💗Touch Starved (Kiribaku)
It was the end of the day and everyone was relatively tired from the training filled day.
Currently most everyone was either asleep or in the lounge area talking with one another.
"I wonder how many things you could charge at once." Mina stated out of the blue to Denki as she flopped down next to him and Shinsou; Denki being in Shinsou's lap.
"I don't know, wanna test it out?" Denki asked as he looked over at Mina, a mischievous smile already on his face.
"Hell yeah!" Mina yelled excitedly at the same time Shinsou said "Hell no." In a much calmer, less enthusiastic tone.
"Aww your such a buzz kill." Mina pouted as Shinsou pulled Denki closer to himself.
"Yes because not wanting to deal with a brain fried Denki is such a terrible thing." Shinsou muttered with an eyeroll.
The two continued to bicker back and fourth as Denki stayed quiet and listened to them both, cuddling closer to his boyfriend every now and then.
"Hey Baku-bro, what are they all arguing about?" Kirishima asked as he sat down next to the blond on the opposite couch then the other three.
"Why should I know? I don't pay attention to those extras unless we are in training or battle." Bakugou answered as he leaned on Kirishima's side, his eyes falling closed as he did so.
Kirishima smiled down at him, a blush dusting his cheeks as he did so.
"You know it's not very nice to keep calling everyone an extra right?" Kirishima asked as he rested his head on top of Bakugou's head.
"Don't care." Bakugou stated before adding "And I don't call everyone an extra, Deku is Deku and your Shitty hair or Kiri." He said before moving so his nose was nuzzled into Kirishima's neck.
"Well none of your nicknames exsept for Kiri are very nice bro." Kirishima chuckled and Bakugou wrapped an arm around his waist, making his own arm wrapp around Bakugou's shoulders from reflex.
"Well good thing I only care about you so your nickname is the nicest out of them all." Bakugou grumbled as Kirishima pulled him closer, almost immediate melting into the new found embrace.
"Aww, you care about me Baku?" Kirishima asked with a teasing tone as his blush darkened when he noticed that Mina and Denki were watching the exchange between him and his blond friend. Shinsou was too busy falling asleep with his face in Denki's hair to notice them.
You see, Kirishima and Bakugou had begun being more physically affections towards one another because Kirishima had hugged Baku one night and noticed how the boy absolutely melted in his embrace. He later found out that Bakugou is touch starved because his mother never gave him much affection other then the occasional slap on the back -(and half the time that wasn't supposed to be a good thing)-.
So Kirishima asked Bakugou if it would be okay for them two to be more affectionate towards one another making it sound like he was the touch starved one instead of Bakugou because he knew that Bakugou would never agree to it if he knew that this was for his benefit.
Ever since then the two have been way more cuddly, hugs last longer then they normally did, and hand holding was actually quite frequent between them.
"Duh Shitty hair." Bakugou replied, Kirishima could practly feel him roll his eyes against the crook of his neck.
"That's sweet, I care about you too bro." Kirishima replied with a soft smile.
He would be lying if he said he didn't ask Bakugou to be more affectionate with him for just Bakugou's benefit.
The redhead has had a crush on the blasty boy for quite some time now but was always way to shy to admit it, because of that when he saw the chance to help Bakugou and cuddle with his crush he took it.
"You better dumb hair." Bakugou mumbled as he brought his knees up to his chest, resting them sideways on Kirishima's chest so now he was in a ball against the boy.
"Do you want to go up to one of our dorm rooms? I'm sure they will be a lot more comfortable then here." Kirishima asked wanting to get them away from Mina and Denki's prying eyes.
"If you carry me then sure, I don't wanna walk though." Bakugou answered not thinking that Kirishima would actually pick him up.
"Okay!" Kirishima agreed with a grin before wrapping one of his arms behind Bakugou's neck and the other under his legs before standing up and walking over to the elevator.
"Gah!" Bakugou yelled as he clutched tightly to Kirishima's shoulders in fear that he would drop him.
"Calm down Baku, I'm not going to drop you~" Kirishima reasured in a calming voice as the elevator dinged before opening, allowing them inside.
Bakugou blushed darkly at the comment.
Not only was his crush carring him up to his room like a gay prince but he was also talking to him with that tone that made you want to melt into a puddle.
So instead of saying anything else Bakugou simply barried his head into Kirishima's chest, hoping that the redhead didn't see his red cheeks.
Soon enough the two were at their floor and the elevator door opened.
Kirishima walked about half way down the hallway before stopping and looking down at the blond in his arms.
"My room or your room?" He asked wanting to know which room they would crash in tonight / cuddle until they fall asleep in tonight.
"My room." Bakugou answered, his voice muffled from Kirishima's shirt but Kirishima was still able to understand what he said and began to walk to the blond's room with a nod.
Once they got there Bakugou got out of Kirishima's arms and instead grabbed them each a pair of pajamas -(tank tops and boxers)- before face planting into his bed.
Kirishima chuckled at his antics as he changed quickly before laying down next to him.
With out saying anything Bakugou moved so he had his head against Kirishima's chest, arm around his waist and leg over his legs.
Kirishima smiled at the affection and wrapped his arms around Bakugou, silently telling him that the affection was okay and he could relax more.
So Bakugou did just that and relaxed more, falling asleep before he could even mutter a 'goodnight'..
Kirishima fell asleep soon after to the steady sound of Bakugou's breathing and the comforting warmth Bakugou's body brought.
Over the next few days Kirishima and Bakugou continued doing things like that, only making people's suspicions about them being a couple rise.
Eventually Mina got the courage to ask them.
"Are you two dating? I mean anyone even looks at Bakugou wrong and he is blasting their heads off but your cuddling right now so I'm going to assume the answer is yes?" Mina asked when she saw the two cuddling once again, this time with Bakugou in Kirishima's lap and Kirishima's head on Bakugou's shoulder.
"I don't know, are we together?" Bakugou asked Kirishima, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
"I don't know, do you want us to be?" Kirishima countered making Bakugou's blush darken way more then before.
Instead of replying to Kirishima, Bakugou turned and faced Mina again.
"Yes we are together, now leave us alone to be cute together while you go wallow being lonely." He said with a 'suck it bitch' face making Mina laugh.
"I'm not lonely, I'm dating Momo and Jirou. Speaking of my loves, I'm going to go and hang out with them. If you two do anything more then cuddle make sure to use protection!" Mina yelled before skipping off to her girlfriends.
Instead of saying anything, Kirishima and Bakugou just went back to cuddling like nothing ever happened.
Soon enough the two added in small kisses to their list of affections towards each other and everyone found out that they were indeed together.
~And they lived happily ever after~
1,372 Words!
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