💗The Library (Wolfstar)
Created- 5-11-21
Year- 6th
It was a calm Friday night at Hogwarts. All of the students were relaxing from their work filled week.
Well everyone apart from Remus Lupin.
Remus decided that he would go to the library to get some new studding material.
"Oi! Prongs, do you know where Moony is?" Sirius asked his friend as James and Peter played Exploding Snap.
"I think he went to the library saying something about wanting to study up for OWLS even though they aren't until the end of the year." James replied while Peter took his turn in their game.
"Thanks Jamsie, see you two at dinner!" Sirius said with a smile before walking off to the Library.
As soon as he got there he walked in and looked for his tall, slightly lanky friend.
Sirius's eyes scanned the room before seeing a stack of books against one of the shelves. Next to the stack of books he saw Remus with his nose in a book.
Sirius quietly walked up to Remus, hoping to be able to sneak up on him but Remus's heightened senses heard Sirius's breathing and smelled his colone.
"What are you doing here Padfoot?" Remus asked as he looked up from his book and twards his boyfriend.
Sirius stopped for a second having been caught before he continued to walk.
"I came to see you, why are you here anyway?" He replied as he cupped Remus's head with his hand, Remus leaning into his touch with a small smile.
"I wanted to study for the O.W.L.S, it's better to be prepared than be sorry." Remus said as he looked up at Sirius.
"The O.W.L.S aren't until the end of the year Rem, how about you come back to the common room so we can cuddle?" Sirius asked with puppy eyes.
"I really want to study so how about we cuddle here while I read?" Remus asked trying to compromise.
*sigh* "Okay fine." Sirius said before moving so he was strattling Remus.
He moved his head to rest on Remus's shoulder and his arms around his torso.
Remus wrapped one of his arms around Sirius's back as the other heald his book.
*1 Hour Later*
"Moony? Padfoot? Are you two in here?" James yelled as he and Peter barged into the library, instantly being sushed by everyone.
"Sorry." He muttered before seeing Remus and Sirius cuddling in one of the corners of the room.
He walked over to them, Peter following him silently.
"Shh." Remus whispered as he put a finger to his lip. Sirius was asleep on him and he didn't want James or Peter to wake Sirius up.
"Its time for dinner mate, you have been in here for two hours and Sirius had been in here for one." James whispered so he wouldn't get sushed again.
"Alright, I'll wake Sirius up. You two go on and we will be there in a minute." Remus whispered back getting a nod from the two before they left the room and headed twards the Great Hall.
Remus looked around to make sure nobody was looking at him or Sirius and when he saw that the coast was clear he started peppering kisses all over Sirius's face.
Sirius woke up giggling from the tickle of the butterfly kisses.
"Good afternoon love, James and Peter just came in telling us that we need to get dinner." Remus said once Sirius had woken up fully.
"M'kay." Sirius muttered as he nuzzled his face into Remus's neck.
"Do you want me to carry you?" Remus asked getting a hum in responce.
With a small sigh Remus stood up, taking Sirius with him before picking up two of the books he hadn't been able to finnish while he was here.
He then brought them to the desk and checked them out, Sirius clinging to him like a baby sloth.
*Once they get to the Great Hall*
Remus walked into the Great Hall and instantly went over to the seat he normally sat at in the Griffendor table.
He only got a few stares because most everyone was used to something like this happening.
Nobody knew for sure if they were dating or not but they all had their suspensions.
"Is he still asleep?" Peter asked before taking a bite of some cheese.
"No I'm not *yawn* I'm just tired." Sirius said as Remus put him down and the two sat next to each other in their own seats.
They all ate dinner and talked about their latest prank against Flinch along with what their next prank should be.
*After Dinner & In The Griffendor Common Room*
"Sirius! Remus! Is it true that you two are together?" Some kid yelled across the common room bringing everyone's attention to the couple on the couch.
"Well we are next to each other so yes, we are together." Remus sassed in a smarta*s way. He wast rude unless you had done something to him or someone he cares about.
"I meant are you two dating!" The kid yelled back after a few kids laughed at Remus's reply.
You see, Sirius and Remus didn't mind coming out they just didn't want all of the attention that came with it.
Remus looked down at Sirius -who was cuddling into his chest- before looking back up at the kid.
"Yes we are dating, why do you care?" He asked with a small glare at the kid.
"Because I needed to know to see if I can get my money. Thanks for answering!" The kid said with a wide grin as his friend handed him some money.
All around the commonroom people were passing money back and fourth to each other, seeing who had won and who had lost their bets.
"You bet on us?" Remus asked James as Peter handed him a gold piece.
"Of course we did. Easy money really." James replied with a smile.
"I don't know if we should be flattered or offended." Sirius muttered into Remus's chest, not even opening his eyes.
"Agreed." Remus agreed getting a chuckle from James and a small laugh from Peter.
"Well we are going to bed, I'm tired and it's too loud here. See you in the morning." Sirius said as he got off of Remus and started up the stairs to their dorm room.
Remus shrugged when James raised a brown twards him before following Sirius up the stairs and into their room.
Once he had gotten there he saw Sirius in one of his oversized sweaters under the covers of his bed with his eyes shut.
Remus quickly changed into his own pajamas before getting under the covers as well.
Sirius instantly cuddled up to him before muttering a quiet "G'night Moony, love you."
"Goodnight, love you too." Remus replied, only hearing tiny snores back.
Remus soon fell asleep as well after seeing Peter and James come into the dorm room safely.
1,177 Words! I didn't know how to end this so sorry for the trashy ending 😅
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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