as to why he would ask that question so randomly.
"Okay." Iwa said before leaving the locker room with Oikawa.
"Weird..." He thought before grabbing his bag.
He had left his school stuff in the school building's lockers so he wouldn't have to worry about carrying it around with him.
He then saw Yahaba start to walk out of the gym and followed him.
Yahaba was one of the only people he would even consider asking to stay over even if it was just for the night because even though the boy annoyed the everything out of him, he still trusted him.
"Wait." He muttered as he grabbed onto the bottom of Yahaba's shirt confusing the boy.
Yahaba turned around only to become more confused at the sight of Kyoutani looking down at the ground, still holding onto his shirt.
"Yes?" He asked as Kyoutani let go of his shirt.
"C-could I crash at your place tonight? It's fine if you say no though." Kyoutani asked as he scratched the back of his neck, internally cursing himself for stuttering.
"Um yeah I guess. Can I ask why though?" Yahaba agreed as he turned so he was now fully facing the slightly shorter male.
"You can ask but I probably won't answer." Kyoutani replied as he moved his eyes up so he was now looking Yahaba in the eyes.
"Fine but you will need to give me a cover story for my mom or she will be suspicious." Yahaba sighed. Normally he would have said no if it was almost anyone else but this was Kyoutani and he wouldn't have asked unless he absolutely needed to.
"Would she be convinced that we are friends that just wanted to have a sleepover?" Ken asked as the two started to walk towards Yahaba's house.
"We can try that but if she doesn't believe it then I hope you are okay with her coming in every five to ten minutes to check up on us." Yahaba warned with a small smile.
"Thats fine." Kyoutani replied shortly, he didn't want to talk much more than he had to at any point incase he would possibly tell the truth about why he needed to stay.
The rest of the walk was left in an awkward silence.
Once they got there, Yahaba's mother was instantly by the door.
"Hello Shigeru, who is this young man?" Shd asked as she looked Kyoutani up and down.
"This is my friend Kyōtani, Kentarō, he can stay over tonight right?" Shigeru asked his mother making her confused.
"Yes but don't you normally ask before a friend stays over? Also I have never heard you speak of this friend before." She questioned making both boys nervous.
"I normally do yes but it was kind of a spur of the moment thing. Also I have told you about him before, he is on the Volleyball team with me." Yahaba replied, Kyoutani thanking him inside of his head for his quick thinking.
"Okay..." She sounded unsure but decided to let it go for now.
"Thank you for letting me stay Mrs.Yahaba." Kyoutani said with a small bow.
"No problem, now you two go and wash up. Dinner should be done soon." She said shooing them both off.
"Come on Kyoutani, my room is up here." Yahaba said as he led Kyoutani up to his room.
Once they were inside the room Kyoutani put his bag down onto the ground and looked up at Yahaba.
"Sorry about this, I can be put by tomorrow if you want or I could leave tonight i-" Kyoutani was cut off by Yahaba.
"Hey, calm down. You can stay for as long as my mom will allow if you need to. You aren't going to leave tonight. I know that because you asked me of all people that this is probably serious to some degree." He said as he moved over to the smaller boy, placing his hands atop his shoulders.
Kyoutani flinched slightly when Yahaba raised his hands before relaxing again consirning Yahaba more.
"I-" This time Kyoutani was cut off by Yahaba's mother.
"Boys! Dinner is ready!" She yelled up from the bottom of the stairs.
"Okay, thank you! We will be down in a minute!" Yahaba yelled back before his eyes met Kyoutani's again.
"We can talk after dinner if you want. For now we should wash up and eat." He said before letting go of Kyoutani's shoulders and leaving for the bathroom where he washed his hands.
After dinner the boys thanked Mrs.Yahaba for the food before heading back upstairs to Yababa's room.
"So do you need to borrow some of my pajamas or?" Yahaba asked once he shut the door thinking that because they came from school that Kyoutani wouldn't have any clothes with him.
Kyoutani shook his head no as he pulled out a pair of clean boxers, some grey sweatpants, and a baggy white t-shirt from his bag.
"Why do you have clothes with you?" Yahaba asked only to be ignored as Kyoutani walked into the bathroom to change.
Yahaba quickly changed into his own sleep wear and laid down on his bed.
When Kyoutani came out of the bathroom he put his clothes in a pile next to his bag before he sat down on the end of Yahaba's bed.
