✨Meeting an idiot✨
(ikeshot obsession continues)
TW: kidnapping death fighting
(Ike POV)
We are going to Brooklyn.
Something about turf. We couldn't take Race because Spot would get distracted, so I had come. We met at the Brooklyn Bridge spot flanked by a tall, dark-haired boy.
"Hi, Jack," Spot called out. "Where's Race and Al?" he says, turning as if Race or Albert were behind him.
Jack rolls his eyes. "Honey, we are not making that mistake again."
Spot sighs. He looks down to the ground, saying something about Jack to himself.
"Hotshot," he says, clicking his finger, the boy perking up a bit "go play."
He smiles, waving me towards him. I slowly with a shove froward from jack he grabs my hand I tense slightly he chuckles lightly
"I won't bite l slowly let him drag to the docks we stand in awkward silace for awhile then i notice his smile like he is formulating an evil plan
"whatever your planning no " he smirks he dramatizes "I would never do anything" he say in a voice that is a little squeaky and then shoving me into the water I look up at him or him he smirking like crazy the in a flash he jumped and splashed me
he smile I splash him he splashes me back laughing he ducks underneath the water and come out putting me on his shoulders i scream he laght throwing his head back throwing me into the water "oops sorry" he says helping me back to the shallows
after awhile I get cold and clime out helping him clime out after me he smile quickly and wrings out his hat and removes his flannel and place it on one of the post he sits down next to me he smiles "so what do you like to do" that surprises me even though we've know each over for hours I was not expecting that question
"umm go fish and gymnastics " I smile at him a bit embarrassed "I mean I only like go fish. Because my brothers boyfriend like it a bit to much " he chuckles not in a mean way a kind way that implies that he won't go and hurt my feelings
and the he quickly asks me if i"wanna play" I nod he stands up and get a pack of cards and passing me 7 card and we play we laugh hard and enjoy ourselves the sun starts setting and Jack come and almost drags me to Manhattan and that night I feel euphoria when I think about my day I'm the happiest I've been in a long time
(Time skip to next week)
Race and Albert. He needs me to go to Brooklyn to walk him home because we travel in threes since Rust went missing that means I'll see shot again I almost run to Brooklyn race laughs "someone has a 'friend'"
I stop dancing and glare at Racetracks Higgins "were just friends" Albert smirks at me "that's how it starts~"
I roll my eyes we just finished crossing the bridge spot waiting "spotty" race shout throwing himself into spot Albert following after. Spot twirling him around and then pressing a swift kiss to Albert's cheek
I walk to the dock where I look around for hotshot I turn my head I feel a hand slide over my mouth I almost scream
but then when I hear a laugh that when I realise know this person I push the hand of my mouth
"hi, hotshot" he smiles cheekily "miss me much?" I roll my eyes
" no I didn't " he pouts bouncing slightly on his toes his eyes shining with something I have never seen in him before
"well come on I have something to show you" he grabs my hand and drags me up onto the roof and then down a fire escape around a corner to an ally which was full of plants I smile "hotshot this... is beautiful "
he smiles at me "yeah a friend did this" a boy sticks his head around the corner he is tall with dark hair "Oscar?" I ask looking at the boy most people knows as a but none of us took the time to get to know him
"Mike?" I sigh "I'se is Ike I wear da brown hat ya know dat" hotshot laughed throwing his head backwards
"ya know your accent gets more prominent when youse are annoyed" I growl slightly frustrated with the boy annoyingly cute existence "so hotshot he's ya boyfriend"
he turns the colour of his shirt "we're not dating" Oscars smile faltered "oh sorry I assumed well would you like to be?"
I had never thought about that me and him ya know together I feel a small bit of heat rise my face hotshot answers to quickly "no-no I wouldn't "
I feel my heart drop slightly and a tingling feeling spreads through my body I'm not sure what this feeling is I've never had this before but I'm happy when I'm spending time with this annoying boy
I set out. And explore Oscar's garden I find my favourite flower a white tulip it's sat in a pot painted with flowers and mushrooms the art style seems similar to something I've seen somewhere before
the radio starts playing and a slow song and hotshot comes over "may I have a dance?" He says holding his hand out as if I were and a fine lady at a ball with the king hesitantly I take we sway from side to side with him
a bit later after a dance and more exploring we head back to the docks where race and Albert come over to me his arm thrown around Spot he lets go
I wave to him he presses one last kiss to his lips and lets go of his beloved boyfriend and they walk towards me "hey how was your afternoon?" Albert asks
I smile feeling just happy no explanation and then everything changed
Jack and Spot got in a fight because he thought one of the Brooklyn boys Kiddnapped rust spot says his boys didn't do it but this means that we can't go to Brooklyn
I miss Brooklyn I've slowly lost the will to do things I haven't been selling in two weeks I haven't eaten in ages no matter how hard my brother tries to get me to
a faint tap on my window I pull it open to see a boy I know all to well sat on the fire escape "hotshot? You need to go!" I push him slightly but he didn't move
"Ike Woah! I needed to see that you were okay spot says one of you went missing I was scared I lost you " I throw my arms around his neck and press my head into his shoulder
"but shot mate you need to go I mean really" he hugs me one last time then leaves I head back to bed this warm glowing sensation in my chest I smile to myself
the next morning I drag myself out of bed to downstairs to Jack and his desperate attempts to make us like him again Race is just not talking or looking at him in general jacks desperate attempts to make us like him jack sticks his head in the lounge "who wants bacon?"
