A Place For Us
"Jared, I get it's a good role I just... I don't know. Singing? In front of a crowd? I-I can barely sing in front of you." Evan murmured, having just seen the cast for the show they were doing, "West Side Story". Evan had gotten cast as Tony, while Jared was on the stage crew.
"You'll do great. Who's the girl you're gonna be kissing?" Jared said rather quickly, almost defensively really.
"Zoe Murphy." He blushed a little, hiding his face as they continued down the hallway to the auditorium.
"Oh... She's... Nice?"
"Yeah." He giggled, pushing through the doors and following Jared onto the stage to start rehearsals. Jared wouldn't say he was jealous, for that would be an understatement. He had loved Evan for so long, three years, and he never seemed to get by him as more than a friend. Now that he was kissing Zoe that he pined for so desperately, he knew he had no chance.
So for the next few weeks, he watched Evan and Zoe kiss onstage. Evan insisted it was purely for directing purposes, but Jared couldn't help but think otherwise when he saw the pair together more than him and Evan.
"Hey, Ev! Wanna hang out at my place after rehearsal?"
"S-Sorry, I promised Zoe that we w-would practice our scenes." He said quickly, catching up with Zoe as she walked down the hall. Jared scowled silently, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked the other way to the auditorium. When he was backstage, he saw them giggling and talking together. He tried his best not to let it get to him, but he spent his nights crying most of the time. Tears splattered over his bedsheets as he sobbed, smiling almost insane to himself.
"Fuck you, Jared, for having feelings for someone you can't have." He whispered to himself, deciding to blast music until he went numb.
He came to school the next morning with red puffy eyes with dark bags underneath them, but still managing to smile when he saw Evan dance over to him happily.
"H-Hey, sorry for blowing you off yesterday. Wanna hang out before rehearsal today?"
"Yes! I-I mean, yeah, sure." He calmed himself down, smiling as he had a small skip in his step as he head to first period.
It was lunch, and once again Zoe and Evan were no where to be found. Jared ate lunch outside, alone by a small pond near the school. He stared off into space until he heard small voices coming from a nearby tree, peaking around to see Evan and Zoe. Kissing. He didn't bother eating anything for the rest of lunch, he had lost his appetite. So when he saw Evan waiting for him before rehearsal, he shoved by him and went to go work on props. Evan looked distraught, about to go after Jared but instead running off somewhere. By the end of rehearsal, both boys looked like a mess of pain and tears.
"Okay, I can't go on with this. W-What did I do?" Evan spoke weakly, managing to grab Jared before he ran home. They were outside, together, and for once without Zoe or anyone else nearby.
"Nothing, you did nothing, okay?" Jared snapped back, walking faster. Evan only caught up to his pace, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I know you better than anyone else, Jared Kleinman. I k-know you have a certain look when you get u-upset. I'm sorry for whatever I did, j-just tell me and I'll be sorry!"
"It's not even something you should be sorry about! I'm mad at myself... Pissed at myself... For..." He trailed off, grabbing the ends of his shirt and gripping them tightly.
"Damnit, Evan, for liking you!" He said as he started running. Evan only sprinted faster, managing to catch up to the other a few blocks from his house.
"No, Evan, I don't want to hear it!" He yelled back, tears streaming down his face as he collapsed against the door to his empty house, holding his face in his hands. Evan persisted, walking up the stairs slowly to approach the other.
"I-Is this because of her?"
"Because of Z-Zoe!" That was the loudest Jared had ever heard Evan's voice, and he just looked up to him shocked and nodded slowly.
"I know... I know you guys have a relationship or something a-and... I'm sorry I interfered."
"Jared, we aren't dating."
"I saw you kissing-"
"It's because we both like other people. Neither of us want to be kissing each other, so we had to practice to make sure we made it believable onstage." His voice was back to quiet, sitting down next to Jared but looking the other way. Evan didn't want Jared to see him blushing.
"O-Oh... Sorry"
"Jared... I-I like you." Jared looked to Evan in disbelief, and almost angry.
"You don't have to lie-"
"I'm not! I've liked you since... Well since I met you. I-I just thought you wanted us to be... F-Friends."
"Are you kidding, Hansen? I've been gay for you since the second we looked at each other." He nearly laughed. Evan was never usually confident, so it surprised Jared when he felt the his familiar hands on the side of his face. He leaned in, connecting their lips and feeling a rush of excitement through his body. They held onto the kiss for a few blissful moments, pulling away and looking deep into the others eyes.
"Damn, Evan. You're a good kisser." He whispered, his thumb rubbing softly over Evan's jaw as he admired his eyes.
"N-Not really-" Jared silenced him with another quick kiss, smiling softly as he moved to sit in the taller boys lap. Evan blushed, wrapping his arms around Jared's body.
"You promise you'll give me more kisses than you give Zoe?" Jared pouted his lip out a little, turning so he was looking at Evan. He earned a laugh from the other boy, feeling a kiss planted on his cheek soon after.
"Of course." He mumbled as he kissed from Jared's forehead all the way down to his lips. Jared smiled against the kiss, wrapping his legs around Evan's torso.
a.n: some fluff bc i've been writing so much angst lately!!! requested by @theschuylerlams
also,, hey if anyone wants to roleplay you should hit me up,,
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