💗Cat Like (Kiribaku)
Date: 11-22-21 ⚠️Cussing⚠️
Bakugou and Kirishima had recently started dating and one fun thing Bakugou had learned about his adorable boyfriend was that he acted a lot like a cat.
He loved constant affection and head pats. He also tended to follow Bakugou around like a kitten as well sometimes.
Currently the two were in the lounge area of the dorms building.
Bakugou was sitting up with his back against the armrest of one of the sofas while Kirishima laid down with his head in his lap.
Most everyone was sitting in the same area or somewhere in the building because it was getting late at night and all of their training was over for the day.
It was relatively quiet, everyone enjoying the peace and trying to relax.
Bakugou subconsciously began to run his hands through his lovers hair.
A few seconds later he had felt Kirishima relax fully against him and then heard a sound coming from the red head.
"You're like a damn cat." He muttered when he figured out that the sound was purrs.
Kirishima smiled up at him because despite the comment Bakugou hadn't stopped petting his head.
"You love that about me~" Kiri teased making a dark blush take over Bakugou's face.
The two hadn't said anything about love before because they had just started dating two weeks ago so the comment caught him off guard even if it was just a joke.
"Tch." He rolled his eyes and looked away from Kirishima.
"Bakugou blushing? What did you do Kirishima?" Denki laughed from the other sofa instantly getting a harsh glare from the angry and flustured blond boy.
"Shut up Dunce face!" Bakugou yelled sending weak explosions over to the annoying boy.
"Ahh!" Deku yelled as he dodged the explosions that faded out to dust before they could do any damage to anything.
"I'm going to bed, it's already seven forty-five." Bakugou said as he gently pushed Kirishima up and off of his lap so he could stand up.
"Okay grandpa!" Sero laughed, Denki and Mineta joining him getting dark glares from Bakugou in return.
"Ignore them, let's go Baku-bro." Kirishima said as he got up too and laced his and Bakugou's hands together before walking them upstairs to Bakugou's bedroom.
"Use protection!" Mineta yelled after the two before running behind Denki, knowing that if Kirishima couldn't keep Bakugou back then he would definitely be hit with an explosion.
Bakugou started to turn around, his hand raised ready to blast the perverted boy into next month but was stopped by Kirishima.
Kirishima grabbed the raised hand and wrapped his other arm around Bakugou's waist pulling him close, instantly having Bakugou look at him, any thought of the grape boy gone.
"Calm down Katskui, just ignore him." Kirishima said, his voice quiet and calm in hopes that it would calm Bakugou down too.
The new blush on Bakugou's face was bright red as he nodded slightly, his mind wasn't working with the close proximity of them both.
Kirishima smiled at Bakugou's reaction before he began to walk again, taking his arms away from Blasty boy.
Bakugou's mind caught up enough to make him follow Kirishima to his room and unlock it so they could go in.
"Oh they are so going to fuck." Mineta said after they all witnessed the exchange between the two.
Everyone laughed at his comment only to get scolded by Iida for talk of innapropiate actions.
"Are you staying the night here or are you going back to your own room?" Bakugou asked Kirishima as he walked over to his closet, picking out one of his many black tank-tops and a pair of sweatpants to sleep in.
"Can I stay here? I wanna cuddle~" Kirishima asked as he made graby hands twords Bakugou.
"Whatever shitty hair, change into these so you'll be more comfortable." Bakugou said as he threw Kirishina a pair of sweatpants.
"Do I not get a shirt too?" Kiri asked as Bakugou began to change.
"Nope." Was Bakugou's reply with a small smirk.
"Okay." Kirishima shrugged before he too began to change.
His hero costume made him shirtless so he didn't mind continuing the shirtlessness.
Once they were both done changing (and stealing glances at each other as they did so) they both got into Bakugou's bed.
Kirishima attempted to big spoon Bakugou but he wasn't going to allow him to do so that easily.
"Why am I the little spoon?" He asked as he turned to face the shirtless boy.
"Do you want to be the big spoon? I don't mind either way I just want cuddles." Kirishima asked with a cute head tilt.
"Wh- no that's not- *sigh* nevermind. I'm tired, let's just go to sleep." Bakugou said as he turned around again, this time grabbing Kirishima's arm to make himself the little spoon.
"I thought you didn't wanna be the little spoon?" Kirishima said sounding confused as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of Bakugou's neck.
"I was just going to tease you but I'm too tired for that now. BUT If you tell anyone that I'm a little spoon then I'll blast you into outerspace." The tired blond mumbled as he closed his eyes.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Kiri hummed as he closed his eyes as well.
"Night Blasty." He mumbled, already feeling sleep take him even at the early hour.
"Night Shitty hair." Bakugou mumbled back before he fell asleep.
A few minutes later Kirishima fell asleep too feeling content with his lover safe in his arms.
"So who is the bottom?" Denki asked the next morning at breakfast instantly having everyone's attention on him, Bakugou, and Kirishima.
Instead of saying anything Bakugou instantly went for blasting Kaminari with his explosions and this time Kirishima didn't stop him.
"Well that answers that question." Momo giggled getting a death glare from Bakugou and a small laugh from Kirishima.
"Man, I never would have thought Bakugou was a bottom." Midoria muttered, drawing Bakugou's attention to him.
Let's just say that there were many explosions that morning...
1,019 Words!
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