💗Sleep Cuddler~ (Kiribaku)
Date: 11-22-21
It has been a long day at U.A. highschool. Training was gruling as usual and left everyone exhausted.
Currently everyone was down in the main room hanging out, talking together all about their day.
"Oi Shitty Hair, move over." Bakugou said as he walked into the room.
Kirishima was the only one sitting on the couch at the moment and was taking up most of the space on it.
"Okay Baku-bro." Kirishima smiled making Bakugou roll his eyes at the nickname.
Kiri sat up and moved over so he wasn't taking up the entire couch and leaned against the armrest.
Bakugou flopped down onto the rest of the couch, his head landing on Kirishima's lap.
Everyone looked at the two like they were crazy.
Bakugo? Starting human affection? What?!
"Why did you all get quiet you dumb extras!" Bakugou yelled as he glared at everyone around him, instantly making everyone go back to their conversations from before.
"Um Baku-bro, are you feeling okay?" Kiri asked as he looked down at his friend.
"Of course I'm fine, why do you care?" Bakugou asked as he looked up at the red head.
"You just don't seem like the one to cuddle." Kirishima said with a light smile instantly getting a glare from the ash-blond.
"This isn't cuddling this is my head on your lap. Cuddling is very different dumbas-." Bakugou attempted to snap before cutting himself off when Kirishima put his hand in his hair.
He froze momentarily before sitting straight up, away from Kiri.
"I'm going to bed." He said before walking up to the dorm rooms and heading to his room.
"What just happened?" Midoria asked once Bakugou was out of ear range.
"I don't know but I'm going to try and figure it out!" Kirishima said as he jumped up from the couch and followed Bakugou to his bedroom.
"Hey Bakugou! Wanna have a sleepover?" Kiri asked with a large, sharptoothed grin.
"No." Bakugou answered as he opened his door and walked inside, closing the door behind him but not locking it like he normally would.
"Come on Bro, it'll be fun!" Kirishima pleaded from the other side of the door.
He wasn't going to come inside until Bakugou said he could or he had a real reason to come in because just barging in is very un-manly.
The door suddenly swung open making him stumble forward some before catching himself.
"If you mess up anything in this room I swear I'll blast you to bits." Bakugou stated, glaring right into Kirishima's red eyes.
"I won't mess anything up! Let me grab my pajamas and I'll be right back!" Kirishima said, his smile coming back once again getting an eyeroll from Bakugou.
Once Kirishima left for his own room Bakugou went back into his and changed into his own pajamas.
After a few minutes there was a knock at his door.
"Who is it?" He yelled already knowing the answer.
"Its me Red Riot." Kirishima yelled back, Bakugou could practly hear the smile in his voice.
"Come in dumb hair." He huffed, the door opening to reveal the happy red head.
"You use that nickname too much, change it up a bit sometime!" Kirishima laughed as he flopped down onto the bed next to the angry pomeranian.
"Oi! What are you doing?!" Katsuki asked letting off a small explosion at the sudden movements.
"I'm laying down, training today was super tiring." Kirishima answered as he turned his quirk off knowing that Bakugo would have set off an explosion.
"Whatever just stay on your side of the bed." Bakugo grumbled before getting under the covers and closing his eyes.
"Wait we aren't going to talk or anything? That's the fun part of a sleepover!" Kirishima asked sounding confused and slightly disappointed.
"It's a SLEEPover and I'm tired so no we aren't going to talk. Night." Bakugou said, his voice sounding deeper then normal. He was clearly tired and half asleep.
"Fine, night Bro." Kiri sighed knowing that he wasn't going to get Bakugou to talk.
Not even five minutes later there were quiet snores admitting from Bakugou.
"How the hell can someone fall asleep that quickly?" Kirishima whispered to himself as he glanced away from his phone.
He had really hoped that this sleepover would be more fun, or at least that he would be able to learn why Bakugou had reacted the way he did in the lounge.
His thoughts were cut short when he felt Bakugou move closer to him.
When he looked back at the blond he saw that he had attached himself to his leg.
"Oh my God he is going to kill me when he wakes up if we stay like this!" Kirishima whisper yelled in panic.
Apparently he was too loud because Bakugou stirred some making Kiri hold his breath.
Instead of waking up Bakugou just cuddled closer to Kirishima's leg and began snoring again.
Kirishima let go of the breath he was holding and tried to come up with a plan on what to do now.
"Okay, if I try and move then he may wake up and I don't want to deal with an even grumpy then normal Bakugo. But if I don't wake him up then he is going to kill me in the morning and my leg will be numb." Kirishima thought quickly.
This really was a loose loose situation.
Finally deciding on moving for the sake of his poor leg, he slowly pried Bakugou off of his leg and slid down the bed so he was now laying down next to Blasty boy.
Bakugou began to stir again from the movements.
Panicking, Kirishima did the first thing that came to mind.
He ran his hand through Bakugou's hair.