Normally Henry would jump up and run to the kitchen to get some first but today no one moved the loge was silent no one talked or moved excluding selling I leave the room to rooftop
and sit down I let tears roll down my face and drip on my lap jack pulls himself up to my side "Hey Ike" he says kindly "are you okay?" I don't talk to him and turn away from him
"ike talk to me" he growls more annoyed "who were you talking to last night" oh no I look away "Ike who were you talking to" he shoves my shoulder roughly
"was he from Brooklyn? Tell me!" I slowly nod now I've done it " HE WAS? IN CASE YOU ARE UNAWARE SOMEONE IS MISSING!" Something comes in to contact with my jacks hand a small drop of blood trickles down
I Chlime down the fire escape and jack calls out to me "leave then youse ain't coming back!" run as fast as I can to Brooklyn when I get to the dock I collapse on the dock a pair of the arm pull my arms behind my back "ACE!"
The boy calls out to his boyfriend I recognising the boy's voice as smokes "Smokes?" I ask having met him a few times when I've been to visit hotshot he releases my hand letting me go Ace runs over to assist his boyfriend
"what is it, babe? OH MY GOD" Ace must have seen my face "we need to get him to Cloths," Ace says sounding a bit scared I shake my head "i'se fine" Ace starts walking me towards the Brooklyn Loge he shouts something I can't hear then the world turns black
I'm awake I'm wet and cold "sorry" just the voice I was hoping to hear cringes "I panicked," he said dropping the bucket he's holding the wound I had from jacks hit is cleanly stitched hotshot plops down on the bed "what happened, "
shot asked I turn away from him and shake my head "nothing" I breathe out he moves so he's facing me "Ike tell me" I look down To my lap hotshot puts his index finger under my chin and guides my head up to look at him he smiles "there's the beautiful boy I know" heat Gose up my face leaving it feeling like it's on fire after a while he let go "uh I better go wash up like I'm supposed to" he walks off to leave me alone...
for exactly 1 minute Spot enters the room "who did this to you? why didn't you go back to your loge?" I blink slightly shock that spot sound nervous I open my mouth and pray for jack knowing Spot
"Jack hit me he was angry that I was talking to them I won't tell him who thought and second I think you know why." Spot looks angry he growls slightly and tells me that I am staying here and then Gose off to commit murder or something I guess I sit up in the bed and wince slightly hurting my head where the stitches were put in
(time skip( 1 week)
Hotshot flops on my bed "I'm boreddddd" he whines I look up from the book I'm reading "what can I do about that?" I ask he looks confused "I dunno sumthin" he shrugs s and crawls over to my side
"The improvement of the mind" he reads "interesting what's it about?" he asks he get a bit excited by him asking "it's about how we retain knowledge and improve our mind like did you know that The Hippocampus Plays an Important Role in keeping Memories. "
he chuckles "so youse smart" I shake my head "no Hot I'm not I'm just the dumb boy from Manhattan who can't even do basic maths"
Hotshot glares at me "like you are not dumb I mean you can read write I've seen your handwriting it's amazing and your the most beautiful and smart person and if anyone says over wise ill throw them off the bridge" I smile at him
"thank you," I say hugging I pull away he turns a deep shade of pink
"and that is what I love about you, you look tough but your a big teddy bear" he turns a really deep shade of red "umm... shot? are you okay ya look a little red there" I ask him
he shakes his head "I'm fine lke now I've got washing up to do" he stands up leaving me alone I go back to my book feeling like I'm missing something...
