Headphones (Tuskkiyama)
Type- Fluff
⚠️- Yamaguchi being nervous
Yamaguchi was over at Tsukishima's house for a sleepover. They were partners on a project and decided that it would be best if Yama stayed the night to get the work done quicker.
"I'm going to go ask my mom if we have anymore glue, I'll be right back." Tsukishima said before getting up and walking out of the room.
Yamaguchi nodded and continued to work on the project.
After a minute he got bored and looked around Tsuki's room.
He had been here many times before considering they were childhood friends.
As his eyes scanned across the familiar room, they landed on Tsuki's headphones.
Tsukishima would always wear them whenever he could.
"I wonder how much longer he will be?" Yamaguchi thought aloud as he looked at the door.
"Lets hope he doesn't come back too quickly." He said before grabbing the headphones and putting them on.
He plugged them into his phone and started to play his "random" Playlist.
"Woah." He breathed as he heard the base overpower everything else, his head vibrating with every beat.
Yamaguchi was so caught up in the music that he didn't notice Tsukishima walking into the room.
"What are you listening to?" He asked as he took one of the sides of the headphones off of Yamaguchi's ear.
Yamaguchi jumped as a dark blush covered his face.
"Tsuki!" He said as he looked at the tall blond.
"Yes?" Tsukishima answered with one of his eyebrows raised.
"Gomen, I should have asked before I used these." Yamaguchi said quickly as he took the headphones off, his music pausing as he unplugged them.
"It's fine Yama, here listen to this Playlist. It's what I listen to whenever I have them on, the base is the best with them." Tsukishima said as he plugged the headphones into his phone turning on his "🎧" Playlist.
He then put the headphones back onto Yamaguchi's head and turned the volume up to a little over half way.
Yamaguchi's eyes widened as "DAYWALKER" by CORPSE started to blast in his ears.
"Do you need me to turn it down?" Tsukishima asked loudly so Yamaguchi could hear him.
Yamaguchi shook his head no as he smiled.
"This is crazy!" He said loudly with a large grin, these headphones were powerful!
Tsukishima blushed lightly and gave Yamaguchi a small smile before looking away from him.
"How is he so cute?" Tsukishima thought as he returned to the project giving Yamaguchi a break.
A while later Tsukishima was mostly done with the project when he heard his mother yell that dinner was done.
He gently shook Yamaguchi's shoulder startling the boy.
"Yes Tsuki?" Yamaguchi replied as he took the headphones off.
"Dinner is ready." Tsukishima replied with a light blush. Yamaguchi didn't have to do anything and yet he was able to look so cute! It was killing Tsukishima.
"Okay Tsuki, I'll go wash up." Yamaguchi replied as he took the headphones off fully and set them down onto the table before standing up and heading to the bathroom to wash his hands.
Tsukishima paused the music and unplugged the headphones before getting up to wash his hands as well.
The two walked downstairs together before walking into the kitchen to find Mrs.Tsukishima and Akiteru waiting for them at the table.
*After dinner*
"Now you two should get some rest, save the rest of the project for tomorrow. You have both been working very hard on it today and need a break." Mrs.Tsukashima said kindly to Yamaguchi and her youngest son.
"Okay mom." Tsukishima said at the same time Yamaguchi said "Yes Mrs.Tsukishima."
They then thanked her for the delicious dinner before heading back upstairs to Kei's room.
"I'll put up the supplies, you can get ready for bed." Tsukishima said as he started to collect all of the supplies off of the small table.
"Okay, thank you Tsuki." Yamaguchi replied with a smile as he grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom to change.
*Once they have both changed and are now in their pajamas*
Tsukishima was wearing a dinosaur onzie while Yamaguchi was wearing a strawberry one.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Tsukishima asked seeing that it was only nine thirty.
"Sure!" Yamaguchi replied as they both layed down on Tsuki's bed.
