💗Flower Crowns (Prinxiety)
This was requested by KbaeStar 💖
(EDITED by @KbaeStar)
(3rd pov.)
It was a normal day in the Mind palace. Patton and Logan where out shopping, Logan there to keep Patton from getting to many cookies.
Janus and Remus where in the Dark Sides palace doing whatever they do when nobody else is around. (Probably cuddle and watch movies.)
While Roman and Virgil where in the Imagination.
"Hello my Emo Princess, how are you this fine evening?" Roman asked as he walked up to Virgil.
Virgil had been sitting under a weeping willow tree. "I'm good, you?" Virgil asked while finishing up something he had made.
"I'm doing well now that I'm with you." Roman flirted while sitting down next to Virgil.
Virgil blushed and looked away from Roman. "Shut up Princy." Virgil muttered and then turned back to what he was originally doing.
"Hey Hot Topic, what are you making?" Roman asked while moving to look over Virgil's shoulder.
"Aww you think I'm hot." Virgil said, avoiding the question.
"Well I wasn't going to say anything but..." Roman said with a smirk as Virgil blushed brighter.
"But really, what are you making?" Roman asked getting back on topic.
"This." Virgil sighed while handing Roman a flower crown. It had red, white, and gold roses all in it.
"Virgil, its beautiful." Roman gasped while looking at it.
"Well I'm glad you like it because it's yours." Virgil said while putting one on his own head.
"Really?! Thank you!" Roman said with a squeal as he put the crown on and then tackle hugged Virgil.
"Eek!" Virgil squealed as he was tackled to the ground. He quickly hugged back.
"Your welcome Ro." Virgil said once Roman sat back up.
"Oooo yours is pretty too!" Roman said, just now seeing Virgil's own crown.
"Thanks, there are so many different roses here. I had to make something." Virgil said with a small blush.
His flower crown was made of some dark purple roses, black roses, and light purple roses.
"Well I'm happy you did make them because now... we can take photos and look extra cute!!!!!" Roman exclaimed while taking his phone out.
All of the sides had all of the same apps as Thomas but they where also all connected to Thomas's account. So if they wanted to post something it would look like it was just Thomas and not the side posting it.
"We can't be in it together if you post it, Thomas won't be able to fake that." Virgil said while looking at Roman, then to the ground.
"Well then I will take ones where we are not together and post those. Then I'm going to take photos of us together and not post them." Roman said with a smile as he stood up and held his hand out for Virgil to take.
After he pulled Virgil up off of the ground he moved them both to where the lighting and ascetic was the best and started to take photos.
They all ended up beautiful and he posted most of them almost immediately.
"Your turn." Virgil said while taking Roman's phone from him.
Virgil then moved them both over to an area with a small waterfall that also had very good lighting.
He took quite a few photos as well and let Roman post whatever ones he wanted to.
After Roman had posted those Roman moved them both back over to the tree.
"Now for the cute ones." Roman said while pulling Virgil into his lap.
Virgil blushed brightly and hid his face in Roman's shoulder.
Roman smiled at him and took the photo.
"Hon, you need to show your beautiful face." Roman said while gently pulling Virgil's face from his shoulder.
*sigh* "Fine but only for a few photos." Virgil said readjusting himself on Roman's lap.
They took a few cute photos, Roman hearted all of them, and once they where done Virgil cuddled into Roman's chest.
"Are you tired?" Roman asked while putting his phone away.
"Maybe..." Virgil replied with a yawn, while cuddling further into Roman's chest.
"Come on, you need rest." Roman said before picking Virgil up bridal style and started to walk inside.
Virgil squeaked at the sudden movement and quickly wrapped his arms around Roman's shoulders.
Roman just chuckled and continued on his way to Virgil's room.
*Once they get to Virgil's room*
By now Virgil was asleep in Roman's arms.
Roman gently set Virgil onto his bed and was about to leave when something grabbed his shirt sleeve.
"Cuddles?" Virgil asked in a sleepy voice before yawning like a kitten.
"Of course." Roman said, how could you say no to that face? So Roman took his shoes off and got into the bed with Virgil.
Virgil instantly cuddled up to Roman's chest and fell into a deep sleep.
Roman smiled and kissed the top of Virgil's head, before falling asleep himself.
816 Words!
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