Homework (Tuskkiyama)
Type- Fluff
⚠️- Flustered Yama, cussing
It was the end of class before lunch when Yamaguchi and Tsukishima's teacher assigned homework.
"Alright everyone! I want you all to do pages 420 and 421 for homework in the notebooks!" Their teacher said with a happy attitude.
Tsukishima really didn't like her. She was an okay teacher but she was ALWAYS happy and it annoyed him.
Yamaguchi on the other hand really liked her happy attitude but didn't like how she taught things.
She would always only teach one way of doing things and couldn't explain things very well at all.
He was completely lost in her class.
Just then the lunch bell rang making everyone get up and leave for the cafeteria.
Yamaguchi let out a sigh as he and Tsuki left the room.
"Are you okay Yamaguchi?" Tsukishima asked, a hint of concern slipping though his tone.
"Yeah I'm fine Tsuki!" Yamaguchi said quickly plastering on a fake smile.
"Okay..." The tall blond didn't seem convinced but let it slide for now. "So you're still coming to my house to study right?" He asked changing the topic.
"Yep!" Yamaguchi replied with a real smile this time getting a small smile back.
*After school & Practice*
Tsukishima made sure he and Yanaguchi were the first ones out of the gym as quickly as he could because he knew that they all would probably do some dumb stuff and they would get roped into it.
The taller boy looked down at the Greenet and saw that he looked slightly stressed.
"Are you sure your alright Yams?" He asked now showing his concern a little more seeing as they were out of the school and nobody else was around.
"What? Oh yeah I'm fine Tsuki!" Yamaguchi replied as he looked up at the blond with a smile.
Tsukishima didn't seem convinced.
"Here, put these on." He said as he took his headphones off put them on Yamaguchi's head confusing the smaller boy.
Tsukishima then put on his "Comfort Songs" playlist and turned the volume a little over half way up before grabbing onto Yamaguchi's wrist to make sure he could pull him away from anything that he couldn't hear coming.
Yamaguchi smiled up at Tsukishima as he moved his hand so it was now laced with the taller's before looking back infront of them.
The two continued to walk to Tsukishima's house in silence, well at least silence for Tsukishima.
Once they made it there Tsukishima let go of Yamaguchi's hand to unlock the door before walking in and taking off his shoes, shutting the door behind Yamaguchi who took his shoes off too.
The two boys then walked up to Tsukishima's room knowing that Tsuki's mother was still at work and his brother was out with friends.
Yamaguchi sat down at Tsukishima's desk as the blond sat on his bed, both of them pulling out their homework and getting to work, Yamaguchi still not taking the headphones off.
Ten minutes later, Tsukishima was already done with both pages and looked over to see if Yamaguchi needed any help.
What he didn't expect to see was Yamaguchi holding his head in his hands, shaking slightly with his eyes watering.
"What's wrong Tadashi?" He asked as he quickly got up, taking the headphones off so Yamaguchi could hear him.
"I don't understand anything! I tried to and I can't get it!" Yamaguchi replied sounding and looking very frustrated.
"That's okay, I can help you." Tsukishima said, his voice gentle as he squatted down infront of Yamaguchi.
"But you shouldn't have to help me! I should just know it like you already do!" Yama replied as a single tear slipped from the corner of his right eye.
"That's not true, everyone learns and picks up things at different times. Just because you don't understand it now doesn't mean you won't ever understand it or that you are behind. Your brain just takes a little longer to understand things." Tsukishima said calmly as he pulled the greenet into a hug.
Yamaguchi stayed quiet as he hugged Tsukishima back, taking a few deep breaths to calm down properly.
"Do you want to just copy my answers for now and I will teach you how to do it tomorrow?" Tsukishima asked as he rubbed up and down on Yamaguchi's back.
The smaller boy nodded before pulling out of the hug. "Thank you Tsuki." he said with a small smile.
"Anytime Yams." He replied with a small smile of his own before grabbing his own notebook and handing it to the other male.
Yamaguchi took the notebook and began coping the answers down into his own as Tsukishima pulled up Netflix on his tv.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asked as he scrolled through his recommended.
"Sure! Just please don't play Drastic Park or The Good Dinosaur because I don't think I can watch either of them again after the amount of times we have already seen it." Yamaguchi replied as he finished up with the homework.
The two boys had seen each movie at least fifty times because of how much Tsukishima liked them.
"That's fine, what about Peter Pan?" Tsukishima replied as he switched the tv over to Disney+.
"Sounds good to me." Yamaguchi replied before putting both of their homework into their respective bags and laying down next to his friend.
Tsukishima got up, turned off the lights and shut the curtains before getting back into the bed under the covers where Yamaguchi was curled into a little ball.
"Would you like a kiss?" Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi at the same time Wendy asked Peter.
Yamaguchi giggled thinking that Tsukishima was just reciting the lines but when Tsukishima leaned closer to him his suspicions grew.
"Sure." He giggled wanting to know what Tsukishima would do.
Tsukishima smirked before kissing Yamaguchi gently yet quickly before pulling away.
Yamaguchi froze as a dark blush bloomed across his face.
"Will you be my boyfriend Tadashi?" Tsukishima asked as a light pink blush crept up his neck and along his face.
"Yes! Why so randomly though?" Yamaguchi asked as he hugged his now boyfriend.
"Well I have been meaning to ask you out for quite a while now and I thought that I could use Wendy and Peter's kiss as an opportunity to ask you." Tsukishima replied as his blush spread up to his ears.
"Aww, that's adorable!" Yamaguchi cooed as he cuddled unto Tsukishima's chest.
Tsuki rolled his eyes fondly before running his hand through Yamaguchi's hair and paying attention to the movie.
In the end they both fell asleep and were woken up by Tsukishima's mother yelling that she was home.
1,081 Words! I haven't actually watched Peter Pan in forever so if that isn't actually a scene in it then just pretend it is for me please 😅
(Also this was published off of my Computer so if the spacing is weird then that's why.)
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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