💗No Snap Candy (Sabriel)
Created- 9-1-20 *Fallen!Gabriel* (NOT EDITED) ⚠️ slight cussing ⚠️
3rd pov.
"Samoose I have a massive problem!!! I can't snap candy into existence anymore!!!" Gabriel stated, he looked like he was on the virge of a panic attack.
"Calm down Gabe, we can just get you some candy from the dollar store." Sam stated soothingly.
Gabe's head snapped his head up quickly to see if Sam was lying. It didn't look like he was so he smiled brightly and hugged Sam tightly. "Thanks Sammy!" Gabe giggled, he then grabbed Sam's hand and started to drag Sam over to the garage.
"Calm down Gabe!" Sam laughed at the overly excited ex angle.
Sam quickly grabbed the keys to a fancy older car and they both drove to Dollar Tree.
*Once There...*
"Alright Gabe, I only have five bucks so you can get four things, pick wisely." Sam stated while handing Gabe the money and heading into the store. Gabe following close after.
Gabe instantly ran to the candy section and grabbed the largest bags of random candy he could find.
He ended up with ten blow pops (they are all conected by a ribbon so it is only one thing), a bag of M&Ms, a massive bag of marshmallows, and the largest bar of chocolate he could find.
After they checked out and got back into the car Sam said "Make sure that you savor those because you are not going to get any more after that. Well at least not until you eat something healthier and exercise some." Right after Sam finished the sentence Gabe stared at him in disbelief.
"I can't eat your rabbit food!!!" Gabe exclaimed while then taking a bite of his chocolate. "Oh my dad this is good! I have only ever really tasted the molecules but this is good!!!" Gabe stated while quickly eating the rest of the chocolate.
"Be careful, your going to give yourself a stomachache and your going to run out of candy." Sam warned with a slight chuckle.
Gabe instantly dropped the bag of marshmallows he was about to open and half glared at Sam.
*Once they are back at the Bunker*
"Hey Sammy, Gabe, how did your little shopping trip go?" Dean asked as the two came into the kitchen to drop off the candy.
"Fine, Samantha won't let me get more than four pieces of candy though." Vabe grumbled making Sam chuckle and Dean give them both a questioning look.
"I only had five dollar on me at the time, also Gabe is human now so he needs to eat things other than candy." Sam stated after seeing Dean look.
"Alright well I'm gonna go and tell Cas not to give him any candy." Dean stated as he started walking out of the room. "Yah, because that's all he is gonna do." Gabe laughed. (Everyone they know ship Destiel and Sabrial.)
"Come on, I'll make us all some dinner, Jody tough me how to make some things." Sam stated as he walked over to get everything ready. Gabe reluctantly joined him.
Once they where done they had ended up with some meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and caned corn.
"Damn it smells good in here, what the Hell did yall make?" Dean asked as he and Cas walked into the kitchen.
"Meatloaf, potatoes, and corn!" Gabe stated with a small smile.
"Sweet!" Dean said as they all dug in.
*After they all ate*
"That was very good, thank you two." Cas said while gathering all the plates to wash them.
"You know you two would be a great couple." Charlie (who had called Dean) stated bluntly.
"What?!" Gabe asked as Sam choked on his water.
"What? Everyone ships it! Well you and Destiel but thats another talk for another time." Charlie laughed.
"Well Samoose, would you like to give the people what they want?" Gabe asked with puppy dog eyes.
"Um... what? I mean sure?" Sam stuttered.
All of a sudden all they could hear was Charlie squeal and see Dean and Cas with massive smiles on their faces.
"About time!" Charlie exclaimed happily.
"Whatever..." Sam mumbled, he was blushing like mad.
"Alright well im gonna leave you love birds alone! Bye Bit*hes!" Charlie said and then hung up.
For the rest of the day they had all decided that they where gonna watch some Harry Potter in celebration of the new couple until they all fell asleep.
745 Words! I am very sorry, this one sucked 😅
Anyway I hope you all have an amazing day/night!!!😁💖
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