lance was typing away at his computer, updating his aesthetic blog on tumblr. he quickly finished up a post of a picture of two pretty boys kissing, then waiting at his computer screen to see if he got any notes.
a few minutes later, a notification popped up saying someone had commented on his picture. "cute pic, posted by a cuter boy c;" the boy nearly fell out of his rickety chair, he scrambled to type a response to such a comment.
before he did, he saw the commenters profile picture was of a pale boy with dark long hair that fell into his eyes. lance was immediately love stricken.
"hey, you're pretty cute yourself, i'm lance if you wanna talk ?" lance blushed as he replied to the comment from the handsome boy. within seconds he got another reply.
"im keith c: your blog is pretty but your prettier - id love to get to know you more" somewhere across a few towns a boy keith was swooning, he had been following lance's blog for weeks and was astonished to see the other had responded to him.
"where are you from ? maybe we could hang out one day c; " lance typed, biting his lip in some hope the other boy wasn't to far away. he seemed to trust the other boy, regardless of just barely meeting each other.
"in a town called voltron- maybe you've heard of it?" keith responded fast with hope inside of him, the cute boy was nice and wanted to get to know him. keith was a quiet boy who didn't have many friends, mostly because he was gay.
"no way :0 ! i live the next town over, you wanna meet up ?? or not thats kind of creepy its just your really attractive and nice >_<..." from what lance could see he and keith were around the same age, he decided to stalk down keiths blog more while he waited for a response.
"i would love to - maybe at the local coffee shop this afternoon?"
"its a date, if you want it to be ahah" lance was nearly in tears over the boy and couldn't wait to meet up with the cutie in a few hours. he hurried to throw on something society would call acceptable as clothing.
keith let out a squeal of joy as he grabbed his wallet and bag off the hook and quickly hurried out the door, then slowing down to a stroll as he walked into town as he realized he had a little time.
lance was waiting at a table for two when keith arrived, and he immediately recognized the other boy based on the same long black hair and lance started blushing as he waved the other over excitedly.
"keith!" he said with a soft ring in his voice, he saw the other ones face light up as he called him over.
"lance?" keith was suprised to see the other had actually shown up, he ran over and gave the other a hug, then quickly retracted from being to touchy to fast.
lance was a mess of emotions, standing up to hug the other back.
"you look even better in person, hun" he said with a little sarcasm, winking as he gave a snarky smile.
keith was fangirling on the inside, probably on the outside as well. he flicked his hair out of his eyes and giggled a little trying to be a little flirtatious.
"y-you want to get coffee?" he rambled out instead, losing all charm quite quickly.
"to be honest, i'm not much of a coffee fan, but i didn't want to pass up an excuse to meet such a babe" lance didn't know what he was doing, but it seemed to be working when he saw keith's cheeks start to redden.
"oh, okay! its really nice to meet you.... a-are you gay?! or bi or pan or whatever..." he mumbled off from his outburst. keith had to ask, he didn't know if the other was being nice or flirting with him.
"pan, everyones great." lance was happy that keith asked and gave him a warm smile.
"ooh! cool. i'm gay..." keith responded almost quietly, scared of anyone else hearing.
"i think we're going to get along real nice - heres my phone number, by the way, in case you want to talk in an easier way then tumblr comments." he said with a small laugh, writing his number down on a nearby napkin.
"thanks so much... oh shit i promised to be home by 5... im really sorry to run so soon..." keith started stumbling over his words until he was pulled close to the other boy.
"hey... its okay... hope i see you again soon" lance said as he pulled the other close to him, giving him a quick kiss before he let go and started walking towards the shops door.
keith stared in awe as the other left so suddenly, a blushing mess he waved bye and followed quick after him.
"b-bye!" he shouted after him, then running home, a sloppy smile amongst his face.
lance was strolling home, thoughts from the afternoon racing through his head when felt his phone go off.
"hi <3" from a number he didn't know, quickly squealing after remembering it was probably keith.
"had fun today- see you son?"
"yeah, i would like that c: "
a/n: first real fic ewwww... opinions? requests? critics? anything plz ;-;
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