"You know you can lay down or something. I'm not going to hurt you." Yahaba half joked as he looked over towards the slightly younger male.
Kyoutani grumbled something incoherent before moving so he was now laying next to Yahaba.
"So are you going to tell me why you have to crash here now? I know it's something serious considering you came to me of all people and you hate me so what happened?" Yahaba asked as he turned so he could properly look at Kyoutani.
"Should I tell him? He probably doesn't even care, he just wants to know why I'm fucking with his weekend time. God I'm so fucking annoying." Kyoutani thought bitterly before sighing.
"Do you actually want to know the truth or do you just want to know so you can know when I will leave soonest? Also I don't hate you." He said, still looking at the ceiling.
Yahaba was shocked by his question and the fact that he doesn't hate him so it took him a second to answer back.
"I want to know the truth truth, I already told you that you aren't going to leave here until you want to or my mom forces you out. Also I don't hate you either." He finally answered getting a tiny smile from Kyoutani.
"Well get ready for some depressing stuff then." Kyoutani warned consirning Yahaba even more.
"It all started when I was a baby, my mother passed soon after giving birth to me and so my father blamed me for her death. Even though apparently she didn't want kids but he forced her to have one. Anyway, all throughout my childhood he would yell at me and occasionally hit me. By the time I was four he started to really abuse me and by now I would get at least two beatings a day for some dumb shit he didn't approve of. Then today he kicked me out of the house and called me a faggot. He then told me to not come back until this "faze" was over so I needed a place to stay. Now that you know the truth are you still okay with me staying here?" Kyoutani explained and then asked, not noticing the tears falling from his eyes.
Yahaba's eyes widened in disbelief. "He di- wh- no your not leaving! That evil bitch could be out there trying to hurt you! I don't give a shit if your gay, so am I." Yahaba replied not being able to find his words at first.
Kyoutani smiled slightly at his words but flinched slightly when he felt a hand on his face.
"Try to calm down some, for now your secrete is safe with me but some time tomorrow we will have to tell my mom so she can let you stay over here for longer." Yahaba said as he wiped Kyoutani's tears with his thumb.
Kyoutani looked over at him confused.
"Why are you being so nice to me? Even if you don't hate me we haven't exactly been the nicest to each other before." He asked as Yahaba pulled his hands back from his face making his throat sound a small whine at the loss of touch.
He didnt even try to cover it up in hopes that Yahaba didn't hear it.
"I'm being nice you because I want to be. Yes we have had our fights before but that's the past and this is the present. So now do you want to watch something before we go to sleep and do you want me to ask my mom for a futon for you to sleep on or are you okay with sharing the bed?" Yahaba asked as he cupped Kyoutani's face having heard the whine.
To his surprise Kyoutani gently grabbed his wrist and nuzzled his face into the palm of his hand.
"Don't care." He mumbled as his eyes shut. He looked peaceful and quite adorable.
"Okay." Yahaba replied as he smiled at the latter. He then used his other hand to turn on Volleyball games on his smart t.v..
Once Kyoutani heard a person on the t.v. start talking about Volleyball his eyes opened and he looked at the screen. He then noticed that he still had Yahaba's hand lowkey pinned to his face and let go of it quickly.
"Sorry." He muttered as Yahaba smiled at him.
"Your fine." Was his reply before they both started to watch the game.
By the time the video was half way over Kyoutani was already mostly asleep.
Once the video was fully over Kyoutani was also fully asleep.
Yahaba smiled at him before turning Spotify onto his t.v. and played his "Hippie tunes" Playlist to go to sleep to.
Once he laid back down he felt arms around him and a weight on his chest.
He looked down and saw Kyoutani fully asleep cuddling him.
He smiled lightly before wrapping his arms around the smaller boy, allowing sleep to take over.
The next morning the boys told Mrs.Yahaba all about Kyoutani's father and she told the police.
He was arrested and Kyoutani ended up staying with the Yahaba's for a long while until he and Shigeru moved out for College.
The two ended up getting together on their second day of college because they were roommates and the sexual tension was killing them and anyone that walked into the room.
Once out of collage the two went on and got jobs along with a house together and Kyoutani proposed soon after.
Before they knew it they were married and had two dogs, one named "Mad-dog" after Kyoutani while the other was named "midnight" because of how dark her furr was.
So they lived happily ever after!
2,190 Words! Sorry for the rushed ending 😅
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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