The blond boy leaned against the hand on his sleep and cuddled closer to Kirishima's chest in responce.
Kirishima's eyes widened at the reaction he got.
"That was adorable." He muttered quietly as he wrapped an arm around Bakugou's back, holding him closer then before.
"I'll deal with Mr. Blasty in the morning." He whispered as he felt his eyelids grow heavier.
Soon enough he too fell asleep.
***The Next Morning***
Bakugo was the first to wake up.
He was warm and comfortable, something was definitely wrong here.
He quickly opened his eyes and instantly saw dark red hair.
"Shitty Hair I told you to stay on your side of the bed!" Bakugou huffed as he pulled his head back only to be stopped by Kirishima's arms wrapped around him.
"Wha-? OH! No, you were started to cuddle me so I had to move and that's how we ended up like this! I wouldn't take advantage of you in your sleep like that, that's so un-manly." Kirishima attempted to explain quickly as he un-wrapped his arms around Bakugou.
"Me cuddle you? You should have come up with a better excuse then that. I don't cuddle people." Bakugou snapped as he sat up, now fully out of Kirishima's warm and comfortable embrace.
"Bakugou I'm telling you the truth, I wouldn't do something like that to you without your concent. Even if it's just cuddling it still counts as sexual harassment without concent. You were cuddled up to my leg and then when I moved you cuddled my chest." Kirishima continued to explain as he too sat up.
Bakugou looked at him for a minute with a glare before it softened.
"Whatever dumbass just don't tell anyone that this happened and we will be fine." He semi-threatened as he looked away from the boy.
"I wouldn't do that bro, I'm not a villain!" Kirishima laughed as he flopped back down onto the bed.
Bakugou rolled his eyes at the statement and allowed his body to fall backwards, landing against Kirishima's chest.
"Oof!" He huffed from the sudden impact getting a short laugh from the blond.
"Your pretty comfortable for someone that gets hard all the time." Bakugou commented as he shut his eyes.
"Just because my quirk is hardening doesn't mean that I'm hard all the time. I'm still human!" Kirishima defended himself as he looked down at his friend.
"Yeah, yeah whatever." Bakugou dismissed with the wave of his hand.
It was Kirishima's turn to roll his eyes. Sometimes Bakugou's dismissive and aggressive attitude was annoying but he still loved him nevertheless.
"Can I ask you a question?" Kirishima asked as he rested his hands on top of his head.
"You just did." Bakugou answered getting an annoyed huff in return.
"Then I'm going to ask another, why do you react the way you do when I play with your hair?" Kiri asked making Bakugou tense up again.
"I don't mind at all, it's cute." He added feeling Bakugou tense.
A blush took over Baku's face as his hand went on top of Kirishima's chest, letting off small explosions.
Luckily Kirishima had time to react and activated his quirk in time.
"Haha, what was that for?" He asked when Bakugou stopped the explosions.
"YOU CAN'T JUST GO AROUND CALLING PEOPLE cute!" Bakugou answered saying cute much quieter then the other words.
"Why not? It's true." Kirishima asked with an innocent smile only making Bakugou's blush darken more.
"You can't go around saying that though! People will get the wrong idea!" Bakugou huffed as he covered his face with a pillow.
"Like what? That I like you? I do like you though!" Kirishima said not thinking about what he was saying.
"You do? Why?" Bakugou asked sounding beyond confused.
"What do you mean why?" Kirishima asked with a head tilt.
"I mean why would anyone like someone like me? I'm loud, aggressive, rude, and so much more. I don't know how any of you stand being around me." Bakugou said with an emotionless mask on.
"Those things make you you. They are some of the things I lo-like about you." Kirishima admitted, catching himself before he slipped up too badly.
"Shut up shitty hair. You don't mean that. You should leave, we have class soon." Bakugou said as he sat up, allowing Kirishima to sit up.
"I do mean it and today is Saturday, we don't have classes." Kirishima said as he sat up and rested his hand on Bakugou's shoulder.
To his suprise Bakugou didn't shove him away, he didn't do anything.
"I really like you Bakugou, would you maybe be my boyfriend? If not then can we please pretend that this never happened? I'll go and dig my own grave." Kirishima asked, a blush now rising up on his own face.
"Whatever idot. If you hurt me though then prepair to die." Bakugou said as he leaned back into Kirishima's shoulder.
"I won't hurt you ever, I'll always protect you even if you don't want me to." Kirishima hummed as he moved his hand up to Bakugou's hair.
Bakugou leaned into the hand as his eyes closed. He looked extremely relaxed.
"So we are officially dating now? Can we tell people or do you want to keep it a secret." Kiri asked wanting to be one hundred percent sure before he did anything.
"Yes and whatever." Bakugou answered still not moving.
"Yay!" Kirishima cheered before kissing the top of Bakugou's head getting a dark blush from him.
For the rest of the day the two cuddled, trained together, came out to everyone, and eventually fell asleep once again in each other's arms, this time fully intentionall.
1,941 Words!
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