💗"Still Pretty?" (Mike x El)
This is set in season 4.pt.2
⚠️low-key self hate, cussing⚠️
Everyone had finally been reunited with one another and it was amazing.
Jonothan, Argyle, Will, Mike, and El were all introduced to Eddie and Robbin while everyone else was either introduced to them as well or thrilled to see them again.
"Your hair!" Max said as she saw El once again, this time in the flesh instead of in her mind where El snapped Vecna's neck and killed him instantly when he wasn't paying attention to her.
"My hair!" El laughed back as she played with Max's long firey red hair.
"What happened? Where have you been? How have you been?" Max asked before getting cut off by Mike.
"El, Eddie wants to meet you." He said as he came up beside of them both.
"Oh I'm sorry, was I interrupting something?" He asked when he saw both girls were playing with the others hair, or what was left of it at least.
El looked at Max who shook her head before turning back to Mike.
"No your not interrupting. Who is Eddie?" She answered as she looked around to see who looked unfamiliar.
"He's this amazing guy who runs the Hellfire club, a dnd club. And he's a complete and total badass! He saved our lives out there!" Steve stated as he walked over with his arm slung around Eddie who was blushing at the complements.
"I wouldn't say all that." Eddie mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.
"Shut up man, your everything he said!" Dustin said, joining the group while Johnathan introduced Nancy to Argyle. Will and Lucas, caught each other up on all of the crazy shit that had gone down while the Will was away but in more detail then they had heard before.
Eddie chuckled as he ruffled Dustin's hair.
"Does he like him?" El whispered to Mike, pointing to Steve and Eddie.
"What?" Mike asked back, having not heard her the first time.
"Does Steve like Eddie?" She asked again, this time a little louder.
"Oh! I mean..." He looked at the two, both of them still had their arms around each other and were leaning against one another as they talked to Max and Dustin, "... Probably." He finally answered with a nod.
El nodded back with a smile. She was happy they were happy.
"So your the girl with all of these superpowers I keep hearing about right? You just killed Vecna like that?" Eddie asked, snapping his fingers at the end.
"Yes? I think I am the only girl with powers my friends know." El replied, looking to Max and Mike for reassurance that her statement was correct.
"Yeah El, your the only badass girl we know with superpowers." Max said with a laugh getting a smile back.
"Thats super cool man!" Eddie said with a large grin. He wanted to ask her to show him her powers because he thought they were cool as Hell but he also didn't want to come off as pushy or demanding so he stayed quiet.
"Thank you." El answered before they all heard a loud boom of thunder.
"Okay, everyone inside the pizza van! We're going to my house!" Steve said quickly as it started to rain, everyone complying quickly.
"Dude, I'm going to need you to tell me where to go. I don't know your adress." Argyle said in his normal floaty tone as he looked back at Steve who was in the back with everyone else, Johnathan being in the front seat.
"Oh, I know the way, I can just tell you." Johnathan said when he saw that Eddie was sitting in Steve's lap.
"Okay dude, whatever you say." Argyle said before turning the radio on and began driving.
Eventually they all got to Steve's large house and quickly piled out of the van before going into the house.
"Woah dude, your casa is huge." Argyle said as he looked around the large house.
"Thanks man?" Steve replied not really knowing else to respond to that.
"Anyway, this place has enough room for everyone to either have their own room or to share a room with someone. I don't care who you share a room with just don't do anything inappropriate alright?" Steve said getting nods from everyone before they all split up into the house.
Eddie and Steve were going to stay in Steve's room, Jonathan and Nancy were together, Max and Lucas, Mike and El, and then Will and Robin were together.
***Focusing on Mike & El***
Once Mike and Eleven got into the room, El made sure the door was three inches open.
"I'm going to use the bathroom real quick and then we can go to sleep, or you can go to sleep now, I mean you don't have to wait for me or-" Mike's rambling was cut off by El kissing his cheek.
"Your okay Mike." She smiled up at him making him smile back.
"Right, yeah, okay." He said before going to the bathroom.
Once he was gone Eleven saw a mirror hanging up on one of the walls.
She walked up to it and looked at herself, memory's of her past flying through her mind.
"Still pretty?" She asked herself quietly as she ran a hand over her buzzed hair.
"Now isn't the time to be thinking about your looks, we are going to be at war soon!" Her thoughts yelled at her making her flinch slightly.
"El? Are you okay?" Mike asked when he walked back into the bedroom, making sure to leave the door three inches because he knew that's what Eleven wanted.
"Mike... am I still pretty?" Eleven asked as she turned to him.
To say he was taken aback from the question was an understatement. Why was she asking this all of a sudden?
"Of course I think your pretty! Why wouldn't I?" He answered as he walked over to her, pulling her into a comforting hug.
"My hair... it's gone." She answered as she hugged him back tightly.
"Jane, I don't care about your hair, your beautiful no matter what okay?" Mike said as he pulled away from the hug only enough so they could look one another in the eyes to show her that he was telling the truth.
"You.... you called me Jane." She said as she looked up at him with teary eyes.
Mike's eyes widened when he saw the tears in her eyes, worried he had fucked up.
"I-im sorry?" He said sounding confused only getting a laugh back.
"You finally called me Jane." She smiled before pulling him into the hug once again.
"Well it's your name isn't it?" Mike said with a smile of his own as he wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders, his other hand resting on her head.
Jane just nodded in responce.
After a few minutes of the two peacefully hugging, Jane pulled out of the hug.
"We should sleep." She said before getting into the bed.
"Yeah, your right. Um... do you want me to sleep on the floor or?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"No, come here." Jane said as she patted the space in the bed beside of her.
Mike did as he was told and laid down next to her, instantly having her rest her head on his chest and cuddle up to him.
He smiled down at her softly as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and upper back before they both fell asleep, for once feeling safe and at ease in each others arms.
They knew that life was about to get even more Hellish so they would try and cherish these moments to the best of their abilitys.
1,312 Words! Sorry the ending was shitty😅
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