💗Nightmares (Tsukiyama)
⚠️Cussing, nightmare, fighting in the nightmare, crying⚠ *It does end happy!!!*
Tadashi was spending the night at Tsukishima's house for the weekend. They had decided that he would stay the night after they stayed up too late watching movies and saw that it was already dark. No way in Hell was Tsukishima about to let Yamaguchi walk home alone in the dark.
So now the two were asleep in Kei's room, Yamaguchi asleep on top of the futon that Mrs. Tsukishima brought in and Tsuki asleep in his bed.
Kei was sleeping peacefully, probably dreaming about dinosaurs or something, sadly the same couldn't be said about Yamaguchi...
***Nightmare Begins & Yama's pov***
I open my eyes to see myself in the Volleyball gym. I look around feeling as if something is wrong.
At first I don't see anyone so I begin to look in the equipment room and locker room to see if anyone is there.
When I check the equipment room I see the broken broom that I swear Noya and Asahi fixed on the floor, still broken but now with splinters all around it as well.
"What the heck is going on?" I think aloud as I walk out of the room and move to the locker room.
Once inside I see Tsuki with his back facing me, his front facing his open locker.
"Tsuki! What is happening here? Something feels really off. Oh and the broom that Noya-san and Asahi-san broke looks like it broke again. I don't like this Tsuki." I say as I go over to him.
He doesn't move at first but when I'm closer to him he turns his head slowly and looks at me.
I scream when I see black eyes and seemingly melting skin.
"Don't call me Tsuki, I don't like you. Never have, never will. I only tolerated you for this long because I knew I could use you." Tsukishima that was NOT the real Tsuki said instantly making my eyes water.
I know this isn't the real Tsuki... so why do his words hurt so much?
"I- what?" I choke out as tears start to fall from my eyes.
"Did I stutter? I hate you! Get that through your thick skull!" The evil Tsuki yelled making me flinch.
"Tsuki-" I try to say but I'm cut off by my own sob. Tsukishima has been my best friend ever since we were kids. I can't loose him!
"Tadashi.... Yamaguchi..." I hear a voice call my name. What is that?
***End Of Nightmare & 3rd pov***
Yamaguchi shot up in the futon, Tsukishima falling back some from the sudden movement.
"Are you okay Yams?" Tsuki asked as he put a hand on Yamaguchi's shoulder. He had been woken up by the sound of Yamaguchi crying and instantly begun trying to wake him.
"Tsuki?" Yamaguchi asked as he pulled away from the hand.
"Yeah Tada, it's me. Whatever made you cry was just a nightmare okay?" Tsukishima said as he pulled his hand back, he figured with that reaction that the nightmare had something to do with him.
"Really?" Yama asked as his tears slowed and his breathing started to return to normal.
"Really." Tsuki confirmed with a nod instantly getting tackled into a hug from the greenet.
"Thank everything." Yamaguchi said as he berried his head into the crook of Tsukishima's neck.
Tsukishima wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi's small torso and rubbed one of his hands up and down in a soothing motion on his back.
"Do you want to talk about what happened in the nightmare? It may help you." Tsuki asked after a minute of the two just hugging, Yamaguchi now sitting in his lap to be more comfortable.
"Well if it will help... I was in the gym all alone. Everything felt off and I couldn't find anyone. I went looking for you all and found the broom Noya-san and Asahi-san broke but fixed broken on the floor with shards of wood around it. Then I saw you but you weren't you. You had pure black eyes and your skin looked like it was melting off. You said that you hated me and only dealt with me for this long because you knew you could use me." Yamaguchi explained, tears coming back at the end.
"Yama... I don't deal with you. I choose to be around you because I like you. You would know if I didn't like you based off of how I treat everyone else. I would NEVER use you for anything ever. You are my best friend and if you are willing then I would like us to be more then that." Tsukishima said as he moved his other hand to start playing with the fry lover's hair.
"D-did you just ask me out and comfort me all at the same time?" Yamaguchi asked with a small smile.
"Maybe...." Tsukishima trailed off with a smirk. He looked rather calm on the outside but was still Hella nervous on the inside for what Yamaguchi's reply may be.
"Well thank you for the comforting words and I would love to be more then friends with you." Yamaguchi answered, his smile growing as a blush dusted across his cheeks, neck, and ears.
"Anytime boyfriend." Tsuki said with a smile and blush of his own.
Yamaguchi giggled at the new title before looking up at Tsuki and kissing his cheek.
"You missed." Tsukishima said confusing Yamaguchi before he felt lips press against his own.
The kiss disappeared as quickly as it came.
"I'll be sure not to miss in the future then." He said, his blush darkening by a lot.
Tsukishima chuckled at the reaction before commenting, "You look like a strawberry with that blush." making Yamaguchi blush even darker then before.
"Oh shut up." Yamaguchi mumbled as he covered his face with his hands.
"Gomen Yama." Tsukishima teased with a smile.
Yamaguchi moved so his head was against Tsuki's chest and Tsukishima was laying down flat on his back, his arms going around Yamaguchi as if a reflex.
"I'm tired." Yamaguchi yawned as Tsukishima ran a hand through his hair again, he loved how soft it felt.
"Me too, lets go back to sleep. Goodnight Yama." Tsukishima agreed before kissing the top of his lover's head and shutting his eyes.
"Goodnight Tsuki." Yamaguchi said back as he cuddled closer to Tsuki before shutting his eyes as well.
The two quickly fell into a peaceful slumber, neither one of them plagued with nightmares this time.
1,066 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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