💔/💗Crying (Kiribaku)
⚠️Crying (duh), cussing, past child abuse, mental issues, (low key personal rant chapter)⚠️
It had been a very long and very stressful day for Kirishima and all he wanted to do was go to his room and blast some music into his ears at full volume before going to sleep.
As he walked up to his room however, his friends Sero and Kaminari saw him and quickly walked over to him.
"Hey Kiri!" Sero said with a large grin, instantly having Kirishima plaster on a very forced smile in return.
It wasn't that he didn't like hanging out with his friends, it was that he was on the verge of tears and he really just wanted to get away from any and all people now.
So he waved as a turn of hello instead of saying anything, not trusting his voice at the moment.
"So we were wondering if you wanna come down to the common room and hand out with us for a while before lights out?" Denki asked with a large grin of his own, not noticing a door open and close on the other side of the hallway.
Kirishima began to internally panic, he knew that if he stayed outside with people for any longer then he was going to break but if he declined the offer then he might hurt Sero and Denki's feelings and he didn't want to do that either.
"I-" Kirishima started only to be cut off by a very loud blond boy who walked over to them.
"Fuck off extras, he already told me that we would hang out tonight." Bakugou said loudly while shoving Denki into Sero so he could get to Kirishima.
Now Bakugou had originally left his room to go downstairs and get a snack before going back to bed but then he saw how much a reck Kirishima looked and decided that he should probably help out the only person he can tolerate at this school.
"Ok, how about tomorrow then Kiri?" Denki asked seemingly unfased by Bakugou's actions.
Kirishima just nodded with another forced smile before Denki and Sero left down the hall and to the common room.
"Are you okay?" Bakugou asked once Denki and Sero were out of eyesight.
Kirishima nodded his head as he turned around and began to unlock his door before opening it up and allowing himself and Bakugou inside.
"I won't believe you until you look me in my eyes and say that your okay, not just nod your head yes." Bakugou said as he took his shoes off and shut the door back.
Kirishima moved over to his bed and sat down onto it, muttering a very quiet "I'm fine." As he looked down at the bedsheets.
"Look me in my eyes and tell me that again." Bakugou said calmly as he sat down next to the redhead.
It was hella weird hearing Bakugou speak calmly but it also helped comfort Kirishima in a way.
Kirishima looked over at Bakugou's face and broke.
"I'm fine." He said with a wattery smile as tears started to pool down his face.
"I'm perfectly fine, nothings wrong." Kirishima continued as he proceded to force his smile, his brain panicking and telling him that there isn't any reason to cry and to grow the fuck up.
"I-im sorry I don't know why I'm crying." Kirishima said as he moved away from Bakugou, curling in on himself as he wiped his eyes repeatedly trying to make the tears go away only to have more of them fall down.
"Kiri..." Bakugou whispered, his tone full of concern.
He has never seen Kirishima so upset before, Hell he's never seen Kirishima anything other then happy or mad before.
And why is Kirishima still trying to smile through all of this?
"Yeah Baku?" Kirishima choked out as he looked up through his damp eyelashes.
Instead of saying anything Bakugou pulled Kirishima into a tight, comforting hug, putting Kirishima's head and placing it on his shoulder before he began to run his hand through his hair.
The dam broke and everything Kirishima had been holding back escaped at once.
The poor boy began sobbing and shaking in Bakugou's arms.
"Its okay, I don't know what's wrong right now but it will all be okay. I'll make sure your safe and if I need to fight anyone then you already know I will. Your okay, I've got you." Bakugou whispered comfortingly in Kirishima's ear only having Kirishima hug him back tightly in responce.
After another half hour of Bakugou saying calm words to Kirishima and Kirishima crying, the redhead ran out of tears and eventually calmed down.
"I'm sorry about that." Kirishima said, his voice cracking as his throat was now dry from crying for so long.
"Don't appoligise, there isn't anything to appoligise for." Bakugou replied as he continued to run his hand through Kirishima's hair.
The two sat there in silence for a while before Bakugou broke it once again.
"You don't have to tell me whats wrong but I'm always here to listen if you need me to." He spoke softly still, he didn't want to make Kirishima upset again.
"I'm just stressed and tired, I'll be okay once I get some proper sleep." Kirishima mumbled, his voice further muffled from Bakugou's hoodie.
Bakugou hummed in understanding even though he knew that it was probably more than that, he wasn't about to press further.
The two fell into another silence, this time though, it was more peaceful then worrisome.
"I have a question but you don't have to answer it okay?" Bakugou asked breaking the silence once again.
Kirishima nodded, indicating that he could ask the question.
"Why did you keep smiling through the beginning? I mean you were clearly forcing it and weren't happy, so why have the smile?" Bakugou asked having Kirishima sigh before answering.
"Oh, back when I was younger, my family would see me crying after yelling at me for something and would then yell that if I don't stop crying then they would give me something to cry about. If I couldn't stop myself from crying then they would hit me and make me cry harder then they would bring me to the bathroom and make me look at myself to see how ugly I am when I cry to make me stop crying. Because of that I either don't cry at all or when I do cry my brain freaks out and makes me smile and try to stop crying because it's still in the mind set, if you don't have something 100% worthy of crying about then you shouldn't be crying at all. That's also why I really hate being yelled at and once the person is gone and I'm alone afterwords I end up crying from it." He explained getting the arms around his waist tighten even more.
"Its fine now though, my family has calmed down a lot since then and don't really yell at me anymore and we all get along pretty well. It's just the ptsd I guess." Kirishima chuckled softly as he cuddled closer to Bakugou.
"If they do anything like that ever again then call me and I'll take care of it okay?" Bakugou asked trying his best to stay calm on the outside but was extremely pissed off on the inside.
"M'kay." Kirishina agreed with a nod.
"Do you mind if I fall asleep here or do you want me to move?" The redhead asked seeing as through all of this they had ended up laying down on the bed, himself laying on top of Bakugou and cuddled up to his chest.
"You can fall asleep here, I don't mind." Bakugou answered getting another sleepy nod in responce.
Soon after he heard soft snores coming from the tired boy and only then did he allow himself begin to fall asleep.
In the future any time Kirishima would have any sort of problem then Bakugou would help him through it all and make sure nobody else ever saw the boy in that state.
They eventually got together after a while and everyone was super accepting of them. Most of them thought they were together already anyway.
1,378 Words!
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