💗Sleep (Prinxiety)
⚠️Panic attack & bad thoughts⚠️
(EDITED by @KbaeStar )
(3rd pov.)
Virgil had always had a troubled time sleeping. The only way he could sleep was if he was sleeping with someone else (in a non sexual way). Virgil would always catch maybe three hours of sleep without someone else there with him so that's how he slept most nights. Then Patton found out.
"Virgil, kiddo, can I come in?" Patton asked one night when he saw that Virgil's light was still on around four in the morning. Virgil opened the door looking extremely tired. "Why are you *yawn* still awake dad?" Virgil asked confused.
"I just got up to grab some water, why are you still awake?" Patton asked as he walked inside Virgil's room (after Virgil opened the door wider, silently inviting him in). "Well if I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone." Virgil said as seriously as he could in his sleepy state. "Ok, I promise." Patton said as he sat down on Virgil's bed.
"Well I don't know why but I cant go to sleep unless someone is in the same bed as me or at lease close enough to me that if I wanted to I could reach over and touch them. I don't have an explanation for it and the only reason why I know this is because during all of our movie nights, I fall asleep is because I have people close enough for me to touch them or I am touching one of you. I know it sounds weird but I cant help it. If I am alone then I get maybe three hours of sleep. That's one reason why I wear so much eyeshadow under my eyes." Virgil rushed out, trying his best to not cry from how tired and frustrated he was.
Patton listened to everything and then calmly moved them both under the covers and hugged Virgil (in a fatherly manner) and said "It's ok Virgil, I will stay with you while I'm here but if I have to stay somewhere in the imagination then I bet Roman would help you." Virgil nodded slightly and fell asleep instantly afterwards, Patton following soon after.
*Time skip to a few weeks later*
Patton had kept his promise of staying with Virgil to get him asleep, but now Logan had asked Patton to be his plus one to some convention and Patton said yes.
The convention lasted a week and they would have a hotel in the Imagination. That meant that Virgil would have to finally tell Roman about his problem...
Virgil had decided earlier that he wouldn't tell Roman or anyone else for that matter about his sleeping situation unless something like this happened.
"Ok kiddos, we're off!" Patton said while hugging Roman, Virgil, Janus, and Remus bye. Logan just waved his hand and said "Good bye everyone, see you in a week." And then they both left. Janus and Remus also sunk down without a word to Virgil or Roman. This confused Virgil but he didn't say anything about it.
*Time skip to night time.*
"Should I just leave it at the three hours of sleep and not bug Roman or should I tell him?" Virgil wondered.
"Don't bother him with your stupid problems."
"It will just make him hate you even more than he already does."
"You shouldn't even have Patton to help you."
"You don't deserve any help."
All of those thoughts kept swimming in Virgil's mind over and over again. He started crying and shaking.
Just then Roman came in and saw Virgil, Virgil didn't hear Roman come in because he couldn't really hear anything at the moment. Roman quickly moved over to Virgil, "Virgil? Can I touch you?" Roman asked, instantly realizing he was having a panic attack.
Virgil flinched back at hearing someone but looked up and through his teary eyes he could make out red, white, and brown.
So he nodded his head slightly. Roman gently grabbed Virgil's hand and brought it to his chest. "Virgil, I need you to try to follow my breathing for me ok?" Roman asked, Virgil nodded again. Roman then made his breath as rhythmic as possible while also pulling Virgil closer to him and into a hug. Once Virgil's breaths evened out Virgil didn't move and just hugged Roman.
After a moment Roman felt Virgil cuddle closer to him and smiled while looking down at him to see him asleep. So he moved them both down onto Virgil's bed and snapped his fingers so they where both in their pajamas. Roman tried to move and go to his own room but right once he moved in the slightest bit Virgil tightened his grip on Princy and cuddled closer while letting out a little whimper.
Roman stopped moving instantly while blushing madly (you would too if your crush was doing this to you). So he decided that he couldn't move so he should just get some sleep here. So he cuddled back to Virgil and went to sleep.
*Time skip to the morning*
(Virgil's pov.)
I woke up cuddled closer into my pillow, it was a lot warmer and comfortable then I remebered it being. Then it moved. I jumped back in surprise and ended up falling off the bed with a loud and painful *Thud*.
"Virgil? Are you ok?" I looked up and saw Roman. I blushed and sat up, "Yah Princy I'm fine. Thanks." I said while getting up, still not looking at him.
"Just so you know, the oy reason why I am in here is because you fell asleep on me after your panic attack, and when I tried to go to my room you kind of just held me tighter. I mean I didn't mind but I just thought you should know that's why I'm here." Roman stated and then snapped his fingers and he was now in his normal clothes. I blushed dark crimson
"S-sorry, I kind of tend to do that when I sleep." I laughed nervously. "I thought it was cute." Roman said making my blush darken.
I took a deep breath and then said "Well considering we still have six says until Patton and Logan come back I guess I should tell you... only because Patton told me to... that ICantSleepUnlessSomeoneElseIsInTheSameBedAsMeOrTheyAreInTheSameAreaAsMeBecauseIfIDontThenIDontSleepForMoreThanThreeHours." I rushed out as quick as possible.
After a second of his thinking he looked at me and smiled reassuringly.
"Then I guess I will just have to get used to staying in here won't I?" He asked making me blush and mumble, "You don't have to, you could just ignore me, that would be fine, great actually. You know what how about you just do that?" I said, realizing that I would just annoy him.
"Virgil, I'm not going to just ignore you. I'm actually going to do the exact opposite. This might not be the best time to ask this but I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me in the Imagination?" Roman asked me. I was shocked, did my crush just ask me out?! I nodded my head yes and he smiled brightly. He then engulfed me in a tight hug which I returned.
*Time skip to night time*
"Hey Virgil?" Roman asked as he paused Snow White and the 7 dwarves. "Mmm?" I mumbled back while cuddling closer into his side. "I had a great time on our date and I was wondering if you would want to be my boyfriend?" Roman asked nervously. I smiled, leaned up and pecked his cheek and then said "I would love to be your boyfriend." He smiled and then kissed my hair.
(3rd pov.)
From then on Patton never had to sleep with Virgil (and instead sleep with Logan. In the cuddly way, get your head out of the gutter!) Instead Roman took over the job and Virgil almost never had problems falling asleep ever again.
1230 words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! 😁💖
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