💗Compliments (Kiribaku)
Date:12-7-21 ⚠️Flustured boi, cussing, yelling⚠️ This isn't a very good oneshot, sorry peeps, I tried and failed 😅
Everyone from UA, class 1A has been living in the dorm rooms for quite a while now.
Now class 1B has joined them so everyone has to be two to a dorm room.
Luckily both classes are separated because of past drama but can still meet up if they wish.
Anyway, because of this new arrangement everyone in class 1A has had to decide on a roommate and who's room they would be sharing.
Currently everyone in 1A were all sitting in the lounge area talking about who would stay with who.
"I wanna stay with Momo!" Mineta said as he leaned against a seat, looking over at the taller girl.
"No, no boys can stay with any girls and vice versa. Mr. Aizawa was very strict when he said that!" Iida stated, his hand moving up and down as it normally does when he talks.
"Aww man." Mineta pouted, only to be mostly ignored for the rest of the time.
"I kind of wanted to room with Jirou anyway." Momo said with a smile as she looked over to the purple haired girl.
Jirou blushed as she replied, "Sounds good but what are going to do with all of our stuff? We both take up the full space of them." She asked sounding slightly concerned for the situation.
"Well if I send my bed back to the house and then we share your bed then where my bed should go could hold my dresser. That's the only real thing I need out of my room besides my bathroom things but we should have plenty of room in there for that." Momo answered, smiling at the fact that she had solved their problem so quickly.
"I want to share a bed with Momo!" Mineta whined only to be ignored once
"Shitty Hair your with me. I don't like these other nerds enough to stay in a room with them for that long of a time." Bakugou said before he stood up and left for his room.
"Wait Baku-bro! What room are we gonna bunk in?" Kirishima asked as he ran to catch up with his friend.
"Yours, it has way more shit then mine does so it's easier to move my shit then it is your shit." Bakugou answered with an eyeroll getting a nod back.
"Sero-bro you wanna share with me?" Denki asked as he slung his arm around Sero's shoulders.
"Sure." Sero laughed as he wrapped his arm around Denki's upper back.
"Todoroki, do you want to share a room with me?" Midoria asked the bi-color haired boy.
"Sure." Todoroki answered in his monotoned voice.
Uraraka and Tsu, Tokoyami and Shoji, Mina and Hagakure, Sato and Koji, Ojrio and Aoyama, and finally Iida and Mineta were all of the other roommates.
Iida decided to be Mineta's roommate because he knew he would be able to try and keep the boy under control more with him in sight more often.
The next day when everyone has changed rooms
Bakugou was the first one awake out of him and Kirishima.
When he looked around and saw red everywhere he was panicked for a second not knowing where the fuck he was but quickly calmed down when he saw Kirishima and rembered the events of yesterday.
He slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He was trying to be quiet but if he made a sound then oh well, it was already eight anyway.
Once he left the bathroom he went to the kitchen area, washed his hands (again) and began to make himself and shitty hair some breakfast.
He was able to finnish making eggs and toast before Kirishima woke up to the amazing smell of cooking bacon.
"Baku-bro? What are you-" Kirishima cut himself off rembering that he and Bakugou shared the room now as he sat up from bed.
"Oh wait, nevermind. Anyway, that smells super good!" The redhead said, instantly his hyper self now that he had woken up fully.
"How the fuck are you so hyper when you just woke up?" Bakugou asked as he put the eggs, toast -(with strawberry jam on it)-, and bacon strips onto two different plates.
"I don't know, Im just a morning person I guess!" Kirishima laughed showing off his sharp white teeth.
"Well stop, it's too early to deal with hyper people." Bakugou said as he handed Kirishima one of the plates along with a plastic fork.
*gasp* "Thanks bro! Normally I don't eat breakfast but if I do it's just an apple of granola bar." Kirishima said before he started to eat the amazing breakfast Bakugou had made.
"Its not that big of a deal shitty hair." Bakugou said with an eyeroll and a light pink dusting his face and the tips of his ears.
Kirishima hummed in disagreement because his mouth was full of food.
The two quickly finnished their food and Bakugou got up again to clean off their plates.
When he turned back around Kirishima was changing into his normal clothes because it was Saturday and they didn't have classes.
He quickly averted his eyes when he saw Kirishima begin to change his pants and instead moved change himself.
Once they were done changing Bakugou decided to have a little fun with his new roommate.
So Bakugou moved over to Kirishima who was walking to the tiny fridge to get a water.
"You look so good right now." Bakugou said into Kirishima's ear, instantly seeing the boy's face color rival his hair color.
"W-what?" Kirishima asked as he looked at the blond who was now grabbing a Monster energy from the fridge.
"What?" Bakugou asked playing dumb before taking a sip of his drink.
"I- nevermind, it's nothing." Kirishima said as he shook his head, thinking he had just imagined the whole thing.
"Okay." Bakugou shrugged before walking over to his bed again, this time pulling out his phone and scrolled through Tumbler.
This went on for a long time, Bakugou complementing Kirishima at random times. It started out just when the two were alone but if Bakugou was ever extra bored he would complement him in public as well just to see his reaction.
Eventually Kirishima decided to do something about it.
"You know your hair really isn't that shitty, it's actually pretty nice. I like it most when it's down though." Bakugou said one day when the two were once again alone in their room.
Bakugou expected Kirishima to be flustured by this or have a blush on his face. What he didn't expect was what happened next.
"Aww thanks Bakugou! I really like your hair to. Your hair, eyes, your ever so rare smile, oh and don't get me started on your body. Your hourglass yet buff figure. Your so fucking handsome and always look so good! And your smirk too, it's pretty hot." Kirishima said as he got up from his bed and moved onto Bakugou's, sitting right next to the now extremely flustured boy.
"W-what the fuck shitty hair." Bakugou stuttered, a dark pink blush coming across his face as he hid it in his hands.
"Oh Baku-babe, I'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine." Kirishima hummed into the blond's ear making him shiver.
"Baku-babe?" He asked making Kirishima laugh.
"Just a new nickname I came up with earlier. You should come up with a better nickname for me. I mean especially when you admitted that my hair isn't that shitty." Kirishima said, his flirt-mode now in full swing.
"How about I call you mine?" Bakugou asked without thinking, stunning Kirishima for a second.
"Only if I can call you mine as well." Kirishima said, his brain processing what just happened.
"Thats kind of how a relationship works dumbass." Bakugou chuckled, now moving his hands from his face to see Kirishima's own blush.
"Well then yeah you can call me yours." Kiri answered with a smile as he locked eyes with Bakugou.
"Good." Bakugou said with a small smile.
Neither knew who leaned in first but suddenly there were lips on lips and there were sparks flying everywhere.
The two eventually pulled away, smiles and blushes still on their faces before Kirishima pulled Bakugou into another kiss.
Who knew that all of this would happen just because of a few dumb compliments?
1,420 Words!
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