💗Sleepy Sirius (Wolfstar)
5th year
It was almost ten thirty when Sirius came into the Griffendor common room.
He stumbled up to Remus and leaned on his shoulder. If they hadnt known better then they would have thought that Sirius was drunk.
"Moony, why didn't you tell me you have such a good smell?" Sirius asked as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's torso.
"Padfoot, what are you doing?" Peter asked, trying to hold back laughter.
"Well he hasn't slept properly in a few days so he is sleep drunk." James replied, full on laughing. He didnt care if people saw them and stared, they should be used to it by now.
"Come here love." Remus said while turning around and hugging Sirius properly.
"Your warm." Sirius said as he attempted to cuddle into Remus's chest. He was short enough to so...
"Aww! You two are adorable!!!" Some random girls squealed making the four boys look up confused.
"Aww! Thank you!" James said while blocking Wolfstar slightly. He knew that they didn't like to be the center of attention and so his protective brother side came out.
"Um... we wernt talking about you but you aren't too bad yourself." One of the girls flirted.
"Oh, sorry. Also I'm taken, but thanks for the complement." James said with a smile, he wasn't trying to be rude but he also still was being protective over Wolfstar.
"Oh, sorry. I didnt know." The girl appoligised. James smiled and nodded. He then turned to Peter and Wolfstar.
"How about we go up to our room?" He asked quietly.
"Sounds good." Peter said quickly.
Remus nodded his head and picked Sirius up bridal style. *gasp* "Your so strong Moony!" Sirius giggled.
Remus just chuckled.
James was the last to walk up to the dorm. He wanted to make sure that Moony didn't fall while carrying Padfoot up the stairs.
Once they reached the dorms they all went to their own beds. Sirius and Remus share Remus's bed now, hopeing that it will help Sirius sleep tonight.
"Hey Padfoot, why haven't you been sleeping?" Peter asked while grabbing his p.j.'s.
"Nightmares, the storm last night, I get cold too." Sirius lists off making them all look at him worridly.
"Sirius, you could have told me. I would have come over, calmed you down, cuddled you to keep you warm." Remus said while pulling Sirius closer to him.
"I didnt want to bother you." Sirius said while cuddling into Remus's chest.
"You wouldn't have bothered me love. Next time it happens you tell me ok?" Remus asked.
By now Peter and James knew that Remus had this under control and decided to go to sleep. James had a Quidich match tomorrow and Peter had to start and finnish a three parchment long assignment for Potions.
"Ok, love you." Sirius said sleeply, already almost asleep.
"Love you too." Remus replied, kissing Sirius's head before they both fell asleep.
That was the best Sirius has slept in a very long time. So from then on he only ever slept with Remus, cuddling and occasional kissed throughout the night.
521 Words! I am so sorry that this sucked but I thought that I needed to update this book! Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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