💗Flying (Destel)
3rd pov.
One day Dean and Cas had decided to get out of the Bunker for a while and let Sam and Gabe have some alone time.
"So what do you want to do Cas?" Dean asked as they both wandered around the land.
"Well I haven't gone flying in a while... so we could do that? If you are ok with that." Castial replied while looking twards Dean.
"We? Cas I dont have wings." Dean stated confused. He also didnt really want to fly because of his fear of hights.
"Well I would carry you, I have done it before and my wings have healed, so it should be a lot easier on them now." Cas stated as he started to take his trenchcoat off.
"W-what are you doing?" Dean stuttered after glancing at Cas before quickly looking away.
"I am going to let my wings free." Cas stated like it was the most obvious thing ever. "I can put it back on once I have them out." Cas said, noticing Dean looking away.
"O-ok just hurry up." Dean stuttered, you would if your crush started "stripping" infront of you.
After a minute Cas tapped Dean's shoulder. Dean slowly turned around only to see Castial's beautiful black wings.
"Woah." Dean breathed as he properly looked at his wings. "They are beautiful." Dean whispered, hoping Cas wouldn't really hear him.
"Thank you, now how about we get going?" Cas asked with a blush.
"Oh yah, sure. Um.... how do I do this?" Dean asked with a blush of his own forming.
"Like this." Cas stated while easly picking Dean up, causing him to wrap his legs and arms around Cas.
"O-ok." Dean stuttered, both of them blushing a dark crimson now.
So Cas took off, not too high because of Dean's fear of hights but still pretty high.
Suddenly Cas flew up fast causing Dean to tighten his grip.
"What the Hell was that?!" Dean asked panic in his voice. They where currently in the clouds. This was way to high for him.
"There is a human down there and it isn't normal for two people to be flying, are you alright?" Cas answered and asked while looking down through the clouds.
"O-ok I'm f-ine." Dean answered, not convensing at all.
Cas sighed and started to fly again, back twards the Bunker.
"Cas?! What are you doing? People will see us!" Dean yelled while making his grip impossibly tighter.
"Nobody will see us, we are going to fast." Cas replied calmy while wrapping his arms around Dean, trying to calm him slightly.
Within seconds they where back at the Bunker door.
Dean looked deshelved, his hair was everywhere from the wind, his clothes where all wrinkly from his grip, and he couldnt stand well, or walk from the sudden gravity change.
They slowly got inside the Bunker, only to find Gabe and Sam cuddled on the couch watching Harry Potter.
Sam was the first to notice them. "It looks like you two had fun." Sam chuckled after seeing Dean's apperence.
"What?" Dean asked, he then looked at himself, blushed bright red and then flopped onto the couch, slightly crushing Sam.
"Its not what it looks like. I swear to their dad. *Dean pointed to Gabe and Cas* We went flying and it was... interesting." Dean stated with his eyes closed, trying to relax and deal with gravity again.
"Ooooookayyyyyy." Gabe hummed while looking at Cas.
"Well would you like to join us? Its still the beginning of the movie." Sam offered, scotting over slightly.
"Sure. Where should I sit?" Cas asked, he didn't want to sit on the floor.
Dean got up and gestured to the seat.
"I could just stand Dean, its fine." Cas stated, he didn't want to take Dean's seat.
Withought saying anything Dean "forced" Cas to sit down and then layed down on top of them all. His head in Cas's lap and the rest of his on (mostly) Sam and Gabe.
After a while Cas started to stroke Dean's hair, causing Dean to hum in thanks.
Sam smiled at his brother and Cas before leaning against Gabe slightly and falling asleep, everyone else following soon after.
709 Words!
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