Tsukishima nodded and pulled up Jarasic Park off of Netflix. He would have gotten his DVD of it but he was already comfortable and didn't want to move.
Half way through the movie Yamaguchi had moved closer to Tsukishima and with a sudden burst of confidence he rested his head on the taller's chest.
Instead of pushing Yamaguchi off or complaining like Yamaguchi thought he would do, Tsukishima wrapped an arm around his waist and brought him closer. With his other hand he ran it through Yamaguchi's green hair.
Yamaguchi's face blossomed into a bright red as he cuddled closer to Tsuki.
"G'night Tsuki." Yamaguchi mumbled feeling tired yet comfortable, relaxed, and safe.
"Goodnight Yams." Tsuki replied before kissing the top of Yamaguchi's head and continued watching the movie.
With that Yamaguchi fell asleep, a smile and a blush resting on his face.
*The next morning*
"Boys! Get up! You have to get to Volleyball practice!" Akiteru yelled as he barged into the room, not blinking an eye at the two cuddling.
Yamaguchi woke up with a jump, not expecting the loudness making Tsuki wrapp his arms around him again, pulling him to his chest.
"Shut up Akiteru." Kei mumbled as he hid his face in Yamaguchi's hair.
"No, get up now! I'm sure Yamaguchi will be fine with you two cuddling later but right now you need to get up and get ready. I'm driving you two so be ready in ten." He said before leaving.
"Come on Tsuki, I don't want to be late." Yamaguchi said with a blush from Akiteru's previous statement.
*sigh* "Fine." Kei agreed before letting Yamaguchi go and allowing him up.
The two quickly got ready before grabbing their gym bags and heading out the door, Akiteru following them.
Mrs.Tsukishima was already at work so they didn't get to tell her bye.
"Alright lovebirds, get in and buckle up!" Akiteru said with a smile making Tadashi blush and Kei roll his eyes.
*Once they get to the gym & Akiteru has gone back home*
"Sup Tsuki-dude and Yama?!" Tanaka said with a grin as the two intered the gym.
"Don't call me that." Tsukishima said as he moved to the lockerroom to change.
"Good Tanaka-san, how are you?" Yamaguchi replied with a polite smile.
"Great!" Tamaka replied before seeing Enoshita walk in.
"Babe!" He yelled as he ran to the boy, tackling him into an unexpected hug.
Yamaguchi took that as his que to leave and walked into the lockerroom to change as well.
*After practice*
"Tsuki, can I try on your headphones?" Noya asked as Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were about to leave the gym.
"Don't call me that and no." Kei replied withought missing a beat.
"Why can't I call you that? Yama does!" Noya whined, in all honesty he didn't care he just liked messing with Tsukishima.
"Dont call him that and he is different." Tsukishima replied just as quickly as last time.
"And why can't I call him Yama? You call him that." Noya asked as he looked at the two now noticing Yamaguchi's blush.
"Because I can and you can't. Lets go Tadashi." Tsukiyama said as he turned around, Yamaguchi's blush brighting when Tsuki used his first name.
"Coming Tsuki!" He said as he gave Noay an apoligetic smile before following Tsukishima out of the gym.
"Hey Tsukishima! Yamaguchi!" Yachi said as she and Kiyoko walked over to the two boys.
"Hello." Tsukishima replied in a monotone voice. He didn't hate her but he didn't really like her either.
"Hey Yachi! Kiyoko!" Yamaguchi replied with a smile that matched hers as Kiyoko waved in acknowledgement.
"I was wondering if I could take photos of you two for a present I'm making for the third years!" Yachi asked as she heald up a Polaroid camera.
"Sure!" Yamaguchi replied before looking twards Tsukishima and adding "Well if it's okay with Tsuki."
"Whatever." Tsukishima answered. If it had been anyone else to ask and if Yams hadn't already agreed then he would have turned them down in a heartbeat.
"Yay! Okay so Tsukishima, can you hold this and look away from the camera?" Yachi asked as she handed him an empty Starbucks cup.
