💗Smiles~ (Steve x Eddie)
Type- Fluff
⚠️Cussing, non-cannon acting⚠️
"Yo Munson, you here?" Steve yelled through the old shed as he opened the door.
Eddie got out from under the tarp on the boat, clutching his chest and his eyes widened.
"Dude! Walky me next time before you just show up like that! You nearly have me a heart attack! I mean I know that it was your car but that doesn't mean that someone didn't steal your car to come and get me!" Eddie rambled as he got out of the boat and began walking towards Steve, pointing an accusing finger at him as he did so.
"Okay, I'm sorry. Your right I should have walkyed first, just calm down man." Steve said as he put his hands up in surrender, walking backwards some so he would have some more space.
Well that was until he ran into a wall.
"Anyway, why are you here all alone? Is Dustin okay? Is everyone else okay?" Eddie asked quickly worried for everyone's safety.
"Everyone's fine, I just wanted to come bye and see if you wanted to stay the night at my place? It has to get stuffy and annoying to stay cooped up in here all the time so I figured I would offer a change of scenery." Steve explained as he brought his hands down, one of them lowering Eddie's hand as well.
"Really? Man why didn't you start off with that! Let's go!" Eddie said cheerfully, a large smile instantly growing on his face before he raced to Steve's car; opening the passenger seats door before getting inside the vehicle.
Steve chuckled at his eagerness before getting in the car himself.
"You know, you should really smile more. You look adorable when you do." Steve smiled making Eddie blush.
"That was one of the most basic pick-up lines I have heard." Eddie laughed making Steve blush in embarrassment.
"Well at least it was the truth, you do look adorable when you smile and I do actually think you should smile more often." He said as they began to drive towards his house.
Eddie rolled his eyes with a soft smile in responce.
After a few minutes of the quiet drive Eddie decided to spark up the conversation again.
"So how are you and Nancy?" He asked trying to talk about something.
"Oh well, um... we are still friends and everything. We don't really talk much unless it's to save the world or someone's life." Steve said awkwardly as they got closer to the house.
"Well what about you and Robin? She seems to be joined at your hip at times." Eddie asked, chuckling at the end of his sentence.
"Oh yeah, Robin and I talk all of the time." Steve smiled fondly at the thought of his best friend.
"Soooo do you like her... romantically?" Eddie asked curiously, jumping when Steve burst into sudden laughter.
"Romantically? Hahaha, no. I am NOT her type and she's not my type either." Steve laughed confusing Eddie even more.
"Oh, um ok?" He said as they pulled into the driveway.
"Lets get inside quickly so hopefully nobody sees you." Steve said as he opened the door and got out of the car, jogging around the car to open the door for Eddie as well.
The two quickly went inside of the house, Steve going further into the house first so he could shut all of the windows and curtains, having previously opened them to let in the cool breeze.
"Do you wanna take a shower while I fix dinner?" Steve offered, figuring Eddie would want a shower because he probably hadn't had one in a while now.
"That would be great but I don't have any clothes to change into." Eddie replied as he took his shoes off before sitting on top of a counter in the kitchen.
"You can just change into some of my clothes, my room is the second door down the hall on the right." Steve shrugged as he began to get the suplise to make dinner out.
"Thanks man, your the best." Eddie smiled as he walked by Steve, patting his shoulder as he walked by him to Steve's room.
Eddie quickly picked out some clothes before going into the bathroom to take a shower.
Once Eddie was done with the shower he walked out of the bathroom in one of Steve's shirts and some boxers.
"Perfect timing, tacos are done." Steve said not looking up from the pan.
"Nice." Eddie smiled as he walked up behind Steve, wrapping his arms around his waist as he barried his head into Steve's back.
"Are you okay there Ed?" Steve asked as he proceded to make them each a taco.
"Mhm." Eddie hummed as his grip tightened slightly.
"Okay well foods almost ready to eat so do you want to move to the table or wait a second?" Steve asked as he finnished wrapping up the second taco before turning around and wrapping his arms around Eddie as well; Eddie's face now in his chest.
"Wait just a second." Eddie mumbled, bairly audible as his voice was muffled by Steve's shirt.
"Okay." Steve hummed back as he began to play with Eddie's long hair.
So the two stayed there for a few minutes just hugging, relishing in each others embrace.