(Hotshot POV)
"Oh kiss me ike, " smokes say clutching Aces hand
"I love you sooo much hotshot," Ace says from where he is sitting on the counter
they kiss after a couple of seconds they break apart smirking I roll my eyes "Spoooottt heeeellp" spot come to find me the colour of my shirt
and Ace and smokes kissing "Ace Smokes! leave poor hotshot alone to be depressed because ike is an ignorant idio-"
"finish that sentence I dare you" Ace and Smoke pause looking scared spot glare for a second before smiling "it's looove" I roll my eye "now go my son for you are now a man! go! confess your gay love to your amazing soon-to-be husband!" I glare at him
"shut up I'm not confessing," I say glaring at him
he sighs "you need to tell him your only hoiting your self, ike and me I need my ship" I breathe out "fine"
(the next morning)
"Hey, hotshot need anything I'm going out selling and going to buy some bread?" I look up from where I'm reading Pride and prejudice (ike suggestions) " no" I holler back "okay see you later"
he never came back...
(ike pov)
they handcuffed my hand I'm not tied to the chair they pull the mask off Snyder stands in front of me "what do you want spider" I spit
"jack" he growls "I don't know where he is but I'm going to have him back the refuge " I sigh "man you're obsessed... know that jack is exactly the phyocpath to break out again.." he punches me in the stomach
"so you'll never give up but what if.." he pulls something out of his coat pocket "I pay" he holds up ten-dollar which is more than I make in a year I stare at him dead in the eye "no" he punches me in the stomach and growls "let us see how long you can last without food" he leaves me alone
it gives me a chance to look around there is another person in the room he has long rusty red hair "RUST" his eyes flutter open "Ike?" he asks softly I nod "how long have you been here"
(time skip(three days later)
"We need to get out of here" I state Rust stares at me like I'm crazy "I'm serious, " I say raising y tied hand above my head and pulling down as fast as I can breaking the rope around my wrist and untying the ropes around my legs and waist and
running over to rust and untying him I look around there is a small window "stand there" I order Rust he stands against the wall I look out the window to the street my brother is selling I tap the window and get ting attention he pulls the window open
"Ike," he asks he nods "what are doing why did you go"
"I went on holiday, no I left jack slapped me" he puts his hand over his mouth "oh and by the way, I found rust " he gasps "oh and when you feel like it comes to save us" nods he runs
later when the sunset mike comes with one over the person who I recognise as jack "let's get one thing straight I'm only here for rust another 2 people come
"Hotshot spot?" I whisper shout he runs over to me "are you okay" he asks I nod blushing ever so slightly and the messiness of his hair
damm this boy really cares about me and I - HOLY CHEESUES I LOVE him that's the odd feeling I was havin
just peachy" he smiles "good stand back he pulls out a matchbox bomb and lights it he and everyone else run back aloud bang goes off and the world goes silent hotshot runs through the dust to me he says things I cant hear
suddenly there is a loud bang and Rust crumple to the ground Hotshot run pulling me up the hole he made
(Hotshot you could have done anything but you blew up part of the street?
it was cool though!
how did you make it?
*David covers Les ears* tell him and I soak you into the next millennium)
we run and run until we reach the Brooklyn loge
(hootshoot pov)
I want death I don't just want death I don't just want iI I crave it "Hotshot" spot says gently "someone here to see you I sit up a boy dressed the opposite to ike walks in "you ikes friend right" I nodded "yeah... I guess" mike glared at me
"you like him don't you?" I nodded best admit to his twin than to him wait.... is he dead? he been missing three days "ooooh" mike sequels clapping "but in all seriousness, I found ike" I shoot up
(back to main time)
(ike pov)
I'm sitting on hotshots bed he's cleaning my wound talking happily even though I can't hear him. he stops for a second and looks up
my hearing my ears are now ringing and I can hear hotshot voice slightly when our eyes meet some kind of explosion goes on inside me he bites back a smile and looks up and exlimas loud enough for me to hear I "all done!" he smiles
I can see the light shining in his eye but the world seem to freeze around me I love this boy more than anything he smiles and awkwardly pats my shoulder "ill go get a drink" he says bounding off to get some drinks
the ringing in my ears gets louder.
my eyes flutter open to see hotshot almost sat on me "ike you okay" I nod weakly he smiles slightly "not meaning to be rude but you don't look okay"
I shoot up and cringe in pain "where is Rust" he looks to me "he is fine" he says pulling my hand to help mw sit up
(Curchie pov)
I stare down at one of my boyfriends the blood is pouring out his stomach I call for buttons " can I borrow a needle and some thread and get me some tweezers please " I ask him calmly I place my hand above the wound and look to rust tan freaked face
"pet this is going to hurt a bit" I plug the tweezers into the wound and fish the bullet out he sobs his eyes scrunch uptight I start my over boyfriend slides in the room
"maighdean naofa Máire IS HE OKAY?" I nod cutting the thread Oscar hugs me "I love you both so much you two are my stór" he looks down at him "an grá can I hug you" he nods
"Can I please have a kiss here?" he said pointing to his forehead he leans forward kissing his forehead he blushes slightly
I hug my boyfriends "aww youse to are so coote"
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