"Um... sure." He said as he did as he was asked.
When he heard a click he looked over.
"Okay now we are going to do one of Yamaguchi alone but you need to change into this first." Kiyoko said as she handed Yamaguchi a bag of clothes and accessories.
"Okay!" Yamaguchi said before going back into the lockerroom to change quickly.
When he came back out he was wearing a ripped black t-shirt, a black jacket, two chokers, a lot of fake peircings, and some ripped black skinny jeans.
Tsukishima blushed and looked away from him as Yachi squealed.
"You look great Yama!" She said happily as Kiyoko gave him a sucker.
"Here, put this in your mouth, hange the jacket off of your shoulders, and then look at the camera." She said making Yamaguchi nod and do so.
"This is going to look great! Okay now go and change back into what you were doing before so you and Tsukishima can do something together." Yachi said, her smile never leaving her face.
"Okay!" Yamaguchi said before changing once again.
When he came back out he saw that Tsukishima had his headphones on and the girls were talking to each other.
"So what do you want us to do?" He asked bring all of their attention to him.
"Oh! Whatever you want. Just as long as it's together it will be great!" Yachi replied getting a nod from the two.
Yamaguchi moved so he was infront of Kei and took his headphones off before giving them to Kiyoko.
Both girls thought Tsukishima was going to snap at him but all that happened was him giving the smaller a confused look.
Yamaguchi then turned around so his back was facing Tsukishima's chest and raised his hand to his face.
Kei raised his hand as well, still confused as to what was happening but thought he was supposed to.
The two heard a click and Yamaguchi turned around and hugged Tsuki.
"Awwwww they look amazing!" Yachi exclaimed as the photos now showed up.
"Can we see?" Yamaguchi asked as Tsukishima hugged him back.
"Of course!" She replied as she showed the two the photos.
"Wow Tsuki, you look cool!" Yamaguchi said with a grin as he turned around, Tsukishima's arms now around his waist and his headphones around his neck.
"Thanks Yams." Kei replied with a small smile as Kiyoko smiled at the two knowingly.
Tsukishima blushed and looked away from the photo as Yamaguchi's eyes widened. "Woah! I look so cool!" He said with a grin.
Both boys blushed at this photo and didn't say anything. "I think you two would be adorable together and I also think that Sugamama is going to like this photo the most." Yachi said, Kiyoko instantly agreeing with her.
Tsukishima put the headphones on Yamaguchi's head and started to play a random song so he wouldn't be able to hear their conversation.
"Look, I don't strongly dislike you two and I would like to keep it that way. Please don't say things like that because it internally gets my hopes up when I try to keep them down. He clearly only thinks of he as a frie-" Tsukishima was cut off by Yamaguchi kissing his cheek making him freez.
"The volume was super low Tsuki, I like you too." Yamaguchi said as Yachi heald in a fangirl squeal.
After a second Tsukishima understood what Yamaguchi said and smiled down at him.
"Your not lying to me right?" He asked as he looked the greenet in the eyes.
"No Tsuki, I'm not lying to you." Yamaguchi replied with a smile.
"Then can I be your boyfriend?" He asked cautiously, completely forgetting about Kiyoko and Yachi standing there.
"Yes!" Yamaguchi exclaimed as he tackled Tsukishima into a hug.
"Awww!!!" Yachi squealed as Kiyoko pressed the stop button on her phone, she had just recorded that entire thing.
"Ugh, I forgot you two were here." Kei groaned as Yamaguchi giggled.
"How come he gets to wear your headphones?!" Noya asked as he, Asahi, Tanak, and Enoshita all walked out of the gym.
"Becaue he is my boyfriend, let's go home Yama, I'm tired of these people." Tsuki said making the team give offended gasps and Yamaguchi giggle while following him.
✨And they all lived happily ever after✨
2,151 Words! This sucked & I'm sorry about that!
I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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