Eventually they pulled apart and ate their food before going to the living room and sitting on the couch, putting on some random t.v. show for background noise.
"Why were you asking me if I liked anyone in the car?" Steve asked Eddie as he leaned back into the arm of the couch.
"Oh, no reason. I was just trying to think of something we could talk about." Eddie answered half truthfully. The other reason why he asked was because he wanted to know if he had even the slightest bit of a chance with the boy but he wasn't going to say that out loud.
"Oh alright." Steve hummed before wrapping his arm around Eddie's shoulders and leaning closely to his ear.
"You didn't ask if I liked anyone else." He whispered, his breath fanning against Eddie's ear making him shiver.
"Well who do you like then?" Eddie asked, his face bright red with a blush.
It was honsly embarrassing how quickly Steve could get him flustured.
"Take a guess." Steve said quietly and even though Eddie couldn't see Steve's face, he could practly hear the smirk in his voice.
Eddie guessed by pointing at himself.
When Steve saw that he pulled back slightly before grabbing Eddie's face gently with his jaw and turning him so he was able to look him in the eyes.
"Use your words love~" Steve said with a kind smile when he saw just how flustured Eddie was.
"Am I your crush?" Eddie asked rather quietly as he looked Steve in the eyes, wanting to look away but he couldn't; his body wouldn't let him.
"Bingo." Steve smiled as he moved his hand so it was now cupping Eddie's face instead of holding his chin.
Eddie smiled at the answer despite himself. He had liked Steve for quite a while now and all of a sudden he had just confessed to him? This was amazing.
"God, I really love your smile. I don't think you understand how much I love your smile." Steve said with his own large smile, loving how Eddie's blush darkened even more if that was even possible.
"Oh hush." Eddie said as he attempted to cover his face with his hands only to have Steve quickly grab both of his hands instead.
"Don't cover something I say I love, that's mean." He chuckled as he held Eddie's hands within his own.
"Sorry." Eddie giggled as he looked down slightly, not used to this type of affection.
"Its okay, but now I need to know your answer to a question." Steve said as he moved so one of his hands were holding both of Eddie's as his other hand went back to cupping Eddie's face.
"Yes?" Eddie asked as he re-locked eyes with Steve.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked seeming calm on the outside even though he was a nervous reck on the inside.
"Yes!" Eddie cheered as his face broke into an even larger smile before he hugged Steve tightly.
Steve smiled brightly as he hugged him back just as tight.
Eventually the two broke apart, only to smile at each other once again.
"Should we keep us a secret? People aren't really that accepting now adays." Eddie asked sounding worried, his smile dropping quickly.
"We can keep it a secret from everyone exsept for our little group. Our group is super accepting and I think they will keep our secret." Steve replied, quickly dismissing Eddie's worry.
"Okay, that sounds good." Eddie said before both he and Steve stood up.
"Its getting late, we should probably go to sleep soon." Steve said before he picked Eddie up baby style.
"Steve! Put me down, your going to drop me!" Eddie yelled as he clung onto Steve for dear life.
"I'm not going to drop you." Steve laughed as he began to walk them to his room.
Instead of protesting further, Eddie nuzzled his head into Steve's chest and stayed quiet.
Once inside of his bedroom, Steve sat Eddie down onto the bed before going to his closet to change into some pajamas, aka some sweatpants and a loose shirt.
"You know you look really good in my clothes." Steve said as he laid down next to Eddie who had moved so he was now laying down instead of sitting up.
"Why thank you love, I can assure you I look better with them off though." Eddie said laughing when he saw how flustured Steve had become.
"What? Can't handle people flirting back?" Eddie laughed as they both got under the covers before he cuddled up to Steve's chest.
"Not really no." Steve admitted as he hid his blushing face into Eddie's long, crazy hair.
"Hmm, well get used to it because I'm not going to leave all of the flirting to you." Eddie hummed as he allowed his body to relax for the first time in forever.
"Okay." Steve chuckled before hearing a quiet mumbled "goodnight", quickly followed by light snores.
"Goodnight rockstar." Steve whispered before he allowed himself fell asleep as well.
1,738 Words! Sorry this sucked so badly, I really wanted to update but I was also distracted a lot throughout this whole thing 😅
Please like and comment though because it helps motivate me to keep writing and have more constant updates♡
Anyway I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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